» Esotericism » Practical Witchery!, John Stormm [ap literature book list txt] 📗

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even your courage and bravery to face them, are as REAL as YOU are. It’s no less brave of you, simply because you were only asleep. You were in fact, responding to what you perceived as a very real and imminent danger. Likewise, should that danger raise your fears to such a pitch, as to even the point of death, it is HIGHLY possible that you could suffer a serious, or even fatal heart attack or a stroke, in that night’s dreaming.

Among the more esoteric witches and wizards, of greater depths and levels, it is even possible, to come upon a victim, or fight a nemesis in an astral, or dream plane and “cut their silver cord”, and thereby render them cut loose, from being able to return and rejoin with their bodies. These situations, are often manifest in their victims not ever regaining consciousness again, or becoming as “comatose”, for the duration of their physical lives. In the vernacular: The lights are still on, but nobody’s home anymore.

AWAKENED, I find myself dreaming,

in a place I've never been before.

So I fly through the night,

by my spirit's own sight,

and leave that far darkened shore.

AWAKENED, I find myself flying,

from the night to realms of day.

I am searching below,

for someone I know.

Perhaps, I can show them the way.

AWAKENED, I find myself explaining,

a millennium is but a moment in time,

that God loves us all,

the great AND the small.

There's a place where the Son still shines.

AWAKENED. one day in His likeness,

and like Him, that day I shall rise.

When I've run my long race,

thanking God for His grace,

and I'll soar through Eternity's skies.

Another such aspect of finding ones self lucid in their own dreams, is that if you so desire: You can leave that plane of amusement, for exploring realms of a bit more substance and complexity. It is no longer things that are merely in your own mind, that you are seeing and experiencing past this point. And again, I have yet another caveat for you.

I’ve heard many lectures, and read many books by New Age, and Illuminist mystics of many sorts. I’ve heard them tout, how that it is a fine and easy thing to explore your every sexual fantasy, among other fantasies in these realms. That you could have wild sex, with an elf, a mermaid, or a seductive vampire! And in the most superficial sense, in the privacy of your own creativity, in your own minds; that may be true. BUT… there’s going to be times and places, where you aren’t just dealing with people and creatures that you “made up” in your own head. They are, who they are. Individuals, with their OWN minds and agendas. And if you are going to be crude, or abusive to them in any way, they may well have their own means, of defending their own honor, that is over and above your own. Be nice, where ever you can afford to be!

Remember earlier in this chapter, when we discussed those odd times when you could intelligibly read something written in a book, or deal with numbers and such things as are managed by the left hemisphere of your brain. What you were seeing, was NOT a product of your imagination! It may have seemed like a fairy tale kind of place or an alien world or dimension, and because of that, you assumed that it couldn’t be REAL. Many mystics of various cultures and craft, have been known to leave their bodies, to go and peruse the many volumes and tomes of Akashic Records, in a most unusual, extra-dimensional Library, to gain knowledge and wisdom in their efforts and studies. They all learned very REAL things in this manner. This is also another option that you gain, by becoming more adept or proficient in your lucid dreaming.

Astral Projection…

Remember the studies above, of the good Dr, Eccles: That your brain is a machine, designed to be operated by a “ghost”. In the cases that we are speaking of here: Elvis has left the building! Or more concisely: your “ghost” has left your body, as it were, and has traveled to yet another realm, or parallel existence. This is the very nature of “astral projection”, where your “ghost”, awareness, or astral self has left the confines of your physical body, and gone exploring realms known (someplace on this earth or material plane), or unknown. It is not merely a 4th Dimensional construct as your physical body, so it has nearly none of its limitations. Whereas your body is used to operating in three dimensions of physical space, and only one dimension of space/time. Your soul or astral self, is capable of freedom of movement in more dimensions still.

We’ve discussed a little in depth, on how that it is possible to awaken in your own dreams, and take them to yet another level called astral projection. But many times, you will go to bed and travel on your own river of dreams, without ever being the wiser that it is only a dream. If it’s pleasant enough, it may be well just to enjoy the ride, and let your mind sort itself out on a few things. But suppose, that you have a real urgent purpose, to want to astral project somewhere, and possibly visit, or check up on a loved one who is far away? What can you do to initiate the astral travel, without having to wait for one of those rare times, when you’ve done a reality check, and found that you were aware that you’re dreaming?

For myself, I started my own in depth study of this phenomenon at around the age of nine years old. I was “adept”, and my Grandma kept me stocked in many old, and out of print books, of many strange case histories of people who visited loved ones in stress, or in danger, or even appeared to them as either appearing material, or as “ghosts”, wandering through their homes, only to validate at a later time, that what they saw or experienced, was NOT merely a figment of their fevered imaginations! I kept my trusty notebooks handy, and I took notes of ALL the things, that were commonly mentioned in the bulk of those case histories. Every good witch, is also a good detective!

1.) In nearly every case, the person projecting was fatigued beyond words, and had fallen quickly into a deep, deep sleep. Often without even being aware that they had.

1a.) I had cross referenced this fact, with what modern sleep specialists call a deep R.E.M. sleep, where the dreaming starts getting heavy. Useful information!

2.) In each instance, the person projecting had either an urgent or ardent desire to see someone, who was not accessible to them at the time.

2a.) There was always strong emotive content, impelling them to make the trip.

2b.) My main book of case histories was “The Laws of Psychic Phenomenon” written by a Professor Thomas J. Hudson, circa 1825. So, there was no telephones, emails, or a quick drive to a neighboring or distant city to see someone. It was “impossible” to accomplish, by mere 4 Dimensional means, making it necessary to accomplish via extra-dimensional means.

2c.) Witchery is a craft that does not “break or defies the laws of Nature”. It supersedes them with other valid laws. (i.e.- planes fly, not because they DEFY the law of gravity, but supersedes that, via the laws of aerodynamics)

3.) Each person projecting thus, had a link, or a reason to, and had nothing else but this on their minds, when they finally passed out from fatigue, into that deeper state of R.E.M. sleep.

3a.) In essence: They had the benefit of falling directly into that deeper state of sleep, before their minds could get bored and wander off into other realms of dreaming. Hence, they got straight to the point of that thing, that was concerning them the most, and by means of their own extra-dimensional “minds”, astral selves, “ghosts”, they were able to invoke a higher set of rules of physics, to make the needed trip.

In some cases, the projector entered the rooms, as the invisible ghost of a living person. The target person may not have physically seen them present. But in most of these cases, they felt that there was someone in the room with them. In many of these particular cases, they may even have felt that they knew who that was.

In slightly rarer cases, the intensity was such that the target person, may have actually saw the ethereal appearance of the projector’s ghost, walking about in their house, at the set time of the projection. This often led them to believe that the projector had suffered from some fatal accident, or death of some sort, and must be there to tell them such. It was often not until much later, when actual letters were exchanged, that they would learn the truth of the nature of their visitation.

In cases rarer still, it appeared that the projector was physically and fully in the room with the target person. Even to the point, where one or more other persons present, witnessed this. And they simply faded or vanished shortly after they were seen. Rarer still, were versions where the projector could be heard speaking to them. In most of these cases, it had appeared that the projector had lost their voice. The mouth might move, but no sounds were heard.

By the time that I was twelve years old, I had a martial arts teacher, who proved to be very interested in the notes, that he had found in my Book of Shadows. We would sit for hours, over cups of coffee, discussing many aspects of our lives beyond the pale, and we had decided that we had plenty enough information in my notebooks, to pull off a very valid experiment in astral projection. I was to choose my own night, without notice, and a specific outfit of clothing, to be written in my dream diary. I would pick out a night after a particularly hard and active day. As it was, I had the perfect scenario working at home, to make me as dead dog tired, as a young boy could get.

My step father’s brothers were visiting, and that meant many late nights of drinking and poker playing, and loud talking and laughing: “See it open, Bobo!” I had many extra jobs that I’d do to earn myself extra money for those things that I wanted out of life. It didn’t come any other way for me. And I also had my martial arts training with John Little Fox, and he was just the guy to inspire a boy like me to new heights of applying myself to my lessons. You had to see it, to believe it. I hadn’t had a full and decent night’s sleep a few days, and I had run myself ragged that day. So I wrote my entry for the night’s activities in my Book of Shadows.

“Very, very tired, the PERFECT night for this! I will picture myself, wearing my black and white striped , turtleneck sweater, over my white jeans. I’m sure it will stand out in the dark. I’ll envision myself standing at the foot of Little Fox’s bed and try to get his attention tonight.” Saturday, July 23rd, 1966

I went to bed that night, the ruckus was still going on with the poker game in the kitchen, but I was dead tired. I took several deep cleansing breaths and shook as much of the fatigue out of my arms and legs as I could, before getting into my bed. I laid out comfortably on my back, with my arms and hands at my side, and took a couple more deep breaths and let them out slowly. All the while, I was allowing my limbs the sensation of sinking into the bed. In my mind, I was building up the picture of myself wearing that white outfit, in all the details, standing at

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