» Family & Relationships » Guity until proven innocent, Cama seeney, Monique x [top books of all time .txt] 📗

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to dodge an oncoming tree. Seconds later there was no more incline. We were on flat ground. ‘Whoo’ He yelled sprinting forward. I panted before falling back a little, he slowed down a little matching my pace. We’d made it. ‘Fifteen minutes to change, five to get there.’ I panted running over to Cam who sat lazily in a tree eyes closed listening to music.


I turned to Lincoln and put my finger to my lips. I slowly walked over to the tree and jumped up on to the lower branch. Suddenly Cam rolled over and caught my hand. ‘Argh!’ I screamed and he pulled me over to him. ‘Nice try.’ He said passing me my clothes. I grinned as he lowered me to the ground and then rolled over, and pushing off with his arms he landed on his feet with bent knees. I walked back into the forest a little and changed into the school skirt and shirt. My hands were filthy and I looked odd in my running shoes.


Breakfast was boring I was so tired I hardly remembered eating it. I remember walking somewhere but I don’t remember why. I stood with a phone in my hand listening to an idiot.


‘I’m sorry Rose I feel like this is partly my fault.’ His voice was sad, begging forgiveness. I had given up forgiving him, he no longer deserved it. I had ended up here, this academy because I needed ‘help’.

‘Partly? You jack ass, your bitch ass fake girlfriend spiked my drink and offloaded her drugs on me, and she probably fucking called the cops. Partly? You used me like a doll. I thought. I thought you were a brother. You were my best friend. ‘I half shouted, I looked around the cold quiet room, the receptionist looked at me angrily.


‘Okay, Okay so it’s mainly my point but I didn’t punch the teacher, I didn’t get drunk on campus or...’ I didn’t let him finish, he was right I did those things.


‘No your right, you didn’t force me to do anything you just ruined my life. Call me again and when I get out of here I’ll break your nose.’


I hung up the phone throwing it at the connection on the wall, I rested my head there for a minute before turning around facing a random guy who smiled genially at me. ‘Shall I come back?’ He asked already half turned. ‘Na its fine I’m done anyway.’ I murmured before walking towards the door, towards him. ‘You deserve better.’ He said after a second of silence. ‘Phaa, everyone deserves better than a fake ass betrayal, I’m Rose by the way.’ I said smiling softly. ‘Seth, were in like every class together.’ He told me winking. ‘That seems to be the common denominator round here. See you around Seth. ’ I replied laughing as I left the room, feeling a little better. English was next, I really needed a nap anyway.


I sighed as I walked into English, the Tv was already out. Great now were watching some crappy remake of a truly great book. I sighed taking a seat next to the window. Seth walked in smiling a couple of minutes later and took a seat on my right, I smiled and led on my arm. ‘Books much better right!’ He called out softly, smiling to himself. Lincoln strolled in whistling, he took a seat in front of me his head stuck in a book. Unconsciously he stood and opened the window.


When the teacher finally walked in (he was about seventy and bolding) he slowly painstakingly pulled the tv on wheels into the middle of the room. A modern remake of Romeo and Juliet, ‘Still a better love story than twilight’ Lincoln muttered to himself. ‘I actually thought twilight was alright. I think Stephanie Meyers is a really good writer. ‘I replied, thinking that that saying was so controversial. ‘Of course you’d think that’ he muttered turning around and rolling his eyes at me. ‘Says the guy who just said something so controversial, fifty idiots just thought LOL. Not that was funny or even haha. LOL.’ I replied rolling my eyes, he turned around and glared at me.


I sighed, two steps forward seven back. I leant forward, hearing him sigh I put my hand on his shoulder. ‘Hey you okay?’ I asked whispering. He shrugged me off and replied ‘Tired is all, haven’t slept in a while I guess.’ He muttered back leaning his head on his arms. I nodded even though he couldn’t see me, ‘I hope you sleep tonight.’ I whispered back as the Tv was turned on, I leant my head on my arm and looked at Seth.


He gave me an odd look and I only winked back in response. I saw lily and Dyson talking nearby, she blushed profoundly and looked my way, and I grinned before putting my head in my arms. I felt sleep stealing me before even the adverts began.


‘Hey, it’s time to get up.’ I opened my eyes to see Lilly shaking me, I yawned and saw Lincoln was still asleep. He talked softly to himself, I stood up on uncertain legs and walked towards me, and Lilly looked at me concerned but said nothing. I knelt down towards him and shook his arm gently. ‘Hey, Link. Get up.’ I told him softly. ‘Link?’ He said looking tired but amused. I laughed and pulled on his arm. ‘Were goanna be late.’ I told him softly. ‘Hey, I-I want to say sorry. I was kinda rude.’ He told me looking a little embarrassed. ‘Were not alone.’ I whispered, a little amused myself.


‘Fuck. See this is why I’m a dick.’ He whispered tilting his body around me, looking at Lilly and Dyson standing behind me. ‘Anyway, I was talking to Lilly and was wondering if you two wanted to come to my party, Seth’s brother to sneak some booze in last Visiting.’ He said grinning like a crazed man. ‘Sure you did. Plus me and Cam decided to take Rose to the lake tonight.’ Lincoln said looking round a little worried. More training great, I mentally sighed.


‘Come on we all know you’re training her, plus it’s after I checked with Cam – you can both go.’ I sighed aloud this time. ‘Can I go to sleep there?’ I asked yawning and unconsciously leaning on Link, he looked down at me a little worriedly but didn’t more away. ‘Hard night?’ Lilly asked a little worried. ‘Na the whole six am wake up thing sucks – insomniac, anxiety. Ya’ll know the norm.’ I said winking at Lilly. She giggled and said ‘Hate to say it but were goanna be late to math.’ Gosh I hope it’s another movie. ‘Doubt it.’ Lincoln said ‘Am I that readable?’ I asked no one in particular. ‘Naa, Lincoln’s kind of a mind reader.’ Dyson said grinning. ‘Don’t lie, you were talking out loud Rose.’ Lilly said as we walked from the room and to maths. ‘I. Hate. Math.’ I groaned with each foot step.

Chapter seventeen

'That’s why theirs booze.'


Dyson said smiling.  'I hate to say this, but I can’t be caught drinking. Like at all, I’m on the shit list.' I said sighing sadly. ‘Rose you can’t miss this.’ Lilly said whining. ‘Look, you’ve all been here a while. You all know what you’ve done and you’re paying it off. They’ll forgive you. I've been here four mere days; I can’t be seen drinking, my life’s already messed up enough because of me. Sorry to sound like a bore but the only way I can deify them is to beat Delilah, and drinking won’t help me wake at stupid am.’ I told them walking into the math room. The class hadn’t started yet, I quickly found my seat and began working on complicated math problems.


I groaned and laid my head on my desk confused. ‘Stupid math. Stupid. Stupid.’ I said banging my head lightly on the desk. I stopped banging my – knowing I looked like a crazed buffoon.


A note landed on my desk, next to my head. ‘You can go you know, and what you’ve done it isn’t all that bad. I’ve read reports ten times worse than yours and that’s just the ‘norms’.’ I looked around the room confused. I crumpled the note up confused. ‘Don’t pretend to know me.’ I said aloud to no one in particular. Another note landed on my desk. ‘I know about your brother.’ Fuck you. No, you don’t get to bring him up. I stood up abruptly, ‘Sir I need to go to the bathroom.’ I said but before he could half utter a response I left the room.


How could they know about my brother? My sweet, poor brother. I sighed having no idea where the bathroom was, Lincoln stuck his head out of the class room and pointed across the hall three doors down, and I nodded and walked away.


I opened the bathroom door and stood facing my reflection. My twin brothers face stared back at me, it wasn’t my fault I know that. But everything he went through burrowed a hole so deep in my chest it burnt every time I breathed too deeply. He was the reason I ran, he was the reason I did anything. We used to do everything together, I learnt piano and him guitar. He, older than me by mere minuets, was the favourite but his shadow was a nice one to walk in.


We were running partners years before we learnt to walk, my mother used to say we physically couldn’t walk anywhere. He used to joke that he didn’t need a shadow, he had me. He was Liam’s true friend, if my brother was still here right here with me Liam would never have betrayed me. Jase worked at the hospital as an care assistant where my brothers body lay in the hospital bed. It had been months now, in a couple weeks it would have been six months.


My vision blurred and eyes sparkled, exhausted tears ran down my face. I hadn’t cried in months, not like this. Not for anything. I sighed and washed my face, I was okay. My brother wasn’t dead. He was in a coma – shrapnel from a car explosion had pierced his heart, on impact he had hit his head hard. But that should all be okay now. He should have woken up but he hadn’t.


2.   3.   4.   5.


I am okay. I am fine, he will live. I whispered to myself, I looked back in the mirror and saw myself. A little pale and gaunt but it was me. I nodded to my reflection before returning to class. I didn’t receive any more note nor did I utter another word. Science was much of the same; we had focused on chromatography, which was basically which pen leaked the most colour furthest from the initial water line. It was a tedious colourful mess.


Law wasn’t even worth mentioning, no one talked to me. I didn’t try to talk to them. I don’t even remember what we learnt. I’m pretty sure that we learnt how to administer needles in first aid, best places to administer adrenalin – or any kind of epi pen. Heart for adrenalin and thy

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