» Family & Relationships » My story, Skye Serjak [speld decodable readers .TXT] 📗

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I was born on brezzy fall morning . My name is Skye serjak and I am the second oldest of five children and this is my story ............................ Many years after I was born my biological mother left us my brother and sister and my dad and me . Due to him leaving us because he knew he could not raise us himself .He willing fully gave us to social services.Which placed us in foster care.I can still remebering saying good bye to my father with tears streaming down my face . As we all sat on the other side of the glass window ,hoping our father would change his mind . As we all saw him in the rose colored room discussing our where abouts . like where we go and how the process works . that day haunts me to this day .That feeling of losing someone whom i loved very much haunts my present relationships .My brother ,sister and I are being put in the same foster care homes with differnt parents for what it seems like each month at a differnt foster care home . And it wasn't that we where bad kids its just that most of them didn't want three kids at one time. Untill on month we went to the Serjaks house and from the moment i meet the couple there i just had a feeling that we wouldn't be going to a differnt foster care home for awhile . We had lived with them for a few months when the deciated to adopt us .we learned of this a couple of days later over dinner.For once in my life i finally found a new family that was there and wont abandon me like my biological mother had done before and i was enlighted with the idea of having a family back.(At this point in life i was 9 years old the process of getting adopted took a few years.on a winter day of feburary 18 2005 at 10 a.m. we(my brother and sister and i ) where adopted.After leaving the court house the family went out to a resteraint .
*************A FEW YEARS LATER ******************
My parents got a call that a young three year old needed a foster home and my parents asked us if we wanted a younger brother and we agreed . A few months go by and a call came saying that his older sister by one year needed a home also , we agreed . A couple of years go by and my parents deciated to adopt the other two children.While geting all the paperwork filled out for the adoption my parents requested if the other two could be adopted on the same day as the oldest three . They got a response saying that they could and asked the oldest three if thats ok and i originally wasn't all in to the idea ,because that day was supposed to be our speacal day and nobody elses then i sat down and relised how selfish that thought was and agreed with the other two . The youngest two where adopted on February 18th of 2009. Now our big family is enjoying life to the fullest by being heavilly connected in to church and enjoying every day we've been given .


Publication Date: 06-19-2011

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