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Book online «Lee, Mintykk [free ebook reader for iphone .txt] 📗». Author Mintykk

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stay away from the world.Jimmy would look as if he had been given a bad mark on a test.But for me I was lost.
"Steven?!..Are you listening to me."Jimmy asked frustrated.I got up from my seat." yeah I got it go find lee and apologize gotcha." I said sighing as I left the class.As soon as I left the hall the bell rang meaning school had started.Oh well it's not like I've never missed school before.I was just starting on my third set of stairs when I saw her.She was sitting in the windowsill.She was looking out the window when I came up so she didn't see me standing there.I heard her sniff a couple of time then she wiped her eyes but it did no good she was still crying silently to herself."You know that can be dangerous."I said.She jumped when I spoke.she turned slowly to look at me."What do you want."she said in a sad voice.*sniff* I sighed.What was I doing.Why did I care if a girl I barely knew had no friends.Why did I want to see her smile instead of cry.I walked over to her.She didn't like it obviously and tried scooting away but couldn't."Lee,...I'm sorry.It's just that I," I said but couldn't find the right words. It was silent for a few minutes.Lee had gone back to looking out the window."It's not like I can't make friends.I just have my reasons for not wanting any."she explained still not looking at me.I looked at her.Her face was puffy from crying so much.I wiped a tear that escaped from her eye.She flinched at my touch."If you choose to not have any friends then why cry."I asked curiously." You wouldn't understand." she sighed." No one would." That made me think for a second but I let it go.It would be better If I asked her about it later when I had her trust."Well..can I at least be your friend.I have friend issues to ever since my mom died I have."I admitted."is it the same with you?Did some one close to you die?" she looked at me sadly when I said that."We were close at a time.But now I don't think they even remember."she said but by the tone of her voice I could tell she didn't want to talk about it.I held my hand out to her."you know the teacher will be mad at us if we go to class now."I said smiling.She looked at me and gave a half-hearted smile but she took my hand and jumped down from the window."I'm glad."I said.She looked at me confused.I chuckled to my self but didn't say anything at all afraid I might scare her more.

Chapter 5
3 days have passed since I met Steven and Jimmy.the two black haired blue eyed twins.Their the strangest boys I have ever met.One is a rebelious and the other one...well lets just say he's a nerd.But When steven made me cry that day.I didn't think we would become friends.No I thought he would end up bullying me.
My alarm clock went off.I opened my eyes slowly and layed in the bed for a few more minutes.I stretched then pushed the cover off me and walked to the bathroom.I don't know if it's the lighting or something but recently I don't look the same.My face looks the same but for some reason I cant figure it out I don't look as pale as I used to seem.Even my grey eyes seemed to glow.
I stepped into the shower letting the warm water envelope me.I sighed happily.I'm in heaven.It only took me a few minutes to get clean.I got out and put my uniform on and brused my hair.Once I was done with that I was off to school.
I was almost past Mrs.Franks house before she noticed me and called out to me."Lee.come here before you go to school please."She asked.I sighed but did as she asked."yes Mrs.Franks?"I asked. It was noisier than it usually was at her house."I have some people who I would like you to meet."She said smiling."now wait right here and I'll go get them."she said and turned into her house.I sighed again.I really didn't have time for this.She came back 5 minutes later with two twinns who I had met at school.My jaw popped open from the shock.Steven and Jimmy were Mrs.Franks grankids."Hey Lee."jimmy said jumping down the steps and waving,"I didn't know that you knew our grandma." I was still trying to figure it all out when steven guessed what I was doing and helped me out."she's our grandma on our mom's side lee." he said finishing his piece of toast."I sure am."Mrs.Franks said proudly."ummm...Mrs.Franks I've already met them."I said not sure of what I was supposed to say.She looked at me."Oh."she said.,"Well then you can all walk to school toghether then." she smiled and pushed steven down the steps.He stopped himself before he fell down."not cool Granny."He said catching his bag that she threw at him.Jimmmy however got hit in the face with his."Well come on Lee.We better go."steven said not even helping his brother.Mrs.Franks smiled down at me and waved.I waved back why was she being so weird.It took me a moment to realize that I was moving but I wasn't walking.I gasped as realized what happened.While I was lost in thought steven had gotten tired of waiting and picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder like a two year old."You need to eat more.Youre too light."he said."could you put me down now."I asked embarrased.He stopped and let me get into a piggyback position but once I was there he started walking again."Hey let me down!"I complained.I didn't want people to think he was giving me a piggy back ride or anything like that."no...We'll get to school faster this way."he said tightining his grip."What that makes no sense."I said rolling my eyes.i heard him chuckle."Didn't say it had to."He said looking up at me smiling.I smiled back.I didn't know the last time I was this happy."Hey.Dont act like i'm not here."Jimmy said annoyed.I looked back shocked.I had forgotten he was even there.i just new that steven was here.I felt like an idiot only thinking of Steven."sorry Jimmy."I said ashamed.I rested my head ontop of stevens.He didn't seem to mind."You two act like a couple would."Jimmy said amused at how we acted.I looke back at jimmy and rolled my eyes.He laughed at that."So what if we're friendlier to each other than most friends."Steven asked.There was silence for a few minutes."I'm going to run on ahead."Jimmy said with his face towards the ground.It had shocked steven for a short second.I jumped and was freed.I smiled to myself."You!Ggrrrr....I'm going to get you just you wait." steven said playfully.And then he was on Jimmy."Well are you going to go or not?"Steven asked coldly.Jimmy sighed and walked on."What was his deal?"I asked Steven.He had his back to me so I couldn't see his expression."Steven,"I asked touching his shoulder He jumped and yelled at me to not touch him.I took my hand away slowly."Sorry."I said hurt."I'm going to go ahead too."He looked at me shocked when I said that.I didn't wait for his reply I took off down the street.

Chapter 6
I knew I was going to have issues with Jimmy if I made friends.He would alway think that I would confide with them about Mom's death, but really the only person that I've done that is Lee.And by now she probably hates me all over again.I sighed and kicked a can out onto the street."You shouldn't do that boy."an older voice said shocking me.I tturned about to say something smart then i saw who it was.It was the town police."I hear you the one hangin out with that Lee girl."He said eyeing me."And what's that supposed to mean?"I asked rudley.The man shook his head."That girl is trouble I'm warning you......Steven .....umm....Frankies."He said trying to get my name.I glared at him.His badge said ronny."Its frank mr.Ronny."I said like an idiot.He nodded his head and turned around ."You stay outa trouble now."He said.Great.Just what I needed.A cop that hates me.I sighed oh well.I walked past the high school.what was the point of me going if everyone was mad at me.

Chapter 7
I didn't know why I ran off the way I did.I didn't know why I wanted him to say everything was okay.I figured he would be in school by now.I let out a low sigh.In the past couple of days I'd grown so fond of Steven.In fact when Jimmy said we acted like a couple I was a little happy , but when he glared at me I knew he wasn't thinking like that.I didn't go to school.I didn't know how I would be able to face him all day so I ran to the park.If you kept walking past the park and into the small forest you'd see a small tree house.I found it a few months ago and cleaned it up.It was a good hiding spot.I had even managed to save the small couch it had in it.It may have a couple of holes in it but it was so nice to sit on.I picked up a red blancket I brought over here and sat on the couch.I stretched out and threw the cover over me.I closed my eyes and was about to drift off into sleep when I heard something.It wasn't really loud so I figured it was a squirrel or some other animal so I let it go.then I heard another noise and threw something I don't know what at the side of the door to scare it off.It was silent for a long time.then I heard tap tap tap. It was no animal some one was coming up my ladder.What if it was the original owner....what if it was a rapist.If it was I would have no wheere to hide the treehouse was a long jump too.I was trapped.then they stopped.

Chapter 8
I skipped school guessing that no one would want to talk to me especially lee.All she did was touch me and I stared at her like she was some weirdo.I sighed.I didn't know where I was going.It looked like a old one at that.No one was here the swing set was the only thing not completly broken.I saw something in the corner of my eyes.something red.I looked in the direction but didn't see anything.But for some reason my legs made me go that's where I saw it.It was a good distance from the park.a good hideout.I took another step towards it then stopped.I thought heard something just then.Like a book being thrown aginst a wall.I shook it off and continued up the ladder.It was very highup so when I got to the top i took a breather.Then I went in there.It was very clean.I looked back at the view.It wasn't very pretty.I heard something like breathing.I froze.I didn't even think of a person being in here.I turned and saw what I had missed.In the far off corner a small couch.I didn't know who was sleeping there.I took a step to the person.It had to be a small boy to be able to lay in the couch like that.Then I saw long dark hair.I moved closer and gasped.It wasn't a boy.It was Lee.Why was she in a place like this.I took another step closer.I was so close I could feel her breath.Then I blew in her face by accident.A bad mistake.Her eyes flew open rage clear in them.I don't think she knew it was me at the time because her hands hit me.She hit me hard too."Owww!"I gasped blocking her next attack.I managed to get ahold of her hands.She looked at me then.She gasped when she realized what she had done."Steven?!"She said confused.I looked at her she was obviously paniking.I sighed. She had to hate me to be freaking out like this.I hated the thought of her hating me.I hated it so much.Why did I
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