» Family & Relationships » Calla's unearthing, Yessy Meela [red seas under red skies TXT] 📗

Book online «Calla's unearthing, Yessy Meela [red seas under red skies TXT] 📗». Author Yessy Meela

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you from? Some exotic island, I bet.” He scrutinized her and said, “Well, I can tell it has to be true, you do look like my sister. Okay, this is weird now. Who are you?”
       Calla shook her head, baffled at the realization that she hadn’t the slightest clue who these people were. She couldn’t believe she was related to these crazy humans. Were these Reeds truly her family? Calla stood, fury coursing through her veins. She was tired of the games. She came here to find her family and instead of a warm welcome rug, she got this.
       “Listen, boy! I’m here to find my family. As I told Linda, my parents in Norge told me I could find them here. So you can cooperate with me or I shall have to get the Intel I need the hard way.”
       “Take it easy, girl. Did your parents give you anymore information about your human family?” Joseph asked.
       “No, I just have their last name,” Calla said, slumping back in her seat.
       “And please explain how in the world did you end up with Airion?” Linda insisted to know.
       “Whoa, she is the daughter of Airion, oh this is gonna be good!” Joseph sat next to Calla, looking at her while waiting for an explanation. By now, Calla figured out something was wrong and that perhaps she was about to discover a truth she wasn’t ready for. Did she want to know? Could she handle it?
       “My parents found me in a small capsule, on a remote island on planet Earth, during the final war, right before it was destroyed. They rescued me and took me in. I was a baby, not even a year old. I've been living with Airion and his wife Ehime ever since.”

       Joseph and Linda started laughing, mocking her. Calla kept her balled up fist to her side, which wanted to make contact with Joseph’s jaw.
       “This girl must be crazy indeed. Did they tell you how our planet got destroyed?” Joseph asked.
       “They explained that it was human greed and power that eventually destroyed it, ending in a nuclear war between the nations.”
       “Oh really?” Joseph laughed so hard, he almost choked on his saliva. “This girl is hilarious, I'm telling ya.”
       “I think she is actually telling the truth, I think she has no idea of what really happened here,” Linda said, her eyes held a glint of pity.
       The old man stormed back in. “What is this laughter all about? And what is she still doing here?”
       Linda answered, “Calla would you mind explaining to, perhaps, our grandfather who you are and where you came from.”
       Calla proceeded to repeat what she told Joseph and Linda.
       The old man’s nostrils flared as he glared at her. “What did you just say?! You came from where? You are the daughter of who? Out of my station, now!”
       “But, Sir...” Calla gasped.
       He stepped closer.“Before you go, let me tell you one thing,young lady. Get your facts straight. Humans did not destroy planet Earth, your parents did! Why did theye ven adopt you? You know what, forget it, I don't care! All I know is that you have a lot of nerve showing up her the way you did!”
       “Please, grandpa, is not her fault, her family lied to her. Perhaps we can explain to her what really happened,” Linda pleaded.
       “Go ahead, but as soon as you are done, I want her out of here. Oh, and by the way, your parents are dead. There is nothing here for you.” The old man left grumbling to himself.
       Calla felt a big knot in her stomach. She had never been treated with such cruelty in all her entire life. In her mind, it made no sense for her parents to destroy such a beautiful place and almost wipe out an entire race. But at the same time, if it was the truth, why lie to her? Why not tell her?She swallowed the lump in her throat while her heart contracted.
       Linda gave her a warm smile. “Please don’t leave yet. Take a seat. Would you like something to drink?”
       Calla answered, “No, I am fine. All I want to know is the truth. Are my parents really dead?”
       Linda’s facial expression became bleak. “Yes, they are. They were our aunt and uncle. There names were Richard and Daisy Reed. They died in the great war. They were in the United States Army Reserve. When you were born they were stationed in a beautiful island in the middle of the pacific ocean. Your father was originally from a state called Georgia and your mother was from the island of Puerto Rico. Our parents are marines. Right now they are on duty. And my grandfather is a retired marine.
       “He fought on several wars on planet Earth besides the final war. He was the one in charge of the entering people into the spacecraft that brought us here. The only reason I am here is because my mother was pregnant with my brother and I. We are fraternal twins. All of those who live here in the moon have been chosen, literally. Priority was given to women who were pregnant, young children, scientists, and doctors. Those who are able to sustain life here, keep this station working and defend us. Now we are trying to figure out a way to restore planet Earth. We still have hope.”
       Calla's heart sunk. Just knowing that her parents were dead was more than enough. Now to also discover that her adoptive parents were murderers, how could she handle such a burden? She didn't know. Many questions must be answered, which meant getting to the bottom of the truth.
       Calla sighed heavily, asking, “How was the planet destroyed?”
       Linda sat next to her, putting her arm around her she whispered, “Do you really want to know?”
       “I want to know, I deserve to know. After all, it’s the history of my race. I am a human.”
       “You are right. Well, when the norgerians came to planet Earth, their dealings were peaceful. They came looking for a precious resource they lacked, Water. There planet is a huge source of iron, gold, silver and overall, petroleum. Since we needed petroleum and they needed water, an exchange treaty was offered. But our water source wasn't indefinite as their petroleum source. Water is hard to find in other planets, and by then, we didn't have the technology to simply look for water somewhere else in case it became scarce. Also, we already had problems with fresh water, which was the only water we could use due to pollution. After a careful consideration of these and other factors, humans decided not to agree to the terms.
       “The king of Norge became very angry and sent his military force to destroy humans and take all the water from the planet. The final war began. Humans fought. But they vaporized all the water from the earth in less than a day. Without water, we can't survive. Plan B came into action and spacecrafts were filled with humans and brought here. Good thing this station was already built for scientific purposes. It had to be turned into a temporary home quickly. Most humans died from lack of water, rather than the war itself. My parents told me it was horrible. They said your parents died fighting. Your mother was my mother's youngest sister. She said she had a nephew older than you that died as well.”
       Calla couldn't stop crying. The thought of her parents participating in such a war, killing humans, stealing there resources, acting like criminals, and then extending such undeserved kindness with a human was completely ironic. After composing herself, she looked at Linda's eyes with amazement. “I had a brother?”
       “Yes. Would you like to see a picture of all of them?”
       “Nothing would bring me greater joy,” Calla replied.
       Linda got up and walked down the hallway. She entered a room and spent a few minutes there. Meanwhile,grumpy old grandpa came back to the scene, while Joseph left the room immediately.
       Her grandfather looked at her with a pained expression. “You look just like your mother, my lovely daughter. Until this day, I miss her every single day.”
       The old man breathed and swallowed what seemed to be a heavy load. He sniffled, trying to hold back a tear. And at that moment, Calla could understand the anger and pain he possessed. The reason he snapped at her, her adoptive parents killed his only daughter.
       “I..Sir,” Calla tried to speak, but was overwhelmed with sadness and disillusionment.
       At that moment Linda came back with a picture in her hand.
       “What are you doing?” The grandfather gritted between clenched teeth.
       “She deserves to see a picture of her parents and her brother,” Linda replied.
       “Those aren't her parents. Her parents are cruel and disgusting norgerians that fooled us all!” he yelled, before walking away.
       Linda handed the picture to Calla. Her grandfather was absolutely right. Her mother was a beautiful woman. She looked just like her. Tall, brunette, gorgeous brown skin, big dark brown eyes, and long curly hair.
       “She was an exotic Latina,” Linda said softly.
       “A Latina?”
       “Yes, well actually the correct term would be a Hispanic. She was a puerto rican, actually you are a puerto rican, all of us are. It would be our ethnicity. I don't how to explain it. Let's see. I'll try my best. Puerto Rico was a small island in the Caribbean Sea. The natives from there had a mix of races. Spaniards, which have a light complexion, light hair and light colored eyes. Africans, which are of a darker complexion, dark hair and eyes. And Taino, which were the original inhabitants of the island, brown skin, and straight dark hair. Anyways, the look puerto ricans have is quite diverse. For example, your mother, she wasn't completely black or completely white. The color of her skin was like a Taino, while the shape of her nose and lips, and the color of her eyes was more like an African. We were all a combination of races, a mix. That is why we look the way we do. Your father on the other hand was African American. He had a dark complexion, he was tall and muscular. They looked good together.”
       Calla stared at the picture, smiling. She tried to understand what her cousin explained while admiring her beautiful family she once was a part of for such a small amount of time. “They were all beautiful. What was my brother's name?”
       “Alberto,” Linda replied.

“And my parents name?”
“Isaac and Luisa” Linda replied.

       Calla only felt regret and sorrow over her family's fate. There was nothing she could have done, for she was only a baby. But at least now she had a sense of relief. She knew where she came from, what was her origin, her race, her ethnicity. This filled a small part of her empty heart.
       “Do you have any more pictures? Perhaps of where I lived?”
       “I don't. That picture is my grandfather's. They couldn't bring that many things when they came here. It was all very fast. Maybe my mother has a few more. I'll have to ask her and check.”
       “It's fine. I am grateful for the information you provided. I should leave now.”
       “No, not so quickly. You shouldn't go. Maybe you can stay for dinner and have some arroz, habichuelas y pernil. Our neighbor made it. It is so good and I bet you've never had it before. What is that you eat there in Norge?”
       “What is arroz and pernil? I've never heard of it before.”
       “Oh right. It's Spanish. The language your mother spoke. I said in Spanish, rice, beans and pork.”
       “I was under the impression they spoke English.”
       “Well, they did, but being puertorican, your mother and all of us speak Spanish, besides English. It was the main language of the island. The one she was raised upon.”
       “The Spanish language sounds delightful,” Calla added.
       “It is, I like it.”
       “By the way, how is it that you know who my norgerians parents are?
       “Well, your father was
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