» Family & Relationships » Calla's unearthing, Yessy Meela [red seas under red skies TXT] 📗

Book online «Calla's unearthing, Yessy Meela [red seas under red skies TXT] 📗». Author Yessy Meela

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“I need to know,” Calla whispered to herself while preparing her vessel. “I want to know, I deserve to know.”

She sat in the pilot's seat, punching in the coordinates to travel safely towards the Milky Way galaxy. Calla was a citizen of Norge, a small, enchanting planet of the Gonvor Galaxy. It was millions of miles away from the Milky Way galaxy. But Calla’s travels through sub-atomic worm holes between each galaxy, always shortened the distance.

Calla was a young woman, a human, living among the gorgeous creatures of Norge. She always knew she was different. She didn't share the powers of the norgenians, like the talent to read minds, fly, or move incredible heavy objects as if they were a mere feather. Some norgenians developed special talents as disappearing and being completely invisible. Not once Calla felt envious over this majestic powers, for she believed herself to be well accomplished for a human. And she had a unique talent that no other norgenians possessed, she could sing. And not only sing, but she could express deep emotions through her singing. In her home planet she was well known for it. But Calla always felt that something was missing in her life. Now, in attempt to fill that emptiness, she was escaping to the planet where she came from to discover what she can of her human side.

Calla's heart thumped hard against her chest nonstop throughout the whole trip. She was nervous, excited, and anxious. She only had her parents’ last name. But given the fact that planet Earth had been ruined and there were a few thousand humans left living on the moon, her only hope was that they were alive and well. She often thought of her brothers and sisters who were probably alive, hoping that they would feel excited as she when they met their long lost sister.

“They probably think I'm dead. How exciting it will be when they find out I'm alive, that I survived the last war!” Calla had learned to speak English, for this was the language her human parents use to speak when she was born. She had a limited knowledge of humans themselves. Everything she learned came from her norgenians parents and a few old books she found in the ancient archives. All she knew was that humans destroyed their planet due to greed and power. A nuclear war between the nations had consumed what was left.

The Milky Way galaxy was extraordinary. She marveled at the sun in the middle of the galaxy and how all the planets rotated with such precision and order. And there it was, planet Earth. She remembered the picture she had seen when the planet was still alive. It looked like a blue jewel hanging over nothing. Now it was obscure. Water was gone, while the atmosphere was wiped out. All that was left was radioactive land.

She saw one of the landing stations. Permission was granted to land. The humans looked excited to find out a human was coming from another planet. The moon seemed like a cold, dark place to live. She felt pity for humans having to live in such conditions. As soon as she landed, a young man came and greeted her. It was the first time she saw another fellow human. She was overjoyed and said in a chuckle,“I come in peace”.

The young man laughed and welcomed her. “Where do you come from?”

“Norge,” She answered.

His eyes went wide as he gasped. “That is not possible.”
“Why not?” Calla answered, surprised at his reaction.

He exhaled sharply, while looking at her like she had no clue what that place meant to them. “Well, I'm Tom.”

“My name is Calla.”

Tom extended his hand, but his gesture caused her to react defensively. She quickly took a hold of his hand and had him thrown up against the ground.

Tom yelled,“Hey, I was just greeting you! What’s your problem?”

Calla bit her lower lip as she realized her huge mistake. She helped him up, while explaining, “Sorry, Tom, I’m afraid your greetings would be mistaken as a threat in Norge. In short, I thought you were attacking me.”

“From now on, ask before you go giving out a beating, remember you are not in Norge anymore.” Tom turned and started to walk.“Come this way.”

Calla followed him closely, listening to Tom explain how transportation worked in the lunar space station. When he took a long pause, he asked her, “Do you have any questions?”

“Do you know the Reeds?” She asked.
        “Which ones?” Tom replied.

“There are more of them?”

“Yes, there are a two families in the moon with that last name. Perhaps I can help you find which one. Do you have their first names?”

“No, I don' t.” Calla answered, lowering her head and turning around.

Tom noticed how the shimmer in her eyes suddenly faded and walked towards her and said: “I can help you find the Reeds you are looking for.”

Calla turned around and smiled. “Really? How?”

“Well, we have a database with all the humans who live on the moon. Perhaps we can check it out together. It has additional information that can help us locate them.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Calla agreed.

"Let's check out that database."

They now took the elevator that lead them to the database. They entered a room, very similar to a library. Tom sat at a computer and showed her how the database worked.

“I can take it from here.” Calla replied after listening to Tom's instructions.

“I'll be in this computer checking out some information. If you need anything let me know.”

Calla waited until Tom sat and was engaged on his activity. She searched the database without any results. She sat there for hours. The information was valueless, since it didn't help her identify which family she belonged to. She decided to write down the addresses of each of the families. She was determined to visit one by one until she found which family she belonged to.

“I'm done.” Calla said to Tom.

“Let's go. What do you want to do know?”

“I'll go on my own now. But I appreciate your kind assistance Tom.”

“Well just remember. You landed in station 819. There are four landing stations in the moon. One north, one south, one east, and another one west. You landed on the north side. Right now we are in the East. There is a lodging area near if you want to get some rest. You don't need money. Here we exchange or trade stuff. That way everyone stays on the same social level and corruption is minimized.”

“Good to know.” Calla answered.

“May I ask, what are you going to do now?”

“I'm going to rest for a while and then visit the Reeds.” Calla asnwered.

“Oh you were able to find them!”

“No, I'm just going to visit both families until I find the ones I'm looking for.”

“I have to say that you look a lot like the Rodriguez-Reeds.” Tom added.

Calla was surprised. But she took a deep breath, in an attempt to hide it, and replied: “Can you take me to their station?”

“Sure, I'd love to. They are actually my neighbors. They live in station 756 and I live in station 758.”

As Tom took her to the station Calla's mind wandered, “Is My family is still alive. I hope I find and are able to finally meet them. I wonder, do I have brothers and sisters? I can't believe it, I will finally discover the truth!” Calla laughed inwardly and was overwhelmed with emotion. She took advantage of the fact that Tom was their neighbor and interrogated him. She found out the Reeds were a small family composed of the husband, wife, and two sons, and their grandfather, an older man known for his notorious behavior. “How excited they shall be when they find out their only daughter is still alive,”She thought hopefully.

They reached the platform, and that’s where she saw the number “756”. Calla smiled when she caught sight of the station where the Reeds lived.

“This is it,” Tom said showing her the entrance. “Do you want me to tell them you are here?”
       “No. It is fine.”
       “Okay. Well, I wish I could stay and chat, but I a few things to take care of. Maybe I’ll catch you later.” Tom walked away, leaving her behind to face the Reeds on her own.
       Calla stood before the door, thinking. Electrical currents course the feeling so overpowering Calla thought she was about to explode with energy. At that very moment she reached out to knock on the door, a young woman opened it.
       “Can I help you?” She asked.
       Calla stood there like a mute, as though her brain could not process the English language. “Huki hfolid sofo detrui,” She muttered in Norge, with meant, ‘stop acting like an idiot’.
       “I don't know what you just said, your momma just in case,” The young lady replied, laughing.
       “I'm Calla.”
       “Oh well, hello, Calla. I'm Linda, you look extremely familiar, do we know each other?”
       “Not at all,” Calla replied.
       “Okay, is there something I can help you with?”
       “I was looking for my family, from what I understand Reed was the last name of my parents.”
       Linda's mouth fell open. Her eyes went so wide, Calla was afraid they pop out of their sockets.
       “ are...the...Reeds..maybe you should...uhh...come in...”
       Calla walked in.
       “Please take a seat.”
       Calla sat down on a sofa. There was a small glass table in front and another sofa on the side. All the walls were made of glass with the night sky as a back drop. The only visible walls where the ones dividing each room along the hallway. Each station looked a pod.
       “Where are you from?”
       “Norge,” Calla replied.
       “Oh, this is not going to be good.”
       All of the sudden, a tall, older man walked in abruptly. “Who are you?” he barked.
       “My name is Calla, I'm looking for the Reeds―”
       “She is a friend of Joseph,”Linda added quickly.
       “Are you pregnant?” The old man asked with a sneer.
       “No, Sir, far from it,” Calla scoffed  totally embarrassed at the thought.
       “Good. I'll go look for Joseph, stay here! Linda, watch her, I don't trust her.”
       Calla scowled as she watched him leave the room.
       Calla had traveled different Galaxies, fought various creatures of all sorts, but never in her life she had felt as terrified and uncomfortable as she was just sitting right there. She couldn’t believe that some of her family would treat her this way, and she hated the fact of having no idea what to expect next.
       “You came from Norge? How is that possible? Who are you and what do you want?” Linda interrogated her, keeping her voice low.
       “I'm the daughter of Airion, his majesty's political advisor in planet Norge,” Calla answered in a matter of fact tone.
       “That is even worse. I have no idea what I am going to do to break the news to them.”
       Meanwhile, Joseph walked in.
       “Hey, Grandpa said a pretty girl was looking for me.” He looked at Calla. “Hello there, how are you doing, sweetheart?”
       “Quit it, you pervert, she could be your sister or cousin?!” Linda said forcefully.
       “No way, with you I have enough. Where

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