» Family & Relationships » Guity until proven innocent, Cama seeney, Monique x [top books of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «Guity until proven innocent, Cama seeney, Monique x [top books of all time .txt] 📗». Author Cama seeney, Monique x

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Chapter one

I am a normal girl.


I'm short, I'm half blond, half brunette and a little auburn, I have a slight tan and a little button nose. Big boring grey – blue eyes. In other words I'm invisible. Until you look at me too closely. My eyes looked like they belonged in a black and white movie. So dark and fractured, like peivced together broken glass. Which is exactly how I want it to be. I walk down the corridor unnoticed, I don't get grabbed or nudged. I am like gust of wind. I fly through, doing my work and then I am the one leaving silently as other hang in groups talking quietly about strangers they knew more about than themselves. 


My name is Rosaline. I am the kind of girl who turns up five minutes before class begins so I can just get on with the day and go home and do what I love. I am a loner. I don't dress to impress or to grab attention. I am just me. The drama of school is enough to make me want to hit pause on my alarm clock and never wake up. Sleep or hide my head in a stupid book, skate on my board into the sun.


'Rosaline!' I heard my name shouted but I ignored it. Instead I snuggled deeper into my warm bed. 'Rose!' Wow, my mum hardly ever shouted. I jumped out of pure surprise and ran down the stairs. My mother and farther were already dressed and waiting impatiently in the kitchen. 'Yeah?' I asked bluntly. My mother shot me an annoyed look but handed me the cup of coffee I wouldn't survive the day without. 'Mm. Yes dearest mother?' I asked already feeling awake. I danced my cold toes on the kitchen floor. Noticing for the first time I was only wearing my short grey sleep shorts and dark purple night top. It was freezing!


'Me and your farther are going away this weekend. We can't go out on our actual anniversary so we desired to leave a week early. Is that alright with you?' She asked in a tone that said even if you aren't were still leaving. 'Yhea sure have fun' I said with a little smile. I wasn't left home alone allot, I had very strict parents. Rule No1 no boys in the house after 8. Rule No2 no boys in your room ever. Rule No3 No lying. And you wondered why I was such a bore…


So yea, I was a goody too shoes, not that I really wanted to break the rules anyway. I ran back up stairs and Changed into a cute white pencil skirt and a light white tank I matched this with black lace up boots which I left undone and a black leather jacket. The school was relaxed and as long as you dressed appropriately you could wear anything. I grabbed my blue –red, yellow and green back pack all softly woven together it was one my mother had been trying to replace with little clutch bags for centuries ( I joke but it certainly felt like it). I unbound my hair, which now fell in long straight locks to the middle of my back.


I am smart. I know that sounds vane but it's because I work to be that way. I always finish my work before everyone else and sit in silence waiting. I am the perfect student. Model behaviour, I want nothing more than to be accepted into a good university and be a successful vet, I’m oddly good with animals. 


I left the house without eating or saying goodbye. Sometimes my parents were strict and I didn't want to sit through an awkward non-heart felt goodbye. Sometimes it was just better to leave. They would most likely be back before the end of the week regardless. I walked the ten minutes it took me to get to the bus stop and waited for the old growling machine to park by the curb, I hated busses but it was an hour walk – today I didn’t want to have rat tailed hair because of the rain. 


I hated buses because you had to sit next to smelly people and endure the meaningless blah they called talking. I normally would put head phones in and tune it all out but I stopped when I saw Scott coming my way. He looked like he hadn't bathed in a day or two. His hair messy from being repeatedly ran through with his hand. It was a move I saw him do over and over again when he was stressed. I smiled at him sympathetically when I saw the bags under his eye, he smiled back but it didn't look like there was much effort behind it. 'H-hey are y-you okay?' I murmured softy, cursing the stutter that came out when I was nervous. He shrugged and sat down beside me defeated.


'Every-things been taken away! My dad's such a prick!' My heart beat faster at his harsh words but all the same I felt deep worry and an unsettling feeling settled in my belly. 'My dad caught me with ma... uh..umm a friend in my room yesterday. He threw us both out!' My mouth made an O sigh and I patted his shoulder reassuringly. 'Do you need somewhere to stay for a little while?' I asked nervously, but as soon as the words were out of my moth I froze in shock. Why would the schools most popular guy want to come to my house!? With me? Was I insane?  'Thank you for the umm.. offer Rose.' He knew my name! He actually remembered me. 'Your welcome ummm... Scott' I said replied jokily with a devilish grin. 


I looked at Scott's long blond hair and light blue eyes, he looked like he had come straight out of a romance novel. His grin spectacular and he was generally nice. I was being bullied back in second grade and he told the nasty boys off. We had been best friends all the way up until we hit high school, we seemed to go two different ways. I can't believe he remembered me. It broke my heart a little when we went our separate ways but he was like a painting you could observe from a far. I had never really crushed on him as such, just admired his manner. Being friends with a ten year old is different from being friends with a seventeen year old. 


 School was a bore and many people were gossiping about Scot and how they saw him taking the bus. His car had already been sold to some Junior. I saw scot at lunch ready to punch some kid who spoke to him wrong. I caught his look from across the room, he was generally depressed. I tilted my head to the door, with a sad smile he walked out with me. The bus ride home was quiet but relaxing, I felt like I’d gained my old friend back – even if I had to bunk school for the first time ever.



Chapter two

 Old friends


Chapter 2


My parents had already left and being an only child, there was no way I could possibly get caught with Scott here. I walked up along the paved pathway to the stairs of my home, with Scott walking awkwardly beside me and how did we come to this? Stay tuned fokes. We hadn’t spoken to each other since we were ten, we didn’t stop talking because of some petty fight that caused us to drift apart. We stop talking because of over one summer he got popular and started moving up the social ladder while I just stayed the quite little antisocial me. It got frustrating sometimes, people calling me cute and adorable for being so shy and quite, it annoyed the hell out of me when the people around me start to have what they call ‘a mature conversation’ then look at you and say, “we can’t talk about this here, she’s to innocent.”


Did we grow up differently? Did we learn different things? How could they possibly say things like that when they don’t even know me? It’s not that big of a deal I guess, I mean at least they’re not calling me horrible hate filled names. To my face. I have no idea what they say about me when I’m not around, though every time I sit down for lunch, in my usual seat by myself, I notice people looking at me; I swear when they turn around their giggling. To them I was the girl that once was, the ghost. The invisible one...


So how did I go from the quiet little girl in the corner to once again housing Scott? Well it all happened on that freaking bus drive! His eye's pain filed eye's I just had to offer. And that is how, after his little fight we ended up here.


I thought that since we had spoken, he would forgive his dad and go home, but it was apparent he hadn't. Today was normal, the normal plane floors, doors and very people that walked through the building. Nothing had changed, and probably never would. I stood, quietly and awkwardly in the corner as Scott walked passed me and into the school as if nothing had happened. Once again I was the invisible girl. So when he had looked across the room at me, I knew I couldn’t refuse him the safe passage I had promised.


I had to shake of these thoughts, it shouldn’t matter how people perceive me, my own opinion of myself is the only opinion that should count. At least that’s what they tell me. And maybe, just maybe I had my best friend back. Sighing I unlocked the front door and stepped out of the way to let, the still very awkward, Scott through. I ambled silently behind him, as he wandered through the hall way and into the kitchen.


“You still remember where everything is?” I asked surprised, when we’re friends he would come over frequently for “play dates” and I was surprised that he still knew his way into the kitchen. But more than that I'm surprised my voice worked!


“Yeah, well your house hasn’t changed much; only you have.” He said has he grinned and sat the small table in the centre of the room.


“I’m not the one that’s changed.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Exactly the way it sounds.”


He looked over at her and smirked, well that hasn’t changed. He’s still has that quirky dimple in his left check that makes him look like a total badass, in a cute sweetheart sort of way.


“See, you have changed. The Lisa I know would never speak to someone with attitude.” He said flashing his smile at me again. “Huh I guess you never really knew me then.” He shook his head and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “So how have I changed then?” He asked sounding a little annoyed. “How haven’t you?” I thought back to the times we would play in the sand

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