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Book online «Lee, Mintykk [free ebook reader for iphone .txt] 📗». Author Mintykk

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hate it.Did I like her or something.I looked at her and decided that I did.I liked her alot." Lee,..."I said getting her attention.She looked up at me."I'm sorry steven."She said hanging her head.Then she noticed our hands still together.She tried pulling them away but i didn't let her.She looked up at me.I was staring at her confused expression.Before I knew it I Had one of my hands pulling her towards me.I kissed her lightly one time on the lips.Then I realized what I did. I let her go and backed away. "Lee I'm so sorry.....I don't know what got into me."I said blushing.She look at me suprised and confused."Steven....Do you like me?"She asked flushed.I nodded my head like an idiot would.Then I quickly said,"So what I do....Do you like me?" I asked her turning so she wouldn't see my face.I couldn't believe myself first I kiss her and now I'm saying stupid things.She grabbeed my hand."I like you too steven."She said squeezing my hand."I thought I made you mad so I hid here ."She finished.What!? I glanced at her.She didn't have a joking look on her face.I turned around then."Really?"I asked.She nodded her head.It took a minute for me to register that.I like lee.Lee likes me.So does that mean we're together.I gave her a hug."Lee shelly martin ,...Will you be my girlfriend?"I asked still hugging her."Are you sure?"she whispered.I looked at her shocked."Yea of course it is."I said.She looked at me then away."Then I will be your girlfriend."she said giving me an awkward smile.To think this is all because of A little argument we had earlier as friends.I Kissed her again.She looked up at me and said,"Steven there may be a time when I cant tell you a secret but will it be okay?"she asked.I nodded my head and smiled."I don't mind as long as it is about me."I said playfully.She laughed.

Chapter 9
"Geeze....Why do you two have to be everywhere together?"Jimmy asked annoyed.I knew he was playing when he said that but I still flinched.I looked at steven.He was rolling his eyes at Jimmy."haha Sorry Jimmy.....What do you miss you brother?" Steven asked playfully.Jimmy laughed.I shrank in my seat.Steven noticed."what's wrong?"he asked putting his arm around me.I looked out the window."nothing."I said turning back to him."Do you want to come over to my place later?or the park or the tree house?"he asked.I looked at him and blushed remembering the treehouse.I laughed softly to myself."Can't today I have to clean the house."I said.He sighed."That sucks.....okay I'll just come over till your done.Your parents wont care"He asked.I stiffened."no."I said right as the school bell rang.he smiled at me as the teacher walked in.he gave us a look."Miss Lee, Please move to the front of the room."My teacher , Mr.Kert( A really young teacher),said.I looked up shocked."Uh...Where to?"I asked looking.the entire front rows were filled.He pointed right at kaytay's seat."There....Kaytay will you please move?"he asked.Kaytay looked up angry and shocked.she rolled her eyes."whatever."she said getting her bag and going to my seat."Move."She commanded me.I flinched."Kaytay be nice or else.Come on Lee."he said.I looked at him.His hazle eyes were glowing behind his glasses.he was really handsome for a teacher.He looked like a male modle.I grabbed my bags and went to kaytay's seat.It felt weird sitting there in between the footballers and cheerleaders."okay now we can begin."the teacher said smiling.He looked at me and winked.Huh??? I looked at him.What was that....maybe it was just my imagination.I felt a tap on my shoulder.I turned to see Kaytay's cheerleader friend waving at me."Hi i'm Jenny.You can call me Jenn."She said waving at me.I looked at her expecting her to say go to heck like Kaytay's eyes would.I waved at her."I'm Lee."i told her.i Heard some tapping at the front of the class."I'm sorry am I interuppting?"the teacher said sacasticlly.Jenn giggled and turned back to me."I'll talk to you later."She said smiling.I looked up shocked.I felt daggers stabbing me in my back.I glanced back to see Kaytay staring me down angrily.I turned back to front of the class.I sighed.This was going to be a long day.

chapter 10
I looked at the front of the class room to where Lee sat alone.She looked so bored.I sighed.Kaytay looked and glared at me.I rolled my eyes at her.Like I cared what that stuckup thought.Bam!Mr.Kert had dropped his textbook on Lee's desk and was glaring at her.what happened to make him do that I wonder.On instinct I stood up really fast and yelled ,"Leave Lee alone!".The class went silent.Lee turned to look at me with a question on her face.I froze realizing my mistake.He was just messing with the class."Hallway Now!"Mr.Kert said darkly."sorry Lee."I said exiting the door.I heard Kaytay laugh loudly so I could hear.I sighed and leaned aginst the wall.The door opened and closed quitely.Mr.Kert stepped in front of me then."What was that?"he asked me calmly.I looked down and sighed."You were glaring at Lee."I said.when I looked up I saw him smirking at me."What"I asked."I was just playing with Lee."He said starting to laugh.His laughing made me mad.I clenched my hand into a fist."I want you to stay away from Lee."Mr.Kert whispered.I looked up shocked.He wasn't joking around anymore."your not the boss of me or Lee."I said boldly even though I was starting to freak out at my smart tail replys."I'm warning you."was all he said."You can come back in now."I stood there pissed.That teacher.who did he think he was.

chapter 11
Mr.Kert walked in first.My heart was racing.When he slammed his text book on my desk and glared at me he handed me a note and whispered to where only I could hear it."I have a message from your parents.Meet me at my house and we'll talk about it." was what he said.and then Steven jumped up and shouted at him.What if he heard what he said.The door opened and the angry looking steven walked in.He glared at mr.kert as he walked pass him.then he looked at me.His gaze got a little bit kinder but not by much.I looked down out of embarrasment.I looked back up when he walked past me to find Mr.kert staring at me.I felt like everyone was attacking me.Jenn turned to me and whispered,"It's okay don't let that bother you."she said kindly.I looked up shocked.did I look as bad as I felt.I nodded my head and smiled."yeah thanks." I replied.she smiled one last time before turning back.I looked at my had a small note on it now.I looked up at mr.kert.He had his back to me writing equations on the blackboard.He felt me staring and stopped writing.He turned his head my way slightly but then turned back.It looked like he had smiled and winked at me then but I wasn't sure.I picked up the note and put it in my pocket.The bell rang for lunch.everyone but me got up and left.steven got his things and walked over to me.he looked at the other side of the room and then at mr.kert who was staring him down coldly."Steven go to lunch."he commanded."Lee, a moment if you dont mind."He said looking at steven to me.I nodded then said,"sure....I'll catch up with you in the lunchroom then."steven sighed and nodded."Whatever."He said leaving.I looked down.I got my bags and walked up to the front of the room."You needed to see me?"I asked.He looked at me with a warm gaze.His look made me feel all warm.I looked away getting embarrased.He wore glasses that made him look smart but i doubted he need them.He had deep hazle eyes and dark chocolate brown colored hair.He was a little higher than I was but not much.He wore a dark red longsleeved dress shirt that made his tan skin look white."You got the note?"he asked in a sweet tone.I shook my head yes no longer trusting my voice or mr.kert."good.....Then I'll see you later on today."He said grabbing my hand.shocked i froze.He pulled my hand to his lips and kissed it.I yanked it back.He looked up and smiled. "Who do you think you are?"I asked confused.He just smiled and waved."If you really want to know then stop by sometime."He whispered so low I had to lean in just to hear it.

chapter 12
I found jimmy and walked over to him.He was still being a cold grouch but there wasn't anything I could do for that.I sighed and he looked at me."What's up with you?"He asked.Me and him had different first blocks so of course he wouldn't know."My teacher has a thing for Lee...."he said.Jimmy looked at me stunned."What?!"he asked shocked.I looked at him and sighed."In class Mr.Kert pulled me out of class to tell me to stay away from Lee."I explained.Jimmy looked at me through his glasses."Mr.Kert....and Lee? that I think about it didn't he just get out of high school?"he said.What?He just got out....but then how did he get a job here without going to college?I looked at jimmy and asked,"What do you mean ...did he just got out of college?".Jimmy laughed and said,"No ,he just finished highschool.His family was so rich that he had his own private tutor that taught him and he went to boarding schools so he had like all these really good grades,at least that's what Katelyn said."I looked at him.Of course that explains so much."Who's katelyn ?Is she your friend?"I asked changing the topic.Jimmy could tell that I didn't want to talk about Mr.Kert anymore and said,".She's the president of the school.She and I were talking about who would take her spot when she left school next year."Oh so another obsessed fangirl for mr.kert.I rolled my eyes.Lee came rushing past us soon after.She looked upset.I caught her by the arm."Lee?What's wrong?"I asked.Jimmy looked confused and said,"Lee?"Lee turned around and said,"let go of me."I loosened my grip some but didn't release her."Not until you tell me what happened."I said.POP!She slapped me as hard as she could across my face."I said let go of me."she yanked her arm away and ran down the hall.I stood there in shock.Jimmy looked frantic on wheter to console me or to chase after Lee.What did Mr.Kert do?I turned around and ran back to his classroom.He was still there only he had a red hanprint on the side of his face too.So lee got to him too?i laughed to myself."Steven?what are you doing back in here?"he asked like he was interested.I glared at him and said,"What did you do to her?Why did lee run out here upset?"He glared at me.It was dead silent in the room all you could hear was my heavy breathing and his.he laughed and walked over to me.He patted me on the back and said,"what happens between a teacher and a student is private Steven."he walked out of the room.I started walking to catch up."Mr.Kert,"he stopped and turned,"you better stay away from Lee not me."I said.He glared at me and said ,"Silly immature steven.You'll only end up getting hurt.I'm just looking out for you."He said sarcasticlly and laughed.He left shortly after that.I really hated that guy and what on earth did he do to Lee.

Chapter 13
My life sucks.It's like the world doesn't want me to be happy.I wiped the tears from my eyes and pulled the covers over my head.Mr.Kert knew about my family leaving me here.He had been in contact with them.He told me they wanted to see me, but he would only tell me why if I went to his house.He also told me to stay away from Steven.Steven.I slapped him and he was just trying to help me.Urgh.I hate myself.I tossed and turned but couldn't find sleep.I sighed and got up.I walked over to the bath room and let the warm water run filling up the tub slowly.I undressed and got in.I sighed in relief letting the stress loose.I laid my head back and closed my eyes relaxing.I finished taking a bath and got out.I put on my bathrobe and went out to my room.I walked over to my closet and grabbed some denim jeans and an american eagle
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