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Book online «Lee, Mintykk [free ebook reader for iphone .txt] 📗». Author Mintykk

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shirt.It was a dark blue my favorite color.I walked over to the bathroom blow dryed my hair and dressed.I quickly staightened my hair.Then I got the grey jacket I bought at a second-hand store.I pulled out the directions to Mr.Kerts house and left.It was a 30 minute walk to get to his house.I wasn't big or anything just a simple 3 roomed house.I took a deep breath and rang the door bell.It opened shortly after.Mr.Kert had answered but I didn't recognize him.His hair hung in front of his eyes like the boys usually did in my grade and he wore no glasses."Um...I'm looking for Mr.Kert?"I asked hoping I got the right place.He smiled and laughed."Come on in Lee."he said opening the door.I looked at him questioningly.he sighed and said,"I'm Mr.Kert Lee....Would you feel more comfortable with my hair pulled back and my glasses on?"I slowly nodded my head taking baby steps in his house.He went into a room on the right and came back looking like he normally does."I was starting to think you wouldn't come.But now that you are here do you want something to drink or eat?or we could sit and watch t.v."he said entusiastic.I took a step away from him."Uh...I came here about my parents."I said.a look of shock came across his face but he said,"Of course,"he walked back into the room he had gone earlier and came back shortly with a letter in his hand,"here it is the letter from your parents."he handed it to me.I took it and slowly opened it.It read, 'Dear Lee, We've been thinking recently about your future.What are you going to do in life who are you going to marry and all this other stuff.I mean you can't live off of us your entire life now then can you.Anyways we've decided that you are to marry Henry L. Kert, and be his loving wife.Now we know that there is a difference in your ages but you'll learn to overlook it.Now then moving on I think we should tell you something very imporrtant we've had another child.A boy.His name is alex and he's 3 years old now.and yes he's your brother.We'll be visiting in November.,Love your parents' .I stumbled back in shock.I re-read the letter to make sure I got everything correct.My parent's were making me marry Mr.Kert teacher!!and on top of that I have a little brother!I turned to look at mr.kert.He was studying my every movement.I asked him,"Did...did you know...about this?"I threw the letter up in the air."Yea...I'm the one who came up with the idea."he told me.I looked at him bewildered."What?Why would you do that?I don't want to marry you."I said.he came over to me."It's okay.It's okay.With time you'll eventually come to love me as well."he said hugging me.I tryed to escape from his grip but he just squeezed me tighter.I finally escaped and when I did I slapped him even harder then I did earlier.I ran out of his house crushing the letter in my hand.Why?Why did the world hate me so much?Why couldn't I have been the perfect daughter for my parents?tears ran down my cheeks,but I didn't care.I kept going until I was at the treehouse.I climbed up it closed the wooden windows and grabbed a blanket and climbed onto the small couch.After a few minutes of crying I finally fell asleep.

Chapter 14
Being that it was a weekend I walked to grandmas.Jimmy said to leave it be but I needed to know more about Lee.why she wasn't telling me anything.She didn't say much about her family either.when I got there Grandma was already on the porch.she looked at me and smiled."Hey grandma."I said waving.She waved back and said,"A visit from steven to what honor do I bestow this." I rolled my eyes."Grandma can you do me a favor?"I asked her.She looked at me skeptically and said,"Depends on what it is." I smiled at her.She looked so much like mom it was shocking.She was still pretty young to be a grandma too."Can you tell me more about Lee and her family?"I asked.Grandma sat there on her rocking chair for a while with a shocked look."I don't know much about her family.They used to come down every summer for vacation and then one year they left and I never saw them again.In there place was Lee who I believe lives alone....and that's all I know about them.Lee tends to keep to herself....why do you want to know all this about Lee?"she finished.I took a deep breath.Lives alone."Grandma where does Lee Live?"I asked.She said,"Now steven don't go stalking her.....but she lives down the block from here in the mansion house." I Looked at her and smiled."thanks Grandma.See you later.Love you."I said and jumped off the porch."Bye bye deary do take care.I love you too."grandma said waving.I walked the rest of the way quickly.There were kids playing and dogs barking every now and then every few yards I passed.And then I stopped.I stood in shock at what I was seeing.It was a huge mansion that looked out of place but yet in place.It was a pretty shade of cream yellow.had a nice european feel to it too.I walked slowly to the door suddenly nervous.My hands were sweating.I slowly knocked on the door three times.After a few minutes of silence I rang the door bell.It took another five minutes ,but The door opened to reveal Lee in pajamas.She had red eyes and bags up under her eyes."Steven?"she asked."What are you doing here?"

Chapter 15
It shocked me to see Steven here.How did he know where I lived even? "umm....I .... I want to learn more about you."Steven said grabbing my arm.I stood in silence looking at him."Go home."I said starting to close the door.Before I could close it he shoved his foot in the door way and said,"Lee...I know your keeping things from me but you have to let me in on your secrets." I didn't say anything."Why do you want to know so much about me...Leave me alone Steven.."I said.He was silent for a while.Before I could stop him he shoved the door open and said ,"Look Lee I'm sorry for doing this but I gotta know more about you." I snorted and bursted out laughing."You'd go this far as to breaking in my house just to get to know me?"I asked.I couldn't help but smile.This was the first time somebody had cared enough to do that.I didn't know if it was a good thing or bad."Of course.You are my girlfriend after all."Steven said.I blushed and looked away."It's a very long story...are you sure you want to hear it?"I looked back at him.He nodded.We went to the living room and sat down.He looked around and stopped when he got to the last family picture we took.I was 10 and looked nothing like my parents."Is that you?...and your family?"He asked.I nodded and said ,"Yea...thats my mom and dad."He looked at my parents and then at me and said ,"You look like them." I stared shocked.I looked at the picture of my parents then at me in the mirror.It was true I had the same height as my mom and I guess the head shape was almost the same as dads but other than that I didn't see anything."You and your mom....look like twins only she has gold hair."steven said.Tears started to come down my face."Whats wrong?"He asked paniked.I shook my head,"Nothing...It's just this is the first time I've ever been told that it's a little much to take in." He didn't say anything he stared at me with a sad expression on his face.I sniffed a couple of times till I was able to say in a clear voice ,"Well shall we begin with my life story."

Chapter 16
And then she started."My parents and me ... we just have nothing in common I guess.Ever since I was little my parents would do anything they could to get rid of me.And because of their hate towards me I've just haven't been able to trust anyone ever again.I'm always afraid they're going to hate me.....The only person who was ever kind to me when I was little was your grandma and the maid my parents hired to look after me.Her name was ms.linda an old lady.She taught me everything I know almost.She died when I was 12.My parents replaced her with a new maid but they didn't treat me the same.They never wanted to talk to me to do anything with me.I was completley alone like I've been my entire life.....When I turned 13 My parents bought this summer house...We would come here every summer thats when I first met your grandma.She was so full of life ... she still is... When I turned 15 they left me here.I went to go get groceries and when I returned they had packed up and left.There was a note telling me this place was going to be my new home that I'd been enrolled at the school here.It was very shcoking time for me.....And then you and your brother came.I felt things that I never thought I'd have felt in my life....And Mr.kert ..He told me to stay away from you I asked him why and he told me to come to his place that night.So I did.What I discovered however was the biggest shock in my life ever...He told me the reason that I was supposed to stay away from you was because my parents gave him their blessing to marry me as soon as I got out of school.They want me to marry my teacher!Can you believe that!me marrying my teacher whom i barely know!"Lee explained. It was alot to take in that her parents had abandoned their child and took off that they were forcing her to marry Mr.Kert. Mr.Kert of all people."So now you know."Lee said. I stared at her for awhile.she was breathtakingly beautiful."What?"She asked noticing my stare. "I'm going to find those parents of yours.and when I do I'm going to smash their freaking heads in."I said angrily.
Lee flinched and said,"It doesn't even matter anyways.I'm not going to do anything they tell m e to.". "Good."I said.After that she told me it be best to leave so people wouldn't suspect anything and I left.And the fist place I went to was straight to that stupid teacher's house.

Chapter 17
I stood there watching him walk away for awhile.It suprised me to see him at my house and demand to know about my life.I closed the door when he was out of sight.I looked in the mirror.I was a mess.My hair wasn't brushed,I didn't have any makeup on,i was wearing my sweats,I didn't even brush my teeth yet.I stretched and yawned I went up to my room.Got out some blueish blackish pants and a bright red shirt.I took it to the bathroom and set them down on the counter.I grabbed my peach scented shampoo and conditoner from up under the sink.turned on the hot water and left to get the towell and rag.Once i got back I changed the knob to where it would make it into a shower.I dont know how long I stayed in there just thinking when a knock from downstairs snapped me out of my thought.I turned off the water.Pulled on my robe and went down the hall.I went to the window to see who was at my door.Whoever it was had dark brown hair.Mr.Kert?I opened the window and shouted ," Um..Excuse me?" He looked up shocked.It was mr.kert.I sighed."Why aren't you seeing me at the door?"he shouted back. I said,"Welll I would come down there but I'm kinda in the middle of a shower right now." He started to blush. Pervert i thought to myself."Oh...Um..can I come in till your done I got something to tell you." He said. I didn't say anything for awhile and then I said,"You wont come up the stairs right?You'll only stay in the living room right?"I asked him.I must've
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