» Family & Relationships » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading well .txt] 📗

Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading well .txt] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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night? Her mother always was the same way, now that she thought about it. Sienna “Malayna” told Sierra “Airmed” it was “all in the blood.” Now she knew what that meant.
Oh, but how to explain it all to Aaron without him turning tail and leaving her? How was she going to tell an Ancient Mystic his Earthly Protector wasn’t quite normal?
As if to answer her internal fears, a sleeping Aaron gently wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer.
She would find a way to tell him, but it would have to wait until morning. Closing her eyes and calling the Dream Chant, she drifted back to sleep, hoping to find him this time.


Amethyst and her new Earthly Protector Scott flew the Dream Realm skies, hand-in-hand. While he enjoyed the flight, she was distracted. Something her almost-sister revealed had her thinking. Now that they were alone, it was the perfect time to ask him about it. Before speaking, she touched down and folded her arms.
“What’s wrong, Amethyst?” Scott gave her a look of confusion. “Don’t tell me you’re tired of flying?”
“No, it’s not that.” Amethyst frowned. “Young Guardian told me something very interesting about you.”
“What did she tell you?” Scott asked, sitting on the ground. “What am I in for now?”
“She told me Lord Guardian’s impressed by you.” Amethyst responded.
“He is?” Scott was surprised.
“What did you do to impress him?”
“I don’t rightfully remember.” Scott said, scratching his head. “It’s been too long.”
“What about this, then?” Amethyst drilled. “How are you able to come here without either of the Musketeers?”
Scott shrugged. “I don’t know. I just can.” He said. “I tried telling Seth to call the Dream Chant, but he claims it doesn’t work for him.”
Amethyst sat next to him and frowned, this time in thought. “You call the Chant each night, coming here without us?” Scott nodded. “That makes you a special Dreamer. I wonder, what makes you so special?”
Scott smiled. “I bet I know.” Amethyst looked at him expectantly. “I’ll show you.”
He picked up a nearby stick that had fallen from a tree. He stared at it for a few seconds before the end of it caught fire. Amethyst gasped, moving away.
“Relax.” Scott grinned. He stared at it again for a few more seconds until the small flame was gone. “There.”
“What was that?” Amethyst took the stick from his hands and examined it.
“That was my special Dream Realm power.” Scott said. “Lord Guardian calls me a Fire-Starter.” He thought for a moment. “Maybe that’s why he’s so impressed by me?”
“How long have you been able to do that?” Amethyst asked, moving next to him again.
“Would you believe ten years?” Scott questioned with a grin.
“Amazing. Can you do that in our world?”
Scott shook his head. “I’ve tried, but no luck.”
“Are you sure you don’t remember doing anything that impressed Lord Guardian?” Amethyst pressed. “Something that had to do with that fire-starting power of yours?”
“What is this, twenty questions?” Scott laughed, shaking his head and kissing her.
“I just want to know what makes you a special Dreamer.” Amethyst said softly.
He played with the blades of grass he picked from the ground before looking at her again. “Maybe it’s because of you?” He asked, catching her eye. “You’re a new Ancient Mystic who needed a Protector, right? Maybe that’s why Lord Guardian chose me to remember this world? Because he thought you needed me?”
Amethyst took his hand and smiled. “I’ve always needed you, Scott Archer. I love you.”
Scott smiled back. “I love you, too, Amethyst.”


Back in the Outer Realm, Sierra Gregory had one thought in mind as she woke. She had to tell Aaron the truth, and hope it wouldn’t send him away.
She went to the window of their bedroom. The sun wasn’t out yet, it was still dark.
“What are you doing up so early, Sierra?” Aaron asked sleepily as he woke with her. “It’s not even daylight.”
“I have to tell you something.” She said without turning to look at him.
I just hope he’ll understand. She said silently in her mind.
Aaron found his way to her side, wrapping arms around her waist and planting a kiss in her ear as he said. “Try me and find out.”
Sierra closed her eyes, thinking of her dream. She had to choose her words carefully so he wouldn’t get hurt. She knew people with Empathy felt much more than those without. It would tear him to pieces if she didn’t tell him in just the right words.
“I’m not what you think I am.” Sierra whispered. She shook her head. “I’m not even what I say I am. Not anymore, anyway.”
Interested and concerned, Aaron made her look at him. “You’d better tell me what this is about, Airmed Starchaser.”
She sat down on the bed, gesturing him to do the same. She was silent as she took both his hands and thought of her next words.
“I found something about myself the night we visited the Apprentice.” Sierra began, refusing to meet his eyes. She just stared at their intertwined hands.
He didn’t say anything, but let her go at her own pace. He squeezed her hands in assurance, letting her know he was there to listen.
“I’m descended from the last Ancient Watcher, Shem Starchaser.” She supplied. “I met up with a Dweller named Celeste Moondancer and her Bondmate Chase last night. They told me what I was. I am a Watcher-kin, able to work Ancient Magic, but forced to survive only at night. Celeste called me a Sun-Dancer, which is why I’ve been able to live in the daylight. That is, until recently.” She cleared her throat and took a deep breath before going on. “I’ve always loved the night, since I felt so alive then. I could see, hear, and feel things clearer at night than I could during the day. I thought that’s what made me a Pagan. When I initiated myself into Witchcraft, I renamed myself Airmed Starchaser. I took a different name, and I began to feel differently as well, especially when my twenty-first birthday came. No longer could I stay in the sun without it hurting my eyes. No longer could I live in daylight without being lethargic all the time.”
“Airmed.” Aaron began softly, but she silenced him.
“I’m not finished yet.” She said, and he nodded for her to go on. “Anyway, when I woke up last night from the dream, I thought more about what Chase and Celeste told me. I didn’t realize the significance of the Starchaser name I took years before until Celeste explained. I am a Watcher-kin Sun-Dancer, as are my mother and her three sisters. We’re all descended from Shem Starchaser, the last Ancient Watcher. That was why I was so eager to take the Starchaser name. Because it was handed down from him for generations, and a part of me wanted to keep it in the family.”
Sierra watched his expression, which didn’t move. He was serious in thought as he stared at her. He shook his head and stood, walking away from her. Her heart sunk.
“Oh, Aaron. Please say you understand and still love me.” Sierra sighed. “I’ve come to love you so much. I don’t want to lose you over this.”
Aaron stopped in his tracks, turning to meet her mismatched eyes. He reached a hand out to her. “Come to me, Airmed.”
She stood from the bed and took his hand. Immediately, she felt the empathic wave of love and acceptance. It came from him.
“You’re my Earthly Protector, and I love you with my heart and soul.” Aaron whispered, searching her eyes. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her and putting her head on his chest once he kissed her. “Know in your heart of hearts I will never, ever leave you.”
“Not even over this?”
“Not even over this.” He echoed. “Whatever happens in our lives, we’ll get through it. I promise.”
Sierra broke down in his embrace, crying tears on his chest. He held her until the tears subsided. When they did, he picked her up and set her on the bed, kissing her deeply. Before the sun rose from the eastern sky, Aaron made her forget her troubles.

Story: #4:
Tests of Wills

In the Dark Area, Orthos was alone with his Spell-Book and the special vase he used to call upon the Djinn god, Omri.

After the smoke cleared, Omri stood hovering above him with folded arms.
“Your wishes are always my commands, Master Orthos.” Omri grinned down at him. “Tell me, what do you wish of me this time?”
Orthos explained what he and Bane had in mind.
Omri laughed at it. “More Protectors for more Ancient Mystics, is it? Well, should I send the Hordes or the Mind-Dwellers to them?”
Orthos only smiled. “The Fear-Wraiths. I want them rendered useless, Omri.”
Omri smiled as well, clapping his hands and saying. “As you wish, Master.”
Orthos smiled to himself as Omri left to do his bidding. One less thing to worry about, he thought as he put the Spell-Book and vase away. The war was already half-won.


The first of Omri’s victims was an old Crusader from the Wars for Power. Omri knew Jammins well, and sent his best Fear-Wraith to attack his mind. Sichi would do well with this newly-made Earthly Protector of an even newer-revealed Ancient Mystic Elder woman.
They were on their way to the Feline Village, or so they thought, with another Ancient Mystic-Protector couple. To separate them, Omri used imagery and deceit. Deep in the mind of Sichi, Omri would watch the scene unfold. Indeed, it would prove most entertaining.

When the disorientation faded, Jammins and Julie looked around them.
“Where did TJ and Charlie go?” Julie asked. “They were just here a minute ago.”
Jammins didn’t answer, he only shrugged, feeling dizzy.
Julie sensed it. “Are you okay?” She asked, going to his side.
Jammins looked up into the air and growled under his breath. “Djinn.”
“What?” Julie was confused. “What’s Djinn?”
Before he could answer, the Djinn Fear-Wraith named Sichi appeared in front of them. Jammins tensed, staring at the lady Djinn. Slowly, he remembered her name and whispered it aloud. “Sichi.”
“That’s right, boy.” The Fear-Wraith Sichi purred. “You remember me!” Sichi looked at Julie. “Stand back, Ancient Mystic. He’s mine.”
The words evoked fear in her soul; fear for her Earthly Protector, and fear for herself. She could only stand aside and watch as this genie-looking woman-thing sprayed a spider’s webbing from her mouth, pinning him to the nearest tree. Julie noticed her husband’s eyes were hollow, like there was no fight left in him. Even his image changed from her gallant knight to a younger version of Jamie himself.
“Now then, Crusader.” Sichi purred. “I can see in your eyes you have yet to confront your deepest fear. Let’s see if we can remedy that, shall we?”
Sichi placed a finger to each of his temples and stared into his hollow eyes. “Yes, I see it all now. Perhaps you’d like to share it with your Ancient Mystic?”
A brush of power hit Julie’s head and she saw things she didn’t understand.
Sichi told the story as Julie saw it unravel in her own mind. “Feel the emotions of long before, Jamie. Long before you were ever a Crusader of this Realm. Think back, deep in the recesses of your mind, to the time long ago, when you had parents. Do you remember the loving touch of your mother’s hand? The way your father gave you everything you’d ever wanted? But wait – your parents held a dangerous secret from their only son. Oh, what could it be?”
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