» Family & Relationships » Guity until proven innocent, Cama seeney, Monique x [top books of all time .txt] 📗

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pit at the park and the times he would stand up against a bully whenever they would pick on someone. “You went from being this cute little boy that would stand up for me and help me with my math homework, to the high school jock with terrible grades and how many times have you been suspended for picking on someone?”


After a long and silent pause he said lamely, “I don’t pick on you.” As if that changes anything, so he doesn’t pick on me am I now supposed to bow down and thank him for his mercy? Ha as if I'd do that, I found myself standing taller, wanting him to feel a fraction of the pain and deserted feeling's I had once felt; Right now I felt empty.


“No what you do to me is worse; you act as if you don’t know me.”

He looked away ashamed, “ro-“


She cut him off before she could hear his pathetic excuse. “You remember where the spare room is?” He nodded and whispered “yes.”


“Good, I’ll just get you an extra blanket. If you’re hungry there’s food in the fridge, help yourself.” She began to walk out of the kitchen to get his blanket when he replied.

“Do you want anything?”


“No thanks, I had a big lunch.” I looked over at him to see him frown then he shook it off and walked over to the fridge. I’m glad he doesn’t know me well enough anymore to call my bluff, but at the same time I felt a pang in my gut; would anyone ever truly know me? I just turned on my heal, and walked over to the large linen cupboard to get an extra blanket and pillow for him, then placed them on the small single sized bed in the guest room. Just as I was putting some fresh towels in the connected bathroom of the guest room there was a knock on the door behind me.

Chapter three

It wasn't me


'Rosie... Look I've been an ass. I know that; Heck the whole world knows that!' I didn't let him finish I couldn't.


'Forget it'


'What?' A startled look covered his innocent features. How could someone so not innocent look like a cute little puppy? No I wasn't a dog, puppy eyes don't appeal to me! Well much there just too darn cute, Oh dang now I want a puppy. 'Look just do what you came a then leave again. I hear that's all you do these days.' My eyes filled with tears but I blinked them away annoyed. 'Rosie' His voice, my name. It broke me a little. His arms eloped me gently. 'Shh.' He hushed me gently, my body seemed to shake with silent sobs. Over the years, a broken person learns to cry silently. Express no feeling or sound. But with the boy who had once been closer than any brother could I found myself feeling the way I had when I had first met him, how could he break through every one of my barriers so easily?


'Shh, I won’t leave you again my little Rosie nose. I swear. Hush now.' I didn't make a sound but he continued to calm me, after I just felt exhausted. Sometimes mole hills really can become mountains. But sometimes underdogs rise, right? Heroes fall. Maybe I would get my friend back. But I found that I could steel him from the people who adored him. 'P-p-promise. Me.' I muttered. '


'Anything sweetie' He murmured into my hair. 'P-promise, m…Me you'll apologise to your dad. H-he'll take you back. H-he loves you.' Hiccups separated what I wanted to say, making me sound weak. But it was Scott, he just patted my back absent minded, like when I was a child and suffering with miniature panic attacks. He would sit with me silently, patting and rubbing my back until I would fall asleep. He sighed and nodded once.


As my head drooped onto his shoulder, he picked me up easily. His arms were strong and reassuring. He dropped me softly on my comforter, pulling off my shoes and dirty jeans he pulled the blanket over me. 'P-please stay.' I whispered, whimpering at my weakness, he just shrugged and took his own shoes and jeans off. I looked away blushing, he slipped between my sheets, pulling me into his arms, and I felt his rumbling chest against my back. 'What?' I whispered so quietly I wondered if he had even heard.


'You. You’re so innocent. It's cute' He whispered into my hair. ‘As cute as a toad.’ I whispered jokingly. ‘I find princesses love kissing toad’s these days. I saw one just the other day.’ He said with a world’s seriousness. ‘You are such a crap liar!’ I giggled, tickled me. ‘Toads can’t cuss, missy.’ He mock shouted as he continued his onslaught. We ended lounging in bed all day watching movies and laughing at the stupid horrors. The fake syrupy looking blood, sausage like entrails. I feel asleep halfway through the third movie.





'I can’t believe you messed up the one job I gave you!!' Came a scream right outside my door.

'Lisa!' I groaned at my shouted name and rolled further into the warm embrace of my bed, its arms circling my waist. It’s breathing as level as my own. Moving in a steady rhythm. I could deal with all that tomorrow. I closed my eyes falling back into a dreamless sleep.




My bedroom door flew open, the hinges creaking loudly in its objection. The light purple room seemed to shudder along with the door.




My eyes drifted open in shock, I looked down at the equally surprised Scott. ...So innocent. It's cute. You’re so innocent.... It's cute...


The words floated across my mind, my mother looked at me like I was anything but. To her I was a slut, jumping in to bed with the first guy to show me any interest. To her I was no longer innocent, or cute. I could read all on her annoyed face. Me and Scott both jumped from the bed making matters all the more... Even now I could find a cuss word that defined my situation. 'I am phoning your farther young man, let’s see what he has to say about this!' My father's voice boomed, not even looking at me he left. His face blank. He left. Innocent...


I turned to Scott wiling, hoping, and begging him to tell them the truth. And like the big meanie he had become he shrugged. No meanie wasn't enough.


He was a...




I felt bad, no – no I didn't and wouldn't, he looked indifferent. I was going to take the fall for this! Cute... Had he lied, is this all he wanted? Wouldn't his dad be angry?


As he slept he muttered the name Mattie over and over in his sleep. 'My dad caught me with ma... uh..umm a friend'. That was why he had been kicked out, Scott was gay! He would let me take the blame so he could get off Scott free. Oh the freaking irony! Neither parent looked or muttered a word to or about me, I was left once again in my room. Tomorrow was going to suck....


Chapter four


Cuss word.


I woke up early, rolling over I see my flashing phone glaring at me. Even thats angry with me,  I have  about seven missed calls from an unknown number. I looked at a bunch of messages.


I’m sorry I couldn’t tell them.


No one knows about me.


Rosie please, I said I was sorry.


For fuck sake just answer the phone


The last message was simple, just one word.




I threw my phone at the wall tears already threatening to overcome me. I picked up my pillow and threw that too but it wasn’t enough. No instead I threw everything off of my night stand, kicked it over and punched the wall a couple times for good measure. Not that I knew how to punch so it ended badly for me. I changed into black slim dress flashing a little boob, and my leather coat. I’d never really liked wearing revealing clothes because I didn’t like my boobs on show although at double d they were hardly easy to miss.


This was a dress mum had bought and I’d never worn before. I laced my black boots half way up my calf and walked down stairs with my bruised phone and headphones. I.Had.Done.Nothing.Wrong. ‘Mum shouted at me but I just turned the music up higher. I am Innocent. It wasn’t me – I screamed silently as I left for school. Her bright angry face stayed with me the hour it took me to walk to school. I turned up to English late, I hadn’t done the homework and I refused to take my headphones out, I sat at the back of the class unnoticed as usual. Though I did get some glares as I walked in late, I kept my head down and began work.


I struggled with English, I was dyslexia but I didn’t want to call attention to myself in the middle of a pop quiz. I sat there quietly for the whole hour hardly finishing one side of the double sided sheet. As soon as the class stood up I rushed from the room ignoring Misses Nashes look of concern. I walked into history knowing Scott would be there, I sat down on an empty desk next to the window at the back. Scot sat beside me already scribbling a note. I just looked down at my previous notes, from the book I took from my bag yet again I felt I was behind. I flicked through the text book reading the chapter Mr Lindell was about to talk about.


I filled out the question air and began taking notes out of the book, barely paying any attention to the words I was writing. Liam handed me a note I chose to ignore. By about the fifth note I was getting annoyed. ‘Fuck off.’ I half whispered at Scott still not listening. Mr Lindell shouted my name, I took out my head phone and sat waiting for him to address me. ‘Yes sir, I’ll stop cussing in your class sir, I’ll stop handing notes sir, and I’m sorry sir for generally interrupting your excellent teaching. Sir.’ He retorted annoyed. I turned and gave Scott an annoyed look, he just shrugged. ‘Fuck-sake.’ I whispered to myself. ‘In all honesty you lost me at the first sir.’ I muttered

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