» Family & Relationships » My Brothers, Alora L [top ten books of all time .TXT] 📗

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 So I wrote the both of these a few years ago, so pardon the words I used. The first is abot my little brother, Christopher, and the second is about my older brother, William. 

Caring For Christopher

Well, let's see.... When have I not cared for him? Psh, there isn't a single thing I wouldn't do for the little squirt. He's my brother..


For example, our mom was almost always gone who knows where doing who knows what...So that pretty much left me to ditch school or cancel plans to make sure he was okay.. I mean, there is no possible way I would leave my 5 year old brother home alone! I'm not that cruel!! Anyways, the two of us always had fun when it was just, well, the two of us. I'd get up early, cook breakfast, and then wake him up to watch cartoons while we ate.Once he was done, Christopher would always run to our room, get dressed, and get the soccer ball for when we would head outside to play.


After a couple of hours, some boys would come outside and Christopher would go and play with them until he would come up to me and say,"Sisser, those boys are being mean to me... Can you tell them to stop?" So, I'd go over and have a little...Discussion...with them telling them to back off and quit being rude to my little brother or they'd have me to deal with. They left and Christopher and I would play for a little longer.


Tired, hungry, and hot, Christopher and I went inside to cool off, eat lunch, and then take a power nap. Once we woke up, I'd let Chris choose whether to stay in for a few more hours or go right back outside.. We stayed in until 3 and went back outside to play some more until 7.


When we got back inside after a long day, I'd go to our room and get his Iron Man pj's. He yelled at me, Stating," NO Sisser!!! I want my Batman pj's!" So while he went and got his precious batman pjs, I started his bath water. While he bathed, I cooked supper. Once he was clean and dressed, we sat down to dinner and a movie.


He finished eating about 20 minutes into the movie, so he crawled onto the bed with me and cuddled throughout the rest of the movie. After the movie had finished, I turned the TV off. Christopher wasn't sleepy enough, so I told him a story. Sometimes, just a story wouldn't work, so Christopher would ask me in his cutest, most sleepiest voice, "Will you sing to me Sisser?" So I did. i sang the song I dedicated to him: 'In My Arms' by Plumb. Just, you know,softer and stuff..And Christopher fell asleep in my arms.


Looking at his sweet, smiling, and sleep-filled face; him burrowed against me as he sleeps... It made me realize just how much I love him. After i whispered 'I love you' to his sleeping form, I fell asleep..


** Writing this story makes me realize that I really miss my little brother. He lives with our mom now, and I live with my dad. Even though I can't see him as much as I'd like, I can still call and skype him.. He knows I still love him. Always have and always will.. Family is forever; if not in person, then in heart and mind and spirit. I will always be his big 'sisser'. And he will always be my little Bam-Bam..


The Other Brother, William


I remember when we were young.. We'd get up every Saturday morning to watch the cartoons and stay up late every night to watch the anime shows that we loved. He is the one who got me to liking some anime shows.. And pokemon.. to this day, I still watch them because they remind me of those times. He was my protector, my best friend, and most especially, my big brother. We had the typical relationship.. He acted like he hated me and I was a bother, but when it came down to it, we were family. If anyone else messed with me, he'd come to help and save me. He tried to teach me how to play Pokemon cards, but I never got the hang of it, so he let me play with his figurines while he battled with his friends. William was one of the only friends I had back then.


Anytime he'd go to a friend's house, I'd cry because I thought he left me. The next morning, I'd sit and wait by the door for him to come home.. He'd walk in and see me crying, and would immediately gather me up in his arms and tell me, "Shhh.. It's okay, Alora, I'm back.. Didn't I tell you I'd always come home? I'd always be back for you? I promise I will always come home. I love you." If he'd mess with me, I'd embarrass him in front of his friends or chase him around the house trying to give him kisses. Then, he'd chase me back and tickle me. We were happy.


Then, hurricane Rita came along and destroyed us. Mom got arrested and sent to prison for a few years, and they almost took my grandma too, but they didn't. At the time, I was 6 and William was 11. Mom told him to stay with me and protect me. He promised he would. He looked me in the eye and promised me he wouldn't ever leave me.. I'd always have him to rely on. Well, we went to stay with my Aunt Bucky, my mom's sister. You could tell William was her favorite, but then something changed. I knew she had always wanted a daughter, but never thought she'd leave William to fend for himself.. She called CPS on William so his dad would come get him...But kept me. I will never forget the look William gave me that day. It was one of hatred; one of betrayal. Like he blamed me for Aunt Bucky keeping me, and not him. I lost him that day.


Now, I'm 16, and he is 21. Turning 22 on the first of next month. We haven't spoken much.. And he still blames me, he and I lost the connection we had as children. I don't blame him. Something in him changed that day and he snapped.... He doesn't see me as his sister, and doesn't want me anymore. But still, I wait. I wait for a message, a call...anything that shows he is still my brother. That he still loves me.. That the 11 year old who promised he'd never leave is still in there somewhere. I watch the door... waiting for him to walk through it, telling me, "It's okay. I'm here.. I promised I'd come home, back to you. Don't cry, little Sis, I love you."


I know it probably will never happen, but I can only hope.. That little girl who depended on her big brother to protect her is still in me. I pray one day, he will come back to us.



Publication Date: 01-05-2016

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