» Family & Relationships » Adrian Assistant, jewel crotan [best novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

Book online «Adrian Assistant, jewel crotan [best novels for beginners .TXT] 📗». Author jewel crotan

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I patted all the sand off my legs and out of my hair before following him up the stairs of the beach house, where we went our separate ways to shower.


“If that asshole looks at you one more time,” Adrian grumbled, glaring at the waiter’s back as he walked away from our table, “I’m going to have a nice long chat with the owner of this place.”

I rolled my eyes at his possessive nature. “Adrian, all he did was smile because I said thank you,” I pointed out with a flat expression. His eyes slowly made their way back to my face before he scowled at me.

“Haven’t I already told you not to talk to any men?”

I gave him an exasperated look before replying. “Yeah, a month ago! Jesus, calm down a little, he’s 16 years old!” I exclaimed, looking back at the poor waiter who was most likely to lose his job thanks to Adrian’s jealously issues.

“Whatever,” he grumbled, ending the topic abruptly.

I sighed before trying to think of a new topic to bring up, not wanting to eat in an awkward silence.

“So… Why are you and your mom so snippy towards each other?” I asked as I shoved a spoonful of mashed potato into my mouth, chewing on it as calmly as possible.

Adrian shrugged before also filling his mouth with mashed potato, and I glared at his lack of response. He sighed before answering. “My mother believes I should get married to a girl she knows from England. You know, good family, important in the business industry, blah, blah, blah. I’m not particularly fond of her method, and neither is my father – which is why he took a liking to you when you two met.”

I almost choked on the mashed potato I was swallowing when he mentioned being married to someone else, but covered up my reaction by sipping the cup of water I had in front of me.

“Is that why she hates me so much?” I couldn’t help but ask, stirring my peas around the plate.

Adrian shook his head and swallowed before answering. “She doesn’t hate you. She just sees you as a threat to her whole plan – you’re the only woman I’ve ever even glanced at more than once. I guess she believes that you’re going to be the wedge that finally stops her master plan once and for all.” He ended the explanation with a sip of his wine.

I looked down at my white dress and let my hair fall over my face to cover my blush. “Oh, I understand,” I mumbled, trying to calm my racing heart.

“What do you want to do when we get home?” Adrian asked, completely oblivious to my internal organs beating against my chest.

I looked up to meet his questioning gaze, and bit my lip in thought. “Let’s play a game!” I suggested excitedly, before blushing again at the loud volume of my voice.

Adrian chuckled at my embarrassed state, before nodding in agreement. “What kind of game? I vote Truth or Dare.” In a loud voice that made people from other tables look over in our direction with puzzled expressions, he announced: “I dare you to give me a strip tease.”

“Adrian!” I hissed, looking over at his amused expression in mortification. He laughed softly before drinking the rest of his wine.

“Are you finished eating?” he asked, looking down at the small pile of mashed potato and scattered vegetables that remained on my plate. When I nodded, he threw a $100 bill onto the table and stood up, making me follow suit.

We left the small restaurant, which was not very far from the beach house, and arrived back home in under 10 minutes. Adrian locked the front door behind us once we entered, before grabbing my wrist and tugging me along with him upstairs. He opened the door to our room and pulled his shirt off and grinned at me.

“I have the perfect game for us to play,” he announced, before leaving me in the room alone. I decided to strip out of the dress then – and locked the door once I remembered it was still wide open, before tugging on Adrian’s shirt.

His smell instantly overcame my senses, and I smiled happily before unlocking the door and going over to sit on the bed. Adrian walked in a few minutes later holding a packet of UNO cards, and I instantly broke out into a grin.

“Now, I have to warn you,” he said cockily, “I’m pretty fucking good at this game.”

He smirked down at me once he realised I had changed into his shirt. He threw the packet of cards onto the bed before taking off his jeans and climbing in with me – taking a position directly opposite. I pulled down the shirt to try and cover my thighs – as well as the bright red thong Amy had left in the suitcase for me to wear – before I began to shuffle the deck.

“Bring it on, Adri-poo,” I declared, giving him a wicked smile.


I don’t think Adrian took the fact that I was a very competitive player into account until I kept demanding that we’d replay games. The score was a tie by midnight, and as he packed the deck away while I lay in bed, I came to the realisation that maybe he let me win the last game, just so we could stop playing.

“You let me win, didn’t you?” I asked Adrian with a slight glare once he re-entered the room and shut the door behind him.

“What? No! You won – fair and square, Shortcake.” He climbed into the bed and instantly pulled me over to him. He smirked before raising the shirt up from my back and looking down to my underwear. I felt his chest jerk, like he was choking on his own saliva.

“What?” I asked, my eyes widening in embarrassment as I looked down at the pair of red lace underwear.

“Holy shit,” he muttered, keeping his gaze glued to the flimsy material that barely covered my private area. I blushed before pulling the shirt back down, snapping him out of his gaze on my lower region. “Emily,” he muttered as his eyes met mine once again.

I squirmed slightly under his intense gaze, blushing. “Y- Yes?”

He shook his head and pulled me closer into his torso, before placing a kiss on my hair. “You’re going to be the death of me,” he mumbled, making my heart rate soar.

Didn't mean to

 I woke up the next morning to the refreshing beach air, and instantly inhaled the peaceful smelling aroma while stretching my limbs after a comfortable sleep. Adrian groaned beside me and stirred a little, making me look over to him to check if I had accidentally woken him up. Once his breathing fell even, I slowly pushed myself out of bed, careful not to make much sound or movement.

Once I successfully escaped the room quietly, I made my way over to the main bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, before descending the long staircase to make my way to the kitchen.

My stomach grumbled slightly as I scanned the contents of the cupboards, before walking over to fridge and pulling out the loaf of bread that was sitting in the corner of the top shelf, along with 4 eggs and the jar of strawberry jam. I cut the loaf into even pieces before popping the cut pieces into the toaster while turning on the stove for the eggs.

I heard Adrian yawn loudly just as I finished spreading jam on one of the cooked toast, and turned around to find him staring at me with a sleepy smirk.

“Good morning, Housewife,” he greeted in a husky morning voice, making me blush lightly at the statement. “Is this for me?” he asked, pointing at the eggs and toast in front of him.

It was actually mine, but he took a bite from the toast before I could respond. I glared, placing a hand on my hip. “That was mine,” I said, huffing.

He shrugged and smirked in my direction before sitting on the bar stool and taking another bite from my breakfast. I gave him a look of disbelief before sighing and turning around to continue his eggs – that were now going to be mine. 

Once I was done cooking, and after pouring Adrian a large bowl of cereal, I sat across from him and began to eat my own breakfast, closing my eyes as I savoured the taste. Once my eyelids fluttered open again, I found Adrian staring in my direction with a small smile on his face, making me blush.

“What?” I murmured, shaking my hair slightly so that it fell onto my face to hide my embarrassment.

“I’ve noticed something about you, Shortcake,” he stated, still wearing the warm smile on his lips. I raised my eyebrows in surprise before nodding my head cautiously, indicating for him to continue. “Your eyelids flutter close and you let out a small sigh every time you experience something you enjoy. You just did it now, and you always make that small sigh in your sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night and wrap my arms back around your waist.” He finished his comment by shoving a spoonful of sloppy cereal into his mouth.

My eyes widened in shock as his words sank in, and I began blushing furiously at the fact that Adrian noticed something so irrelevant. “O- Oh, really?” I stammered, fumbling with my reply.

He nodded before looking up at me with a smirk. “Don’t get me started on how many times you’ve done it when I’ve touched you,” he added while his smirk grew at my horrified expression.

“Shut up!” I exclaimed in a squeaky voice, before jumping out my seat and taking our empty plates to the sink. He just chuckled as he chomped on more soggy cereal.

“We’re going to spend the day on the beach again,” he stated while I began to wash the plates under the running water.

“Okay, fine with me,” I replied, washing off the soap.

“We’ll eat lunch there too,” Adrian continued. “We need to make the most of it since our flight is at 5AM tomorrow morning.”

“5AM?!” I exclaimed, turning around to give him another look of disbelief. I almost choked.

He nodded, before getting out of his seat and placing the bowl into the sink and giving me a pointed look. “It’s a five-hour flight, so we’ll already be missing most of the morning in the office.”

I nodded in thought, feeling slightly disappointed at the fact that I was going to be leaving this place. “I understand,” I said, sighing slightly before turning off the tap. “Let’s go up and get dressed then. I want to soak up as much sunrays as my pale skin can take in before we go back to hell.” I grinned at him.

He returned the cheeky look and bit my shoulder playfully, making me squeak in surprise, before we both raced up the stairs of the beach house, laughing loudly.


“Feed me!” Adrian demanded, glaring at

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