» Family & Relationships » Living In A World of Hell, Daysha Williamson [books like beach read .TXT] 📗

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Living In a World of Hell!

By:Daysha Williamson

“look at her, she look like a ugly dog, how she gone be smart and ugly hahahha” is what one of the boys said when I answer the question on the board. I am so tired of people talking about me and then I have my mother boyfriend who always picking with me then I have my mother scared of him so she doing what he said, I hate life and I just don’t want to live no more. I always think maybe if I don’t live any more then people would not mess with and I want have to go through all this stress. People tease me about numerous things, they say Im dirty because I wear the same thing and sometimes they’re stains on them but it isn’t my fault my mother doesn’t want to buy a washer because she spends all her money on her, her man and my little sister and when I try cleaning with my hands the stain doesn’t come out.
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That same day I just walked out the class because I was to tired of everybody saying things to me so I walked out and went into the girls washroom. When I went into the washroom I took my shoe strings out of my shoes and I wrap it around my neck and I was already dizzy and hungry so I fell out. Next thing I know I am in the hospital and I see all these nurses and doctor speaking with my mother and her boyfriend just kept mean mugging me , so I turned my head. Then my mama came in all sweet talking about “baby why did you try to do this” like everything was all cool so I just ignored her. After that my mother took me home and so I asked could I get some McDonalds and my mother said sure sweetie and then he has the nerve to say “she don’t need nothing trying to kill herself because if it would have succeeded then you wouldn’t have no food” I could do nothing but burst into tears because if I said something it would have been all hell so I just start crying.

My mother got the McDonalds after she had begged him to let me get it and we went home and I just fell asleep. The next day I went to school and the teacher pulled me to the side and asked what happened and why I tried killing myself and one of the kids over heard it so they went in the class and spread the word, next thing I know as soon as I walked in I hear “ she so stupid she wanted to kill her elf I thought she was smart” but I ignored it and let it be. This one girl was so stupid she came up to me and start tapping me saying “you’re a stupid & ugly little girl” next thing I know this girl was getting stabbed in her chess by me with a pencil I didn’t know what I was doing but I was stabbing her, then the police was putting me in hand cuffs. I could not believe that out of all people I would be the one in hand cuffs it couldn’t be me but it was I had officially stabbed somebody.

When I got to the police station all I heard was, no court date she just have to go jail for 1 month but only because she was being bullied otherwise she would have like 3 years because she is really damaged. My life was over I couldn’t read all day no more I cant do math for fun anymore no more school or seeing my teachers I’m bomb.
When the policemen moved me to the sail it was already someone there, so of course I asked who was she. “Um excuse me, what’s your name?” “ Hi, I’m Juanita Sanford what’s you name?” “ Im Jessica Clinton and what are you in for”? “ Because I stabbed my father for killing my mother his name is Joe Clinton” “Oh my gosh are you serious, he is my mother boyfriend and he always pick with me and he abuse me but my mother never believe me” I told her about to cry. “ That’s what he always do, we gonna have to pray and you are my sister, ill protect you,no one will mess with you” “Okay, then after that we went to go eat lunch”

When we got to the lunchroom there was dikes and everything there i was to scared i almost used it into my pants. I heard a girl say “fresh meat in the house” then that’s when a bunch of girl crowded up on me and then Joe daughter told them to get off that and they left me alone.
Later that day I went to make my phone call of the night so I called my mother and told her everything I told her all about how he killed somebody and how he used to raped his own daughter and how rapped the mother and that’s how the daughter came to be. Then she just start crying I could hear him in the back asking why she is crying and who is she talking to and she told him it was me then he hung up right in my face like I wasn’t even on the phone. When I got back to the sail I told his daughter and she said that’s crazy and she wish he was dead. Later on she told me about everything and how her dad use to abuse her and fake like he didn’t and he told her to act like she fell when she had sores on her face so one day she got sick and tired when she was thinking about her mother’s death and got a knife and stabbed him in the face I always wondered why he had that scar but he told my mother that someone jumped him because he had the big money but he wasn’t a drug dealer. But I find out that he was in the gang and he was a Stone. I just couldn’t believe my ears but all this was true. I really didn’t like the place because when I used the washroom, even though I felt like I knew her I had to used it in front of her and wash up in front her .
The next day everyone was woke up to go bathe but they had to bathe in front of all the girl, everyone was used to it but I choose not to take a bath so I had to go the hole , which Is where people go when they fight or do anything that they call “misbehaving.”
The other girls begin to laugh because they thought I should’ve known but how could I know this is the first time Ive been to this place.

Time flew by so quick before I knew it I was getting out of jail tomorrow. I was happy but I would miss Juanita if I wouldn’t miss anyone. Word in jail was that I was getting out so the people tried picking with me but Juanita told them to back off because she don’t have nothing to lose and she’ll tear their heads off.
I was so relief the next day when I got out me and Juanita cried but I couldn’t stay another day in that place. You would think I would be happy to be home but I come in and my mother have on sunglasses then I knew what was up. I asked my mother to take those glasses off and then Joe yelled “ You don’t do nothing that little girl said” I grabbed the phone to call the police and next thing I know his hand was around my neck while my mom was on the couch screaming and when he told her stop yelling she was as quite as a mouse. Then he threw me in the basement and gave me a sandwich and I slept there but the next day he left so my mother left me out and my mother must have been fed up to pg7

Because she told me to come out the school through the back and meet her and not to go home.
It was a long day and people was saying things like don’t mess with her she’ll stab you and no one messed with me and I was happy.
After school I saw my mother on the bus stop she was screaming come on and then I ran and went to the bus stop. We got on the bus and my mom had like 3 bags but I didn’t care we was leaving so I didn’t care. We ended up going on the streets and putting out blankets in the alley but after that my mother came up on some money some how and we stayed in a hotel. After all that I saw a sign that said HIRING so I skipped school and I went to fill out an application, the next day they said I was hired. I start not going to school but money was still rolling in and we kept our hotel. My mother told me I wouldn’t have to quit school but I didn’t care what she said I quit school. 1 year later my mother got back on her feet and we had our own apartment she left Joe alone. I start
going to college and I became a pediatrician start rocking aero, Hollister, and everything you can think of and when I saw the one that I stabbed she was on the corner of my job with a sign saying PLEASE HELP HUNGRY! I start not to look at her but she just stopped my car and I ended up taking her in and I forgave her I gave her money until she got on her feet me and her was just like best friends. She even got a job at the hospital I work at. We

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