» Esotericism » Practical Witchery!, John Stormm [ap literature book list txt] 📗

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the foot of my master’s bed, seeing all the details of the room around me. I could even see him asleep in it. I was thinking of waving, jumping, shouting or something, but didn’t have to go that far, before he sat bolt upright in his bed. He looked hard at me and reached over the side of the bed and grabbed one of his moccasins and threw it at me. It passed right through me and hit the window blinds on the bedroom window behind me. I remember us both laughing about it.

The next morning was a Sunday, around nine A.M., which was like sleeping in late for us. My mom and my step dad were making breakfast for us in the kitchen, when an excited rapping on the back screen door, signaled that John Little Fox had arrived. He was excitedly telling my folks about our successful experiment, and how I had appeared in his home, dressed in a football referee outfit, and that he threw a shoe through me. My step dad, thought he was crazy, until I brought out my notebook/dream diary to the breakfast table with me. I had always spooked him more than a little, and that was actually a good thing in our household, back then. I had done this a few times before this, much in the “luck of the draw” as anything else. But this was my first time, accomplishing this as a conscious act of will and detail. I’ve done it many times since then, and on a few rare occasions, I made quite a splash, by appearing to be fully physically manifesting to a whole room full of people. It’s not the sort of thing that can be done, merely on a whim. But you can have a great deal of fun, just trying. You’ll be surprised at what you might find out this way.

The Wraith Project...

      There is an aspect of astral projection, that is commonly used in spellcraft, called "casting a wraith".  It would probably be easier to explain, if I simply described one such spell that myself and a few like minded witches have been using, to combat a particularly evil group of Illuminist warlock types.  I've described some of the richest, oldest and powerful families of such, in earlier chapters.  They go about, working their plans to make themselves as "the little gods of this world", and have not the slightest conscience about who they hurt or destroy in the process.  So, we're looking for the singular influences, or buttons that we can press, to give them pause to reconsider their ways.  Or, if nothing else, ruin their chances of getting a good night's sleep, and not being so fresh and revived the next morning, to be so very on top of their plans for world domination.

         So, we agreed that by sending one terrifying image, of a very traditional "witch of the blood", like a "dark avenging angel with a sword", to wander their homes, and halls of power at night.  Instead of projecting our own individual images, and picturing each of ourselves, standing at the feet of their beds, or such.  We project our "wraith", as pictured below, wandering down their halls with a passion, and slicing at the air before them, with that lit up "sword of Merlin".  Let them make of it what they will.  It carries all of our own passions and outrage, at the evil that these men and women work upon their victims, in their lust for more and more power.  If you're particularly upset, at the wicked abuses of power and wealth in the world: This particular image/wraith is already charged with a purpose.  As long as your own focus is the same, you're welcomed to fall asleep at night, and picture yourself as me, in anger, indignation and moral outrage, haunting the halls of power someplace.  You actually NEED to have all the details focused in your mind as you're falling asleep.  The same tenets apply to this as a standard projection.


Someone is dreaming about vampires,

and that’s why we fly this night.

Too much pizza and beer before bedtime,

and we exist for one evening of fright.

We are dreamed into existence,

the product of a fevered mind.

They are not our foe,

but a kindred soul,

who dreamed,

and so, we dine!

Someone is dreaming about vampires.

We awaken when they go to sleep.

Our victims are merely sweet figments,

that allow us to drink long and deep.

Someone dreamed us alive tonight,

and they want us to misbehave.

With mere hours to thrill,

in the hunt and the kill,

dreams vanish in light of day.


Group Astral Projections…

If you have a few similarly minded friends, there’s yet another option to this, that I’ve tried successfully in the past. The time frame was between 1990-1993, and the Internet was in its infancy back then. I was the current moderator of the Intellec Conference on the Paranormal, and I was gaining popularity for bringing a whole new dimension to an online discussion group. We didn’t just discuss tales and experiences of the paranormal, we had a few “real, live witches” and I would sometimes come to visit a group of them in some pre-selected city, once or twice a year, and share my craft, and maybe demonstrate some of it, and share how they might be able to accomplish a bit more, than just speculating on a phenomenon. We went and explored haunted sites, dowsed for rifts, charged crystals with “chi” power, visit psychic fairs and dressed up to visit renaissance faires. It was during those years, and during those experiments that my kids and I, did the rift experiment that you can see, and read about in “Parting The Veil of Worlds”. It wasn’t a “fantasy”. We went there with specific results in mind… and it blew our minds. But we took pictures too!

Being that this was the Paranormal Conference, inevitably the topic of whether or not people either had, or were souls came up, and I felt that I could prove that to them beyond any shadow of doubt, without invoking a million religious arguments. You already know, how I feel about those. When they asked how: my answer was through astral projection. I had shared my experience with my master at age twelve, and not a few paranormal aficionados, had put in their own two cents worth on the subject as well. We all were pretty much in agreement, that if our brains were in our bodies, and our bodies were home in bed, and if we were actively seeing and experiencing, a very real place and time, with outside confirmation, that it must be our souls doing the traveling, because all of our physical senses resided in physical organs. So, if true, and do-able, there MUST be more to the human being than mere flesh, blood and bones!

There was also some concern about the safety of souls out wandering the world alone, as our forum discussed and explored a good many things that we were certain were wandering about, out there as well. Witches shared protection rituals and techniques. I was going to lead these “astral tours”, and I had prepared a few of my own. Much like right now; I wanted them to become wiser and more formidable souls than they were “yesterday”, so I didn’t want to lose ANY of them tonight. The network back then worked a bit differently, than the near real time effect that you have with the Internet today.

Essentially, our friends accessed BBS’s in their parts of the country and the world, that were Intellec members and “hubs”. Once or twice a day, those hubs, would upload their files and messages to their central hub, and download all the files and conference updates to their local hubs, where the individual conference members could read and share them. There was little more than a line of type on the screen, with a tagline that would identify the member, and their BBS of origin. So, when I would astral project or remote view and describe a member and their homes, they didn’t have a whole lot of reason, to doubt that I could make good on my words. This was also how we proved our astral projection techniques, to our own satisfaction.

We picked a power site, such as Stone Henge, on the Salisbury Plain, or Ayer’s Rock, in Central Australia, among a few others. First, we could look at them on a map, and download pictures of them, to have an idea of where we wanted to picture ourselves going. Secondly, and no less importantly: We had other Intellec Conference members who lived near enough to those sites, to confirm the conditions prevalent on the times that we had made our trips.

We’d then set a date to try that evening at bedtime, for our Astral Tour of the specific site agreed upon. We’d agree to be there at a certain local time, local to that area. We often made Stone Henge, around midnight or just prior to sunrise. And Ayer’s Rock usually happened somewhere around midday or so. We planned our days prior to the trip, to be very busy or demanding ones. And many put up pictures to remind themselves, post-it notes on the fridge with the time, place and dates, and even subliminal hypnosis programs in their computers, to flash the command every so many fractions of a second, that they’d want to be there.

On the night of the Astral Tour, we’d go to bed, preparing ourselves, much in the same way that I described in my first working experiment. The deal was that first thing upon waking, to get online and access the conference, and post whatever dreams that you had that night, however strange or silly they might seem. As it was then, it would be several hours before their local hub would upload their postings to the conference, and download what was already in it. So it would be by later that following evening, before we’d hear from everyone who had tried the trip. Our “spotters” were local to the areas, would report the temperature and general weather conditions, or even what they may have seen there by going physically near to the site at the prescribed times.

The majority of projectors, would give details that coincided with the conditions, overcast, clear, rainy, snow, or such. Ayers Rock didn’t change much in the middle of an Aussie desert, but we did have trips that coincided with a tumultuous downpour or two, over that time. Australia is much like Texas, in that it doesn’t do anything in half measures. I would get onsite first, and make myself the beacon to draw the others to me. One by one, they would show up, often flying down from the heights, without an airplane or a broomstick.

We’d describe the others as we saw them, and those would be remarkably accurate as people said” “That’s me!” Sometimes vortexes, orbs and other phenomenon would be described and reported too. We also learned that the times that we actually fell asleep, didn’t have much bearing as to what times that we got there. If we were focused on being there, at a certain local time: that’s the time we’d show up there. Time and space, don’t quite have the same restrictions on an astral body, that they do on our physical bodies. Our members had learned that they were living spirits in physical bodies, and this made a great many other paranormal occurrences seem a lot less un-natural to them.

When you learn to understand yourself to BE a soul, and not just HAVING a soul, all that you learn of other ghosts, takes all the “supernaturalism” and spookiness out of it all. I’ve noticed that hospitals tend to have many ghosts, though most of those won’t stay for very long, before they figure out that they have some other places, to move along to. People, whether

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