» Family & Relationships » Mommy, Destiny Hobbs [best contemporary novels txt] 📗

Book online «Mommy, Destiny Hobbs [best contemporary novels txt] 📗». Author Destiny Hobbs


We fuss we fight in your eyes i can't do anything right i try & try but still i cry your always busy on the phone or yelling about your day it's always the same i can't tell you how many tiems i feel this way what can i do to make you see that you ignore meh im not perfect im not good enough you don't understand all you want is another man do this do that get to work thats always what you say never time to listen to what i have to say its always you never right you tell everyone it's my fault that im a demon child you always complain on how your'll never get anything done your always looking our for number's all about you having fun.. i just want to run away from your lies can't take your pain all i ask is for you to love meh & to hug meh but your to busy to love meh all i want is a mommy.


Publication Date: 03-15-2012

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