» Family & Relationships » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading well .txt] 📗

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know.” Luna supplied. “What do we do until then?”
“What we’ve been trained to do.” Ariana said seriously. “Be aware and ready for anything.”


In the Dream Realm, Panther Grey sat on the sidelines as he watched the Canine Army train in the Practice Fields. His own daughter Destiny was with them, paired with Tiger White-Snow, making two kits in a canine army. It would seem Young Guardian’s vision was slowly coming true. All Companions would fight together to fight a common foe.
Panther surveyed the field and saw Celine Stargazer sitting in a tree, hiding from view. She seemed to be watching the training as well, a sad look of longing on her half-canine, half-feline face. He searched the Field for her father, Sire Wolf, finding him talking with his Page, Red Wolf Moondancer.
Jumping down from the wall he was perched on, Panther made his way to Wolf’s side. “Heart-Brother!” He called, making both Sire and Page turn.
“Panther.” Wolf smiled the greeting. “What can I do for you?”
“A word, if I may?” Panther eyed Red Wolf. “Alone?”
“Certainly.” Wolf looked to his Page, who nodded before shifting form and returning to the training sessions. When the two were alone, Wolf kept his grin. “What is on your mind, Heart-Brother?”
Panther wasn’t looking at Wolf. He was looking at Wolf’s daughter, Celine. “Don’t you sense it, even from your own flesh and blood?”
Wolf finally looked where Panther’s attention was stirred. “She is sad, I know.”
“Not just sad, Brother.” Panther supplied softly. “There’s something more.”
“Celine hides in that tree constantly, watching as we train.” Wolf shook his head. “She begs me to let her in the Canine Army.”
“There is a yearning in her heart for battle.” Panther supplied. “She’s not blind to what’s going on, Wolf. Your girl is just as brave and courageous as both her parents combined. Why don’t you let her train with the canines?”
Wolf sighed. “I fear for her, Panther. I really do.”
“Why do you fear for her?” Panther looked to his Heart-Brother as he asked the question. “Is it because she’s your own daughter, and you her father? Or does it go deeper than that?”
It took a minute for Wolf to answer. “Celine has two kinds of Companion Magic in her blood. The wolf and the Balinese, not to mention her Ancient Mystic Magic. I fear for her lack of control over either one. Red confided in me that she struggles with her identity as a bi-breed Companion.”
“What does that tell you?”
“To heed Young Guardian’s orders.” Wolf said. “When Red Wolf leaves for his Spirit Quest, she goes with him.”
“I’ve heard of Spirit Quests.” Panther supplied. “Aren’t they usually taken alone?”
Wolf nodded. “Aye, but I believe they will help each other.”
Panther looked again at the young Princess Celine. She was now talking with Red Wolf Moondancer himself. He could sense Celine was no longer yearning just for battle, but for Red Wolf’s friendship. Could Wolf sense it as well?
“I agree.” Panther said softly. “She’ll leave here a child, and come back a woman. Maybe then you’ll be more than willing to let her fight in the Army?”
Nodding his goodbye, Panther left then, returning to his perch on the wall. Wolf Stargazer didn’t know what to think of his Heart-Brother’s departing words.


Meanwhile, in the Dark Area, Master Orthos led his few Warriors into the dark castle. Once a shadow-creature saw him, Orthos barked his orders. “Take me to your lord.”
The shadow-creature stared, but nodded. It waved for them to follow.
They reached a grand hall, complete with monarchs at their thrones. Orthos grinned at the sight. The lord, dressed entirely in black, had black hair and empty eyes. He exuded dark power, and Orthos could feel it. The woman beside him exuded sex, and she knew it as well.
“What is the meaning of this?” The lord growled, stepping from his throne and approaching them.
Whoever this was, Orthos was certain it wasn’t one of his old Dominionites.
The lord growled in Orthos’ face. “Explain yourselves!”
Are you going to let him speak to you like that? Damian sent to his father’s mind.
Orthos stared at the new lord, smiling. Nay, he returned.
The lord didn’t like Orthos’ calm smile. “Who are you creatures?”
“I am the Master of this Realm, Orthos.” He supplied calmly. “Behind me are my Queen, Gloriana, son Damian and Dark Ladies Shenara and Albrath. The other three are mere Dominionites, and of no concern to you. In fact,” Orthos turned to Kasha, D’Kora, and Vino, who were cringing behind him. “Leave my sight. Wreak havoc elsewhere.”
“Should you have need of us, Lord Master.” D’Kora started.
Eyes glowing red in anger, Orthos commanded. “Go!”
Nodding, the three left, disappearing in gray mists of smoke.
With them gone, Orthos turned back to the new lord. “Now then, where were we?”
The new lord simply smiled, impressed by him. “You were telling me tales about yourself being Master of this Realm.”
“I was, and will be again.” Orthos said.
“Not if Lord Guardian has anything to say about it.” The woman stepped down from her own throne, standing beside her lord. She put her hand out for Orthos to kiss. He did so, with odd respect for the woman. He heard Gloriana seething behind him as he did it, which made him smile.
“Who might you be, deceitful lady, to know of him, but not of me?” Orthos asked.
“I am Queen of the Dark Area, MagDaliah, and this is my Lord husband, Bane.” She introduced. Bane nodded his greeting, and she continued. “We come from the very ashes that were left by the Dominion’s fall.”
“Based on your actions with your minions, I would say we have much in common, and much more to discuss.” Lord Bane grinned. “Perhaps you would join us for the feast?”
Soon enough, they were gathered at a long table, telling each other tales of their exploits as Masters and Lords of evil.
“Tell me, Orthos. What were you Master of, really?” MagDaliah asked.
“I was Master of the Dominion.” Orthos told her. “With my children to lead them, I had many Dominionites at my command. We were sent to the Realm of the Unknown by my brother O’Dell, whom you call Lord Guardian. I return only to take back what is mine.”
“I know of you now, Orthos.” Bane grinned. “I have heard much about you from my followers. It would seem they used to be those Dominionites you spoke of.”
“It is confusing how only half of my Warrior Army chose to follow my lead, while others stayed behind.” Orthos supplied. “It is good to know not all Dominionites left here follow my younger brother, Maximaniac.”
At the name, Bane stood and slammed his fist on the table. “Lord Maximaniac of the Shady Kingdom is your brother?”
“One of three, aye.” Orthos confirmed, keeping calm. “We used to be on the same side, but he has a soft heart. He was the one to steal Jezebel from me.”
“Jezebel is a good-for-naught Ancient Mystic.” MagDaliah supplied. “She was your bride?”
“Back in the day, she, too, had a black heart.” Orthos told them. “Now it would seem her heart is good.” He took Gloriana’s hand and kissed it. “I have my Queen, therefore, I no longer need her.”
Bane sat down and nodded. “Of your brothers, you are the most vile, I see.”
“That I am.” Orthos confirmed. “O’Dell is my twin, and my opposite. I tried years ago to destroy him, but his own daughter by Enchantra stopped me.”
“Enchantra.” Bane whispered under his breath. “The Originator Enchantra?”
“The same.” Orthos supplied. “There were eight of us, myself included. We were thrown from Outer Realm society when we were in danger of persecution.”
“You each bare plenty of Ancient Magic in your bloods, do you not?” Bane eyed Orthos with an evil, conniving grin. Orthos smiled back, listening. “Yours being the darkest.” He paused. “Tell me, Orthos. Do you have shelter from the cursed Ancient Mystics as you plan your revenge against them?”
“Maximaniac stole what was left of my Dark Tower, and our youngest brother Byron stole the Kingdom Castle from me.” Orthos told him. “What are you suggesting, Bane?”
“I house you here, and we plan together.” Bane supplied. “Would that be appropriate for the former Master Orthos of the Dominion and Unknown?”
“Indeed, it would be.” Orthos supplied. “You would consider conquering this world by my side?”
Lord Bane of the Dark Area laughed. “It would be my pleasure!”
All coming to plan, Orthos thought as the two shook hands. Once I defeat the Ancient Mystics and my brothers, I will reign this Realm; with or without this Lord Bane.
Little did they know a woman disguised as a raven sat listening on the windowsill. She heard every word, flying back to her tell her parents what she learned.


“Looks like Orthos made his first move.” Luna told her husband as they ate breakfast the next morning.
“First mistake, you mean.” Shane quipped with a yawn. “You’d better tell me what and how you know, Sweetling.”
“I met up with Princess Isabella.” Luna said. “She was disguised as a raven.”
“Lord Byron and Queen Challandra’s daughter?” Shane asked. Luna nodded. “So, what did she tell you?”
Luna told him all that the Princess had overheard.
“That’s two more bad guys to add to our list.” Shane groaned. “Lord Bane and his Queen, MagDaliah.” He paused, deep in thought for a moment. “I’ll have Jammins add them to the Demon Indexer.”
There were moments of silence while they went on with their days. Caleb and Meredith were long at school and Logan slept peacefully, for once. Shane retreated to his study, locking himself in for hours at a time.
Luna, on the other hand, knew the war was coming up quickly, and thought of her children. Who was going to watch them while the Crusaders and their Protectors fled to the Dream Realm to fight?
Before the children came home that afternoon, Luna left her youngest in his father’s care and headed across the street for answers. After explaining the dilemma to her twin and almost-sister, she waited for their responses. “So, what are we going to do about the kids?”
Ariana’s mind was deep in her own detective mode, and Luna could tell she was thinking hard. “Good question.” She supplied absently. “I’m sure we’ll think of something beforehand.”
“We’d better start thinking about it now.” Luna announced.
Aimee and Ariana shared a look. “Why now? He hasn’t done anything, yet.”
“You’re the one who told us we should be aware at all times.” Luna accused her twin with a frown. “I was only too aware when Princess Isabella found me. I could tell she was in a hurry to go somewhere, but I managed to stop her.”
“What did she say?” Ariana asked.
Luna relayed again what Isabella overheard. “Orthos has paired up with Lord Bane, who calls himself the Nightmare King.”
“Lord Bane?” Ariana asked, confused. “Who’s that?”
“Apparently the new Lord of the Dark Area and Lord Max’s enemy.” Luna supplied.
“Great.” Aimee sighed sarcastically. “Now what do we do?”
“Let me talk with Max and Byron.” Ariana said. “See what they know about this new Lord Bane. I’ll let you know as soon as I find out.”
“And until then?” Aimee asked.
“Until then, we live our normal lives as if nothing’s wrong.” Ariana instructed.
“We’ll tell the others, right?” Aimee asked.
“Of course; they’ll have to know, too.” Ariana said. “Other than that, nothing’s wrong. Got it?”
“Got it.” Luna and Aimee chorused.

The Spirit Quest

In the Dream Realm’s Canine Valley, Chikité “Red Wolf” Moondancer led the Princess Celine Stargazer deep into the Canine Forest
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