» Family & Relationships » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading well .txt] 📗

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told him.
Aaron sensed the same thing Derrick had. “Maybe this’ll help?” He supplied to Derrick before turning to Ariana. “We work together, as a team. You don’t have to do everything all by yourself.”
“Yeah, Ariana.” Aimee nodded after her twin. “You’ve got us.”
“You don’t want a repeat of what happened last time you took on too much.” Sierra chipped in, taking Aaron’s hand. “It took most of everybody’s energy to get you back to normal. We might not have that should there be a next time.”
“At least some of us have a clue.” TJ spoke up sarcastically.
Ariana sighed, giving up and sitting next to Derrick. “Being the Young Guardian is a force of habit for me, just like codenames.” She looked at the group, guilty. “I guess with Orthos’ return, I kind of got carried away.”
“Kind of?” Scott teased. Aimee nudged him.
Derrick wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her. “That’s what we’re here for, Love. To force you to see when you’re on the verge of an overload.”
“You’ve got all of us on your side, Ariana, don’t ever forget that.” Shane said seriously. “You wouldn’t want to see either of us pushing ourselves too far, would you?”
Ariana looked to her brother-in-law and shook her head. “Okay, I’m convinced. No more taking on more than I can handle.”
Derrick squeezed her waist, sharing a knowing look. He winked.
“Now that we’ve got that out of the way, what’s the game plan, folks?” Scott asked.
“Until they make their first move, there’s nothing we can do but keep aware.” Jamie told him.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea.” Julie supplied. “There are a lot of places in the Dream Realm, right?” The group agreed, nodding. “Well, why don’t we pair up, take an area at night and watch over it?”
Shane grinned. “I like your style, Julie.”
“What about my patrols?” Ariana asked. “I can’t do both; it’ll burn me out quicker than a lit tea candle.”
“That’s what we’re here for.” Luna smiled at her twin. “You can be your Young Guardian self and patrol with the Protector while the rest of us keep watch.”
“We’ll meet up before heading home and report back to you.” Jamie said.
Ariana looked around her. “Do you really think it’ll work?”
“Have we ever steered you wrong?” Shane supplied.
“I guess not.” Ariana said.
“You know, eventually, we’ll have to be there in our physical forms.” Aimee remarked. “All of us. That leaves the kids here alone. Where are they going to go while the Dream Realm is at war and we’re fighting in it?”
“I told you, don’t worry.” Ariana said. “We’ll think of something, Amethyst.”
“In the meantime, we keep alert in the Dream Realm.” Charlie said. All eyes were on him. He was usually quiet, listening instead of talking, so this was a first for him. “In this world, we live our lives, going over different fighting styles and tactics so we’ll be prepared.”
TJ stared at him. “You really want to fight with us, don’t you?”
Charlie nodded. “The Dream Realm is your world too, Teej. I can’t let it be destroyed.”
“It won’t be.” Luna said. “Not with the all-powerful Ancient Mystics and Crusaders there to defend it.”
Not all of us are Crusaders, you know.” Scott supplied. “I know I’m not.”
“Neither am I.” Julie supplied, with TJ, Charlie, and Sierra chorusing after her.
“How do you become a Crusader, anyway?” Sierra asked.
“By taking the Oath and receiving a Dream Locket.” Jamie answered.
“We’ve got Dream Lockets.” TJ showed him. Jamie looked at Julie, Charlie, Scott and Sierra. “Now what’s the Oath?”
“And who will give it?” Shane asked.
“Who better than two First-Generation Dream Realm Crusaders?” Jamie looked to Shane as he stood. “Care to give me a hand, Shadow?”
Shane grinned, standing beside his old friend. “Not a problem, Jammins.” He turned to the group. “Julia, Tamara, Charlie, Scott and Sierra. Kindly come over and stand before us.”
Looking thoroughly confused, they obeyed.
“Now we need an Elder to witness.” Shadow told Jammins, who nodded, looking to Ariana. “Young Guardian, if you please?”
Nodding, she put her “Young Guardian” face on and stared at the group in front of her.
“Now, holding the Dream Locket in one hand, raise your other hand and repeat each line after us.” Jammins instructed seriously.

“This bond of truth cannot be spoken.
“What is between us remains unbroken.
“I take this Oath as a Dream Realm Crusader,
“With Young Guardian as my witness, to
“Trust in one another,
“Have faith in myself and my mission,
“Bring hope to those with naught,
“Fight with honor and justice,
“Help those in need, whenever deemed,
“Fight only the enemy, fairly and justly,
“Never turning my back on my life’s mission,
“To maintain peace in the Dream Realm,
“And All the Realms in All the Worlds,
“From this moment on, until eternity.”

After they repeated to the last word, Shadow announced. “You are now Dream Realm Crusaders. Welcome to your destiny.” He turned to Ariana. “Thank you, Young Guardian; that’ll be all.”
As a surprise to him, she relaxed and smiled, sticking her tongue out.
The entire group of Dream Realm Crusaders went their separate ways and back to their lives, each wondering what the night was going to bring.


They all met up in the Canine Valley, where Young Guardian and the Protector sent them on their own patrols of the Dream Realm. Grand Magus and the Shadow went straight to the Ancient Mystic Kingdom, to see what Lord Byron and Queen Challandra knew, since Young Guardian hadn’t had the time to do it herself. Airmed Starchaser, Sierra, followed the Unicorn to the Forgotten Forest so they could learn more of their special kinds of magic. Amethyst took Scott flying, showing off what she learned of her Unicorn Magic. He showed her just what he’d done to impress Lord Guardian. Jammins and Julie, along with TJ and Charlie, went to the Feline Palace to visit old friends.
This left the Grey Area and the rest of the Ancient Mystic Province unguarded. Young Guardian and the Protector were too busy patrolling what was left to think of anything else.
Orthos and Bane couldn’t have been happier.


Hidden in the Province Wood was Braken Joel Hawk and his Elder Companion mate, Nikita White-Snow. Braken Joel was the one to have the vision of his Uncle Orthos and the Nightmare King, startling him out of the peaceful bliss he now called his life.
Braken Joel leaned against an Elder tree, staring at the mesmerizing waters of the river in front of him. It put him in a trance, his thoughts focused on the vision he saw and didn’t like.
He worried for his true father, Lord Guardian O’Dell. Would O’Dell’s successor, Braken Joel’s own competition for Guardianship, know what to do? If she did, would she be able to do it before O’Dell was destroyed?
After seeing her in action with the Elders in the Underground, he had faith in the Young Guardian. She was a strong Ancient Mystic, even if she was Earthbound. She wouldn’t let O’Dell die too soon.
That faith didn’t stop Joel from worrying. He knew what Orthos was up to, and how he worked. Unfortunately, he knew nothing about the Nightmare King. Nothing, that is, except he was like an ugly clone of the former Master when it came to haunting Dreamers’ minds.
He heard Nikita’s purr, and felt her soft touch to his feline ear. “What bothers you, Joel?”
“I had a vision.” Joel said simply, taking her hand in his own and kissing it. His eyes never wavered from the river. Instead of telling her the vision he let his mate see it in her mind.

“Soon, we make our first move.” The Nightmare King announced. He and Orthos were alone in this part of the Dark Area’s Castle, plotting their revenge on the Ancient Mystics.
“What do you suggest?” Orthos asked. He wanted to see what Bane was capable of before initiating an attack of his own.
Bane grinned mischievously. “Bringing together the worst creatures known to this Realm and having them attack the innocent ones.”
“They are all innocent, in their own ways.”
“Not the Ancient Mystics, Orthos, their Protectors.” Bane supplied with a knowing grin. “For they are the weak and innocent links to the Ancient Mystics’ final destruction. Get the Protectors, you get the Ancient Mystics themselves.”
It sounded good in theory, but Orthos knew it wouldn’t work. He shook his head. “They are too strong a force. You do not know them as I do. They will be hard to beat.”
“Together, aye, maybe they will, but separate them and who knows?” Bane asked. He waited as Orthos stared into space, in thought. “While these creatures are dealing with the Ancient Mystics and their Protectors, you will be free to destroy your brothers.”
Orthos’ firm lips turned upward, a low laugh was heard.

That laugh was the last thing Nikita heard or saw before the vision disappeared, returning her attentions to Braken Joel. She shook, suddenly afraid, and Joel took her in his arms, kissing the fears away.
“Not to worry, my pet.” Joel supplied. “Uncle was right. We are a strong force, and hard to beat. Father and Young Guardian will do what they must to stop them in time.”
Nikita wiped a tear from her eyes with a claw. “Be that as it may, I must see my brother in the Feline Village, and warn him.”
Joel agreed and they stood together. “Aye, my younger sister Kitten’s Claw as well. See what the younger Companions know of this.”
On that, they disappeared.


Red Wolf thought of that he was going to say to Sire Wolf as he returned to his tiny suite in Stargazer Castle. He bathed and dressed in battle-gear before searching for his old Warrior friend. Looking out the window before descending the stairs, he saw the Protector correcting Destiny Grey’s gripping on her chosen weapon, the longbow. Tiger White-Snow was with them. That meant Young Guardian was there as well.
Red Wolf found Wolf in a near-secluded spot away from the Army’s training sessions. Young Guardian was deep in conversation with him, not far from her Protector husband. By the look on their faces, Red Wolf guessed she wasn’t here for a pleasure visit.
“So, you know of the Master’s return, Young Guardian?” Red Wolf announced as he approached them.
“I’m afraid so, Red Wolf.” Young Guardian confirmed. “All the Ancient Mystics know.”
“You were away. How did you find out?” Wolf asked him.
Red Wolf explained what happened deep in the Canine Forest, and told his old friend what he did about it. He conveniently left out the parts about Celine being his Bonded, and his feelings for her.
“The Dweller kin-Clans might not agree to help.” Young Guardian said. “Not unless Orthos decides to call on the Stalkers again, attacking their own kind.”
“Like myself and Cherokee. We will at least have the Elder Companions.” Red Wolf admonished. “Matéré did agree to seek their aid.”
“The Elder Companions won’t listen to anyone but the Originators, Braken Joel, and Laurynne Silver-Hawk.” Young Guardian said. “If we can get them to see the danger, maybe they’ll join us?”
“Maybe.” Wolf put in. “Onto other things. How was your combined Spirit Quest, besides Vino?”
“We worked hard, but it was well worth it.” Red Wolf smiled. “The Princess has learned how to harness both sides of her Companion Magic, and is now adept at shifting to either form.”
“Even Ancient Mystic form, like a human?” Wolf asked.
“Aye, Sire.” Red Wolf nodded. “Although those powers I leave in the capable hands of Lady Katherine to teach her.”
“What about you?” Young Guardian asked
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