» Family & Relationships » A Flash In Time, Lauren Myska [golden son ebook .TXT] 📗

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My Son











A Flash in Time

By: Lauren Myska














Tears streamed my face as the phone fell from my hand.

“it can’t be true”

I thought. I paced around my apartment and picked my phone up from the floor.

The screen flickered and I noticed I had a text.

Meet me outside.

Was all it said. I thought about our son. What I was going to tell him. I thought about ignoring him and just going back to work. I took off the day, thinking for our anniversary there would be something special. But to find out he’s been cheating on me for two years with my best friend. Well that anniversary present was not one I was expecting. When I finally talked myself into going downstairs my phone buzzed again letting me know I got a text

I’m so sorry Rachel if I could take it back I would. He just knew my-

I couldn’t finish reading the rest. I swiftly walked downstairs reaching the front doors faster than I thought I would. Pushing open the doors, I ran outside to meet him.

“how DARE you”

I screamed. I walked to him steadily while tears threated to pour from my face again.

“5 years jake, and I’ve been nothing but faithful to you”

“whatever, babe I’m just here for my shit. I’m done with you and that little shit”

He replied nonchalantly. I couldn’t believe what he just said. It stopped me dead in my tracks. It was one thing to not love me. But to not love our son as well?

“if you want your shit so bad, come and get it”

I yelled and ran back towards the door. I threw open the door almost breaking it and ran two flights of stairs up to our apartment. When I reached the door, I stopped and took a second breath before running in ad bolt locking it from the inside. My sister Diana was there playing cars my son when I turned around.


She asked

“he wants his shit”

I said pissed. I stomped to our shared room and grabbed all his clothes as well as his favorite guitar and a lighter.

“what are you gonna do?”

She yelled from the living room, questioning me.

“he’s gonna get his shit alright”

I yelled as I opened the window to our apartment and one by one started lighting his clothes on fire and throwing them down. Not caring who I hit, I did this till all his clothes were in the mud with burn holes in them. Then with his favorite guitar I picked it up and smashed it against the windowsill till it broke in half. I guess he knew what I had planned because as soon as his guitar hit the ground, he came around the corner with his shotgun aimed at me.

“You stupid bitch”

Was all I heard before the gun went off and hit me right between my eyes.




















His Life

Machines beeped around me as I stirred to life. I tried to open my eyes, but it felt like I was trying to stare at the sun. shutting them tightly I asked

“can someone please shut the blinds?”


Someone whispered. I heard shifting in the chair next to me and I realized my hand was being held.

“Baby, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to. You just really pissed me off”

My heart stopped as I recognized the voice and I tried to pull away

“Get out of here”

I yelled. I heard the machines go crazy before I passed out again pulled into a sudden terrible darkness. When I came to again my son Aiden was standing at the edge of my bed. But something felt different. When I looked around my whole family was standing around me. Dressed in all black, crying softly as they all said goodbye. My baby stood there confused, he didn’t understand that I died. That I am dead. He cried when my sister told him he couldn’t lay in bed with me and cuddle. I used to do the same thing when he was sick and couldn’t get out of bed. I stood up out of bed and faced my son.

“I’m so sorry, baby”

I cried

“I loved you with all my heart and I promise ill watch over you till I can see you again.”

Immediately as I said that a peaceful atmosphere emerged, and I was forced to look in the bright light again and see my Ex-Husband standing there beside the gates crying softly. He kept calling to me, but somebody had to watch over our son, and he wasn’t about to. I turned my face from the light and it slowly faded away. Aiden stood there crying and my sister was forced to take him out of the room. My mom stood beside me and leaned in to kiss my forehead. Her tears spilling on my face

“I’ll keep him safe Rachel, don’t worry.”

She whispered. She straightened up and wiped the tears from her eyes. Then she walked towards the door. When she opened it she looked at my sister standing at the doorway holding my sons hand.

“Diana let Aiden say goodbye to his mom again”


Aiden yelled as he ran towards my body. He jumped on the bed and started clinging to my neck.

” Mommy, please wake up. Everyone says you left me but your right here. Please mommy wake up”

My chest grows heavy as I realize what I’ve done. I walk over to my son and ever so gently start petting his head.

“Shhhh, baby it’s okay. Mommy will always be here”

I cry. Tears pour from my face, but I know he can’t hear me. My son sits up fast and runs to my sister.

“she’s here”

My sister says looking around. I walk up to her and touch her hand. She froze and stared directly at me, but I knew she couldn’t see me.

“say hi to dad for me”

she cries. Without warning, the world around me started disappearing beneath me. The walls were ripped from there place, the ceiling disapparated and my family disappeared, and I was all alone in the darkness that surrounded me. I walked around for what seemed like days calling for my son


I yelled. I wasn’t sure where I was. Not that I could see anything to begin with. I started losing hope thinking maybe I went to hell for ignoring my ticket to heaven when suddenly a voice called me

“hey mom, I know it’s been awhile, but I’ve been really busy”

The voice sounded so similar but so grown up. It couldn’t be, could it?

“Sarah and I are getting married next month, and I really wish you could have met her. Our daughter looks just like you in so many ways”

He continued. I followed my sons voice until I stumbled into a graveyard. There he was, my little man, kneeling beside me talking to my headstone with my favorite picture on the top right corner. It read

Rachel Lillian Hopman

Loving Mother, Daughter, and Wife.

Gone but not Forgotten

9/16/1974 – 9/23/2006

I watched my sons tears slowly fall onto the soft grass and he wiped them away with the back of his hand.

“I don’t know why you did it mom, you knew you had me if nothing else. But I’m not mad at you, I would have killed him myself if the state already hadn’t. I was 6 years old when you died, now I’m 26 with a child of my own and I couldn’t imagine ever leaving her side.”

My legs gave out and I fell to the ground.

“what have I done?”

“Aiden I’m so sorry”

I whispered. A breeze suddenly chilled the air and again I was transported to the darkness.

His Wife

“Lilly, get back here!”

I heard from a familiar voice. Walking to the sudden light, I saw a little girl around 8 or 9 running around while my little Aiden chased her.

“I gotchu!”

He exclaimed as he embraced her in his arms, and she squealed in delight.

“hey babe, I think it’s time”

An unfamiliar voice said, and I watched as a woman struggle to get up from the ground, her belly swollen with child. Aiden rushed to her side and helped her stand up. He scooped his daughter in one arm and collected their things in another. The park was filled with laughter and I was taken back to when I used to bring Aiden here when he was a boy and chase him around the playground. My heart ached with pain as I thought to myself about all the fun we had. The woman started panting, no doubt feeling some pain or discomfort from her belly.

“Lilly, please be a good girl and help daddy with mommy”

Fatherhood came natural to him I could tell. He looked so grown up. I could see his age in his face, but I could also see my little boy in his heart. They walked to the car when the woman suddenly stopped.

“Aiden, we need to go please”

The woman said as she clutched her belly in pain. He threw their belongings in the car and buckled their daughter in. he then led the woman in the front seat and raced to the hospital. I heard the familiar screams of childbirth, but I chose to wait outside and stay with my son and granddaughter. I watched as my son played with his daughter the way I used to play with him. My sister sat in the chair next to him peacefully asleep. And I silently thanked my sister for raising him when I couldn’t. I looked around for my mom, but I didn’t see her. She must be in the restroom or something I figured.

“Mr. Hopman?”

The lady at the desk called. My son got up and quickly made his way to the desk.

“That’s me.”

He said.

“follow me please”

Aiden called his daughter and they walked hand in hand to the room where her mother lay. My sister waiting patiently to be led upstairs by my son. When we got to the room the nurse opened the door.

“congrats, it’s a boy!”

She exclaimed. My son rushed to the woman’s side as well as my granddaughter.


He cried. He embraced her lips with a sweet kiss and kissed her forehead as well.

“I love you”

She said. And passed out in his arms. The nurses rushed to her side but not seeing any immediate danger they left and let her sleep. The baby stirred in his sleep and started crying softly. My son went to his side and gently picked him up.


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