» Family & Relationships » Adrian Assistant, jewel crotan [best novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

Book online «Adrian Assistant, jewel crotan [best novels for beginners .TXT] 📗». Author jewel crotan

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in between his legs.

“Let’s get the honeymoon started, shall we honey?” he asked in a sweet voice, smirking down at my stunned expression.

I placed my palms on his shoulders and tried to push him away with all my strength – failing miserably. He chuckled at my weak attempt at moving him before he climbed off the bed, going back to his suitcase.

“It’s late,” he said. “Let’s shower and get some rest. Do you want to shower in this bathroom or the main one down the hall?”

I climbed off the bed and straightened my skirt before answering. “I’ll use the one down the hall,” I said, making my way over to the bedroom door to leave.

“Okay,” Adrian grinned, following me.

I stopped to turn to him and glare. “Alone,” I added firmly, pushing him back into the bedroom. He chuckled before pouting at my glare, and I continued my descent down the hall to find the main bathroom.

Once I felt squeaky clean and no longer smelly from the plane, I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body tightly, before groaning to myself.

“Not again,” I mumbled, realising I hadn’t brought any clothing with me. I stepped out of the bathroom and made my way to our bedroom as quietly as I could, before stopping to see if the shower was still running.

I let out a sigh of relief once I heard the water still gushing down, and quickly prodded over to my suitcase and zipping it open. My eyes widened in shock and I felt my whole body flush in embarrassment as my eyes scanned the lace undergarments Amy had packed for me. I scowled at the flimsy material and quickly went through the rest of the suitcase, desperate to find more appropriate things. My scowl deepened as I reached the bottom.

The contents of my suitcase were as follows:

only see-through lace bras and underwear

two insubstantial looking bikini pieces

a sundress

a pair of mini shorts

and a tank top with ‘I ♥ NY’ printed on it

I looked around in panic. What the hell was I supposed to wear to bed?

I knew the answer Amy wanted to hear as soon as my eyes landed on the black lace nightdress that was way too short and way too see-through. The neckline looked like it dipped way below my chest area, and I groaned before scrunching the gauzy material and shoving it into the corner of my bag.

I bit my lip in thought before discarding the irrational suggestion that appeared in my mind. I was desperate – and was going to murder Amy once I got my hands on her – but not desperate enough to ask Adrian if I could wear one of his shirts. I whimpered softly before taking out the mini shorts and tank top, along with the first pair of undergarments my hands found. With my meager, unfortunate wardrobe, I scurried back to the bathroom to get changed.

I re-entered the room while towel drying my hair, still pissed off at the fact that Amy had packed one thing for me to sleep in – if I could even count it as one piece. It was more like ¼ of a piece. I stopped in my tracks once I found Adrian looking down at me with an amused yet lust filled expression, and I began blushing instantly as my eyes trailed own his shirtless body before landing on the pair of black boxers he was wearing.

“You know Shortcake,” he smirked, giving me a slow once over. “I said we’re going to bed; not taking a stroll on the beach. Although I do love that on you.”

I blushed and threw the towel at his naked torso. “Shut up. I… I’ve had a wardrobe malfunction,” I muttered bitterly, before looking back at him. “What’s your excuse?! Stop being so- so-“ I struggled for the right word.

“Sexy? God-like? Incredible? Deliciously good looking? Am-”

“Naked!” I exclaimed, cutting him off. He chuckled before walking over to me and lifting me up as he did when I hugged him earlier. My legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and my hands caught onto his shoulders for support before I glared at him.

“Put me down,” I muttered, still blushing.

“No,” he replied, tightening the grip he had around my waist. “Define ‘wardrobe malfunction,” he asked as he shut the door behind us and started walking over to the bed. He dropped me onto the soft white sheets before climbing in after me, smirking at the fact that I was watching his every move.

“I- um- what?” I asked, snapping out of my ogling state and blushing furiously.

“Why are you wearing day clothing?” he asked, “Didn’t your friend pack you any pajamas?” The smirk on his face slowly began to shrink away, replaced by a frown.

I shook my head and pouted, feeling helpless once again. His frown deepened for a moment before he walked over to his suitcase and pulled out a shirt, not bothering with boxers, and threw it over to me. I caught it clumsily, before looking up at him.

“Wear it while we’re here as your pajamas,” he said as he climbed back into bed. “You always look sexy in my shirts anyway.”

“A- Are you sure?” I asked, biting my lip down as guilt rushed through me. What if he didn’t have another shirt? He waved off my concerns before pushing me off the bed and laughing as I let out an ‘oomph’. “Go get dressed and come back to me so I can feel you up before we sleep.” I jumped off the ground in shock, looking over at his laughing figure with wide eyes before it registered that he was joking.

Glaring, I walked over to the connected bathroom and shut the door before stripping off my clothes and slipping on his shirt. This time, it was a plain blue Ralph Lauren polo shirt, but still stopped just above mid-thigh. It occurred to me then that I was wearing a pair of black lace underwear, and I walked out of the bathroom with my face turning the colour of a tomato.

Hoping he wouldn’t realize it, I slipped into my side of bed just as Adrian pulled me closer, making the shirt roll up to my stomach. I squeaked in shock as he looked down at my bare legs, paying particular attention to the lace undergarment. His eyes slowly moved back up to meet mine, and I watched as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he visibly swallowed.

“Why,” he began in a raspy voice, pulling me into him even more, “why do you like to torture me, Shortcake?”

I felt a familiar large bulge poke into my lower abdomen.

My eyes widened before I looked back into his hazel ones, trying to keep my breathing steady. “S-Sorry,” I mumbled. He sighed and pulled my head into his neck, ending our conversation for the night.


“Adrian, stop it!” I snapped, trying to snatch his phone out of his hands as he continued taking photos of me in the black and gold bikini piece Amy had packed for me.

“Nope. Just give me one smile!” he reasoned, “If I get a proper photo of you, I promise I’ll stop.”

I gave myself another mental reminder to choke Amy because of the fact that she didn’t pack a pair of swim shorts, only the bikini bottom, before glaring at Adrian. “No. No photos. I’m naked!” I exclaimed, jumping up to reach for the phone again. I was also mentally cursing Adrian’s height at this point in time.

“Keep jumping, I’m enjoying the view.” Adrian smirked, looking down at my chest area. It occurred to me then that my breasts were larger than the majority of the women I knew, and I froze in my spot, blushing with a mortified expression.

“Pervert!” I exclaimed, scowling as I covered my chest with my arms.

He chucked before looking over at me again. “One photo, Emily! Please?” He looked at me with puppy dog eyes and grinned, catching me completely off guard. I stared at his expression for a few long moments before sighing.

“Fine. But not one soul see’s this photo!” I pointed out, glaring.

He first pumped the air before kissing my cheek and running backwards. “I wouldn’t want them to anyway, you’re mine.” He pointedly focused his gaze on a close group of men that was looking in our – my – direction. They caught Adrian’s glare and hurriedly looked away, apparently finding an interesting grain of sand.

“Smile!” Adrian said in a sing-song voice, grinning at my glaring figure as he got the camera ready. I sent one more menacing glare in his direction before sighing and dropping my hands to my side and grinning widely. Adrian stared at me for a few moments before he shook his head and pressed the iPhone screen, indicating that he took the photo.

I ran up to him instantly and snatched the phone out of his grasp before he even had time to react, and clicked on the photo in a hurry before groaning. “I look hideous.” I pouted, observing the photo in more detail. “I’d practically blend in with the sand if it weren’t for my hair and bikini!” I exclaimed, shoving the phone back into Adrian’s hands with a pout.

Adrian chuckled and wrapped an arm around my exposed stomach, pulling me closer into his shirtless body as he looked at the photo himself. “Absolutely perfect,” he said under his breath, the sincerity in his voice taking me by surprise. He played around with his phone for a few seconds before locking the screen and unlocking it again before showing me what he had done.

I let out a gasp before looking up at him. “No! Absolutely not! I am not going to be your wallpaper!” I snapped, glaring in an attempt to hide my blush.

“You have no choice in the matter,” he replied with a smug smirk, making my glare harden. He held my gaze for a while before I looked away, huffing in defeat. “I hate you,” I muttered, looking at my toes like a child.

He chuckled before sneaking a kiss on my cheek, making me look up and glare again. “No you don’t.” He grinned. My eyes began to narrow even more before an idea popped into my mind.

“How about we take one together?” I tried, looking up at him with a hopeful expression. “You can make that your wallpaper instead of my naked body.”

He thought about it for a moment, then his eyes lit up. Before I could fully process what was happening, he had already lifted me up bridal style. I squeaked in surprise, which he ignored of course. He just held out the phone for me.

“You take the photo,” he said as he meshed his cheek onto mine. I rolled my eyes while trying to fight the smile that appeared on my lips at his playful behaviour, before turning the front camera on and snapping a picture of the both of us grinning.

“Take another one!” he exclaimed the moment I was done. I turned my face slightly to give him a confused look before pointing the camera back to our faces. Just as my thumb pressed the capture button on the screen, Adrian turned and bit my cheek, making me squeeze my eyes shut in the photo.

“What was that?!” I exclaimed as he put me back down on the sand.

He shrugged with a smirk before snatching the phone out of my hands. “Just because we took photos, doesn’t mean I’m changing my wallpaper,” he declared, smirking down at me.

“Hey! We made a deal!” I scowled, glaring. He shrugged and chuckled as he picked up our soaked towels from the day.

“Come on, let’s go have dinner. The sun’s almost completely gone.”

I looked out to the skyline where the sun was slowly descending into the water.

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