» Family & Relationships » Another Family, P.G. [manga ereader TXT] 📗

Book online «Another Family, P.G. [manga ereader TXT] 📗». Author P.G.

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Ria could not stop thinking about her uncle's proposal. It sounded so unreasonable and harsh, she did want to give it even a second thought. However she quickly started seeing sense in it. Ria had seen other tough times in her life but this one beats them all, something her heart did not want to compromise with. Now how can she miss her only brother's rice ceremony?
["Annaprashan" is the first rice-eating ceremony in India for kids.The baby stay only on milk till this ceremony}
Last Saturday there was a small family get together at Mr Bose's place. The invitees comprised of Mr and Mrs. Chanda and their son Tublu. Mrs Chanda is Ria's only aunt. When Ria's parents wanted a house, Mr Chanda suggested a plot near theirs at Salt lake area. Salt lake is the new extended urban settlement of Kolkata, a much coveted land for aspiring home owners of the city. The deal went well and they had been neighbors since. However, Ria was not too excited about her new home. She never did like her aunt much. Mrs Chanda's mercurial temper kept her shunned from her relatives. Nobody escaped her unpredictable behavior and haughty comments. It had been thirty years since she eloped with Mr Chanda and got married. Things never went sweet after that between her and her family. Like others, Ria blamed her uncle for this, he did not try to renew the broken ties. Well, that is barring the exception of Ria's mother. All of Mrs, Chanda's saucy comments had not been able to keep Mrs Bose away from her. It was amazing how much slight Mrs Bose could take from her elder sister and still keep the relationship going. She believed these luncheons were an integral part of the relationship nurturing agenda. But that day's lunch was special. It had a hideous purpose to it. Ria's mother needed a big favor from her head strong sister. And she wanted the favor to be honored at any cost.

Why didi, your terrace garden looks just fabulous, I simply loved the yellow dahlias!", Mrs Bose exclaimed in an attempt to please her sister. Ria looked at her mom and then her father to understand where's the conversation was going. Her father usually sat passively through such petty family chit chats and is known to be a laid back self absorbed man. But he looked earnest too. Ria's mom lamented at her own inability to decorate home like her sister and finally thought it was a good time for the serious talk." You know how it is with two kids di, and now with Chiru six months old, we have his rice ceremony coming up. Partha's (Mr. Bose)family has arranged for everything. We will have to be at his place for at least a week. You know most of his relatives are there. But there's Ria, we really don't know what to do". Mrs Bose sounded desperate. Ria felt hot air around her. There was an uncanny silence in the room. Mr Bose cleared his throat and looked like he wanted to run away when Ria's aunt shocked everyone in the room. "Oh she can stay with us". There, all that praise had worked!. Ria's parents visibly heaved a sigh of relief and Ria's face went dark. Her uncle must have noticed it all as he questioned seconds later, "But doesn't Ria want to attend her little bro's big day? We must know her wish too. Do you want to go or not Ria?"

Ria dreaded this question the most. Since she was told about the ceremony, she had been pining to accompany her family, but it is much to ask for.Chiru was Ria's step brother, son of her step father, Partha and her mom. Ria was 15 when her parents got divorced and she was almost as happy as her mom. Her parents had been the most incompatible couple Ria as ever seen in her life and she had a painful childhood. So when her mom married Mr Bose, Ria looked forward to a happy family at last. Ria had known Mr, Bose since she was five. Mr Bose and her mother were colleagues. Mr. Bose's sensitive approach to Ria along with Ria's dream for a normal family worked wonders. Two years later Ria had started referring him as her father and she had a younger sibling too.There is however one thing that was very wrong. Mr. Bose's dread of his conservative father did not allow him to tell his father about Ria!. For Partha's father Ria never existed in the Bose household in Kolkata. Marrying a divorced woman needed a lot of convincing and such a woman with a 15 yr old girl was too much to handle. It was a total hush hush affair in the family.

During these years Mr Ghonoshyam K Bose (Partha's father) visited his son and the daughter in law a few times. Whenever he came Ria had another sudden visit to one of her relatives. Her books were hidden in the cupboard and her clothes shoved under the bed in a hurry. Her parents got away every time with a few curious inquiries about the teen books peeking off the shelves or Ria's Guitar accidentally uncovered. It felt awkward at first especially because her relatives knew why she wanted a sudden holiday with them. She was not always welcome as well in their homes. And then, not to forget the tedious search for her belongings and the hurried homework when she got back home. It was hurtful at first but her childhood experiences had made her independent and strong. After all it was much better, now that she had a real family to share with than it was when her friends isolated her in school following her parents divorce.

Every one was pretty comfortable with this routine till Chiru was born. Ria's did not get a chance at sibling jealousy as the small bundle of joy filled her life with new colors. The little one was soon getting seriously mommed by her. She no longer cared whether her father had been truthful to his family or not. Soon Chiru was a healthy 6 months old and Partha's family wanted a rice ceremony, She was surprised when her family let her know at the last possible minute, she was not invited and she must stay back. She could smell the guilt in their voices. She wanted to scream it was very unfair to leave the big sister at home on her little bro's big day, She wanted to remind them about all the sacrifices she had made to be a part of her only family.

Nothing could change her parents' minds. Her father looked guilty, her mother looked helpless and Ria felt she was being abandoned by the family. Her family, to which she had put her heart and soul into did not want her in their happy celebration.

" Ria? What are you thinking so much about?" Her uncle pleaded. She could not lie anymore." Well, I ... I don want to miss the big day, but you know uncle with all the complications, i think it will be very difficult." she concluded with a definite wry face. Her uncle looked defeated by her response, but he was not going to give up. "I can see the problem, but we can surely figure out some way. After all we have to hide it only from Partha's father", he continued.
Ria could see her father's face harden. Nothing gave better pleasure to Mr. Chanda than playing with some one's guilty feelings. Before Ria could think more her uncle had already come up with a devious plan. "Hey!! your aunt can be your mom for a week. She loves you so much, surely you would not mind. We can tell this small arrangement to Partha's folks.Every one other than his father know about you already.What do you guys say?". He looked around for approval. Ria's parents looked annoyed now. Her aunt chipped in too, "Looks like a perfect plan, let's do it. You get to be there with your bro, Partha and your mom get to be relaxed and I get to be your mamma!". Ria was sure she felt the same stab of pain as her mom exactly at that moment. None liked the idea of her being Ria's mom even if it's for a week. After a long minute Ria could only say she needed some time to think. And since then she had been at it all the time.

On the day before her parents left, Ria was cradling her brother to sleep. As she set out to put the child back to his cot, his cuddly body clung to Ria's and some how refused to let go. A feeling of desperation took over her and minutes later she was on her way to her Aunt's. Mrs Bose and Mrs Chanda were having small talks, when Ria barged into their room and declared, "I am ok with the arrangement". Both the ladies look bewildered. Her mom was the first to speak. "Shona, will you be alright? You will have to be very careful with your tongue. Any small mistake will raise suspicion and it will too risky." Ria looked determined however and concluded, "I think I will be perfectly fine.Don worry Ma." Her mother looked resigned, "So be it then, let me tell others. We also have to tell your uncles and aunts at your father's place. They should not be shocked when they see you. They must introduce you as didi's daughter to others." Ria could sense their eyes follow her as she left the room. Ria felt victorious

Partha's family had been residents of Durgapur, an industrial town of West Bengal, for their last three generations. Over their 2 hours drive, Ria must had rehearsed her entry and introduction tens of times in her head. She thought about all the terrible things that could happen during her visit. Her train of thought was disturbed when her mom thrusted Chiru on her lap, they were home. Well, it was technically her paternal home. The first thing she saw was an old house with a small crowd in front of it. She could immediately relate it was "The Home". She knew Mr G.K .Bose loved to keep his family close. Literally close. He married off his youngest daughter with his neighbor's son, persuaded his eldest son-in-law to leave his paternal home and resettle next door and an unfair twist of fate ended his second daughter's humble rented place to be just steps away. His only son, my step father however escaped his insecure nature and managed to settle in the city. However after the unfortunate death of his youngest son-in-law, he had turned paranoid about the safety of his near and dear ones. His bed time routine included checking on every one in his family, making sure they were all at home. Ria's mom and her aunt were the first one to get off. But every eye was locked on Ria, primarily because she hold the baby and every one who knew were apprehensive. Ria could have recognized the man anywhere, six foot tall, he towered over all of the group. He was dark with thinning hair and a strong facial expression. He had been evidently the decider in his family since the beginning.He was smiling as he approached her. She panicked, almost regretted her decision for a split second. And yet he took Chiru with a steady grip, smiled briefly at her and turned around to welcome everyone inside, including her. It

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