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In the eyes of another, things could never work out and things can go way too far.

Digging Deep is a memoir about the author’s journey to understand his role in the destruction of his three marriages. He struggled on the cusp of the moralistic generation that grew up in the 1940’s and 50’s and the next generation that embraced sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll, as well as greater independence and equality for women. This book is instructive for anyone in a relationship in these times when many couples and individuals are grappling with the new order in relationships.

I’ve never driven to the lake by myself. I googled the directions. It is two hours thirty- four minutes from home, a little closer from school. When I was little, I never paid attention to the time or the distance. My younger sister Sierra and I sat in the back seat reading or doing crosswords and the ride didn’t seem any longer than going to the mall, except sometimes we had to stop and pee. Now I’m driving to the lake house for the first time in more than five years feeling a mixture of

Mom and Dad divorced when Madison (Maddy), my twin, and I were eleven and our sister Carrie was nine. Even though Dad always traveled a lot for work, up until then, our lives had been normal. But what is normal? After the divorce, Mom dated several guys, but they all had kids, mostly bratty boys, and other issues that made them poor choices for being a stepfather. Then Mom met Alicia and things became normal again, at least a new version of normal. At first, it was weird seeing Mom in bed with

As I walk through the mall, I am filled with a sense of adventure. I’m here shopping for clothes for a special date tomorrow night. I walk into Morgan’s, a store that caters to upscale professional women, not the usual destination for a college girl. I catch the attention of a younger, friendly looking salesclerk and explain to her that I am looking for a business suit to wear on my first day as an intern at a big financial firm downtown. She takes me over to the section for business attire and

Sometimes in life, some things happen that couldn't be imagined and then become routine, and finally become needed and desired. How can you explain the journey?

Fashion is an important aspect of our lives. Why do women and beauty products get along so well? The answer is simple: cosmetics make you appear beautiful, and women want to look beautiful, so you've got yourself a match made in heaven - the perfect couple. Today's fashion and the newest lipstick colors are no assurance that you will look beautiful if you do not feel good about yourself.

Every woman has a dream to become a mother and to experience those 9 months of pregnancy and weave dreams every day for the baby. Also, to become a mother is considered to be the greatest happiness in a woman's life.

If you are a new parent who is always struggling with his/her baby's sleeping pattern, look no more. We have compiled a few easy pointers about how to make a baby sleep on time.

If total global costs of failed marriages and divorces all over the world are calculated, it would stand at many thousand billions of dollars. If saved, it can eradicate poverty and starvation from the face of earth. Saving marriages is enterprising social economics. What it costs to save this wastage? What investment saves marriages? At least this one costs nothing.