» Family & Relationships » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading well .txt] 📗

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that surrounded the Valley. So deep, there were nearly no signs of Companion or non-Companion life, and all was silent. The air chilled around them, making Celine shiver.
“Where are we going, Page?” Celine managed to huff, following close behind him.
“We will know when we get there, Princess.” Red Wolf supplied simply, without stopping.
“I am cold, and tired.” Celine whined. “Can we not stop and rest for the night?”
“We will stop when we get to where we are going, Princess.” Red Wolf said.
“Can we at least stop calling each other by titles?” Celine asked. “I hate being called Princess all the time.”
“As you wish, Princess.” Red Wolf said, finally stopping to smile at her. “Celine.”
“Good.” Celine relaxed when she looked into his eyes. “What can I call you?”
“For now, Red Wolf.” He remarked, turning and walking away. “Keep walking, Celine. I can sense it is not far now.”
“I hope not.” Celine groaned. “My paws are aching and my pack is getting heavy.”
Red Wolf couldn’t hold the laugh inside.
“You are laughing.” Celine grinned. “I have never heard you laugh before.”
“It is not often I find reason to.” Red Wolf remarked.
“I kind of like it.” Celine told him. “It makes you seem more....relaxed.”
“If you like it, I will be sure to laugh for you every day.” Red Wolf smiled.
“Good.” Celine giggled. “What makes you laugh now, Red Wolf?”
“The innocence of youth.” He told her, stopping in his tracks again. “We have gone far enough. Set your pack down and help me gather wood for a decent fire.”
Together, they gathered wood for the fire, and rocks to place in a circle. When he found decent-sized rocks and sticks, Red Wolf busied himself with setting up the campfire.
His thoughts loomed from his work, which had become automatic with time.
To think, he mused in his own mind. It was not far from here I nearly lost my soul.
Before he could go deeper in memories, he sensed and heard the Princess return.
Celine dropped the wood she’d been carrying to the ground before collapsing next to it. “This is hard work.”
“Survival is often hard.” Red Wolf told her. He took sticks and bits of wood from her pile, cris-crossing them inside the rock circle.
Celine could tell his mind was far from her, but stayed silent as she watched him work.
He looked up after a moment. “How are you at hunting?”
“Fair enough, I think.” Celine shrugged. “Papa taught me to hunt with arrow and sling-shot.”
“He did not teach you how to hunt as a wolf?” Red Wolf was shocked.
She shook her head. “I was too young to shift into wolf form.”
“Do you know how?” Red Wolf pressed.
She bit her lip. “Nay. Papa and Mama have not found the time to teach me.”
“If they will not, I will.” Red Wolf grunted, standing. “Up, Celine.”
“No excuses. You are a wolf-cub, and will learn to shift to one.”
He spoke to her like a teacher, as he would with the Canine Army, and not her friend. She obeyed, standing.
Maybe this is why you struggle within? Red Wolf’s internal question didn’t require her to answer. He spoke aloud. “Have you ever shifted before?”
She shook her head. “I have seen others, and yourself do it, but I cannot.”
“You can and you will.” Red Wolf told her tenderly. “It is in you, Celine Stargazer. You are your father’s daughter, a grand Timber Wolf.”
She watched him patiently, waiting. He knew she could shift, but did she have the confidence?
“First, close your eyes and think of yourself as a wolf.” He instructed, watching as she closed her eyes. Once he could sense the change in her, he said. “Take hold of that image and become the wolf.”
She changed before his eyes, but not to what either expected. She still had a feline’s face and tail. Her eyes were still closed when she asked the question in wolf-speak. “Am I a wolf?”
“Close, Celine.” Red Wolf remarked, trying not to smile at the sight. “Your face and tail are still a feline’s.”
Celine whined and he felt for her. “I knew I could not do it.”
“Nonsense.” Red Wolf said. He thought of his next words. “Try this. Imagine your father’s full wolf-form. How does his snout look? What of his tail? Make it your own.”
Red Wolf was patient as he waited. When he saw her full-wolf form in front of him, he grinned, proud. He bent down to hug her neck and kiss her snout. “You did it, Celine. Open your eyes now, and look at me.”
She turned her canine head to him. “Why am I seeing in grays?”
“Wolves do not see in color as felines and humans do.” Red Wolf told her, standing. “To make up for it, we have brilliant senses of smell and hearing.” Now it was his turn to shift to full-wolf form. “Ready to learn how to hunt?”
Celine grinned in her wolf-form, wagging her tail excitedly. “You bet! Lead the way!”
Together, they padded through the Forest, searching for non-Companion animals to catch and eat. He taught her how to use her canine instincts to hunt for food. It took her a while, but when she did, she was good.
He was proud of the young Princess. His heart warmed as they hunted together. He never felt like this before. Could it be love, or was it just obsession? If it was love, was he right to pursue her? After all, she was only a child.
Ah well, Red Wolf grumbled in his mind in wolf-tongue. Back to the Hunt.
After a while, he sensed a presence that wasn’t supposed to be there. Fearing her safety, Red Wolf called for her to join him.
She padded to his side, panting. “What is it?”
Red Wolf’s canine-black eyes turned red, an the girl was silenced. He turned back to the forest and changed his form. He was now full-human male, with red eyes and sharp fangs and claws. It was enough to scare her out of her wolf-form, frozen in place.
“Whoever is there, show yourselves.” He growled into the air.
A rustle came from the bushes as a snake slithered its way into sight.
“Vino the Snake-demon.” Chikité snarled aloud, long fangs exploding into his now-human mouth. “I knew it were you.”
The snake changed its form, becoming the snake-like male Dominionite named Vino.
“Warrior Red Wolf.” Vino hissed, slithering his tongue. “The Master will be glad to add you back to Warrior ranks-ss.”
The Master has returned! Chikité thought to himself, suddenly afraid. His demeanor stayed calm on the outside.
“Unless you wish me to taste your blood, I suggest you leave us be.” Chikité’s voice was soothing and hypnotic, but Vino wasn’t fooled.
“I see no one with you but the tabby-mutt child at your side.” Vino laughed. “Nor do I see why I should leave.”
Chikité kept his hypnotic tone. “I am no longer a Warrior, Vino, even if you are.” He said evenly. “You must be destroyed.”
Chikité attacked before Vino could say or do anything else. Pinning him down with laser-sharp claws, he went straight for the jugular. Vino couldn’t move as Chikité drained him of his life’s blood. When Chikité felt Vino’s body lapse, he stopped drinking and ripped a hole in the Dominionite’s neck before stepping back.
Without looking away from the snake-demon, Chikité raised his hand and conjured a lightning-ball. “You are an inch from death, Vino. There will be no more destruction from you.”
Vino stared at the ball of energy that flowed from Chikité’s hand with wide eyes. He could scarcely speak, and choked out in a hoarse whisper. “Finish me.”
Chikité’s eyes glowed red as he smiled. “Gladly.”
Aiming the lightning-ball at Vino’s body, Chikité willed it to strike. Vino the snake-demon was gone, and all that was left of him was a pile of ash.
Chikité heard a gasp from behind him, and remembered Celine was still there. He shifted his form to half-wolf, half-human before approaching her. When he saw the look of terror on the girl’s now-wolf-kit form, he moved.
“Nay.” Celine whispered, shaking her head. Her entire body was shaking and she was scared. “Do not touch me.”
There were tears in her eyes. “I can explain.”
“Stay away from me, you – you – Dominionite!” Celine gasped before shifting to full wolf form and racing into the wood.
Red Wolf was at a loss. He turned back to the pile of ash that was once Vino.
She should not have seen that. Red Wolf scolded himself. How could I have lost control in front of the girl?
In his spot, he sat on the ground, shocked at his own behavior. The first thing he thought of was his kind. Any Dweller-kin in the Dream Realm would be able to help him. He willed his mind to silence and sent the call to his kin.
I call to my Dweller-kin. Red Wolf called in his mind on a path all kin-Clans shared. I am the Companion-Dweller Chikité Moondancer. Son of Apprentice-kin Celeste and Companion-Dweller Chase. Hear my plea for help. I lost control of my Dweller side in front of an Ancient Mystic-Companion kit-wolf child. She now fears me. Can anyone tell me what I can do to ease her mind without resorting to something she fears? I must regain her faith and trust in me.
Red Wolf felt the tears fall to his hands, but ignored them. His mind was silent but his own thoughts and the scene Celine had witnessed.
I hear your mind-call from afar, my donar. It was his mother’s gentle tone that filled his mind with love and guidance. Do you speak of Princess Celine Stargazer, Sire Wolfton’s daughter?
Aye, Matéré. He resorted to his old tongue in response. How could I have been so careless? Tell me how I can redeem myself in the child’s eyes. I beg of you, please.
A Dweller-kin never begs, Donar. Celeste replied softly. Have you tried speaking with the Princess?
Nay. She will not let me near her. Red Wolf supplied. As I said, she fears me.
She only fears what she saw. Celeste said. He could feel her probing his mind for more, and let her. Tell me, Chikité. Do you care for the girl?
Red Wolf’s heart skipped at the admission. Again, aye. She is growing into a beautiful young woman before my very eyes. Her Pérat and Matéré do not see, but I do.
Could you say you loved Celine? Celeste pressed gently. As a Bondmate?
Oh, Matéré. . . Red Wolf’s mind-voice wavered.
His answer was enough for her. Go to her, Chikité.
I cannot declare my love for her. Red Wolf sent. Not with Wolfton Stargazer as her father.
I have no doubt she will be your Bondmate, in time. Celeste supplied. Until she is ready, if you must keep it secret, do so. In the meantime, she is waiting for you by the fire. Explain to her what she saw, and what you are.
She will not understand about the Dweller side of me, Matéré. Red Wolf replied.
While she is young yet, she is old enough to understand.
At that remark, Celeste Moondancer was gone from her son’s mind.
Red Wolf opened his eyes and took a deep breath, wiping the tears from his eyes. As his mother predicted, Celine was sitting by the fire, staring into it. He stood across from her, watching as she hugged her arms.
He wanted so badly to touch her, and make her feel better again. “Celine.”
“Call me Princess.” Celine’s eyes never wavered from the fire, and her voice was blank of all emotion.
“I owe you an explanation, Princess.” Red Wolf said. “I scared
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