» Family & Relationships » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading well .txt] 📗

Book online «Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading well .txt] 📗». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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you, and I am sorry.” She continued to stare into the fire, unmoving. “Even if you do not listen, I must speak.”
He sat, staring into the fire as he gathered his own thoughts.
How could he explain something so harsh, so delicately?
“What I did was a terrible thing. I never should have let you see that side of me. That side was the reason I needed to go on a Spirit Quest. It has been so long since I acknowledged it, I forgot it was there. By forgetting my kin-ties, I forgot who I was.” He took a long, deep breath, steadying his voice so he could go on. “I am a Dweller-Companion. Part Mountain-Wolf Companion, part Apprentice-kin Dweller. A Dweller is a Hunter in the Outer Realm who rises with the night, hunting for both our turned kin, who we call Stalkers, and to feed the Hunger for life-giving human blood. I am unlike most Dwellers, for I am a Dream Realm Companion as well. Back in the Dream Realm Wars, I was taken from my kin-pack family to be a Dominionite Warrior.”
He looked up to see she was finally listening intently, her eyes on him. The word “Warrior” had struck something in her mind, making her look up at him. He continued his story. This time, with an audience and a purpose.
“While I was on night-watch with Wolf one night, I had an urge to Hunt. I Hungered for human blood, and could not resist the Call. I sensed something in the air and went to see what it was. Wolf followed, but not close behind. I went on ahead once catching the scent of a male Dreamer. I lured the Dreamer to me, putting him in a trance before I Fed on his life-giving fluid. I was almost lost when I heard the wolf-song in the air. Closing the marks I had made, I raised my voice to sing back the kill-song. When Wolf found me, he asked what I was doing. I answered, ‘I Hungered, so I Fed.’ Leaving the unconscious male Dreamer where he lay, we went back to camp. I told him my secret, of who and what I was. Until recently, the secret was kept from all.” Red Wolf stood, turning his back on her. “I owe your father a great debt, Princess. He not only saved my life, he saved my soul.”
She was silent behind him. He was too ashamed of himself, he didn’t want her looking at him. She moved to stand beside him, linking a hand in one of his own. He looked down at their joined hands, unable to say a word. She was the first to speak.
He finally looked into her gentle eyes. She was smiling at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he bent down expectantly. Without a thought, his arms moved around her waist. Three words whispered from her mouth into his ear.
“I forgive you.”
Red Wolf met her eyes. “Princess.”
Celine smiled, touching a claw to his lips. “Call me Celine.”
He couldn’t help himself. He had to kiss her. He put all his love for her into the kiss, and was grateful when she actually kissed him back.
When the kiss finally ended, Red Wolf hugged her close, breathing into her ear. “Thank you, Celine, for listening and understanding.”
He released her so they could sit together by the fire. To his surprise, she settled herself on his lap, resting her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and was silent. No thoughts or words between them could convey their feelings.
“Tell me more about the Dwellers.” Celine whispered, snuggling into his arms.
He kissed her hair. “Are you sure?” Red Wolf asked. He felt her nod in the dark. “Dwellers are vampire-like Hunters in the Outer Realm. At rest, when the sun rises there, we come here, to a Realm called the Dragon Nations. When we rise with the night, we Hunt. Most Dwellers Hunt only for the life-giving fluid of mortals. A Dweller can usually control the urges of the kill within them, but some do not. Those who make their first kill are turned for eternity, their soul lost. Those who turn are called Stalkers. A Hunter hunts for these Stalkers, and destroys them on site.”
“How are you in the Dream Realm, if you live in the Outer Realm?” Celine asked.
“I was taken from the kin-Clans when I was barely old enough to know what I was. I was never given the chance to go to the Dragon Nations at rest. I was not given the choice my kin were, to exist in both worlds.” Red Wolf said sadly. “I was not given the knowledge or the teachings of the kin-Clans until the Wars were over, and my kin-pack family was reunited.”
He felt her steady breathing on his chest, telling him she was asleep. He picked her up and put her in her own bedroll across from the fire.
He kissed her head. “Rest peacefully, Bondmate.”
He lay on his own bedroll, staring into the night sky. He would not Rest this night, only watch over Celine in silence. They shared this Spirit Quest, and helped each other with inner-demons that threatened their souls.
If only in this, were they Bonded.

Story: #1:
Sabrina’s Confession

After she patrolled, Young Guardian had something else on her mind. The Protector went with her, wondering what she was thinking. He noticed they flew over the Grey Area’s Shady Kingdom, and immediately knew what drove her there. They were going to ask Lord Max what he knew about his enemy Lord Bane, Nightmare King of the Dark Area.

They touched down in front of the Castle’s gate. At it stood two guards, who let them in once seeing who they were. The Protector followed his Young Guardian love as she marched into the Main Throne Room in her Fighter’s Gear. She only stopped when she met up with Lord Maximaniac himself, who was sitting at his throne. The Protector knelt to him as she did.
“My Lord Maximaniac, if I may have a word with you in private?” Young Guardian asked, not looking at the Lord of the Grey Area’s Shady Kingdom.
“Just when I was having a nice rest.” Maximaniac muttered under his breath with a sigh. He stepped down and stood above them. “Very well, Young Guardian. Protector. You may rise, and have your word.”
Both Young Guardian and the Protector rose.
“Now then, why so formal?” Lord Maximaniac wondered, curious as he searched their faces.
“Urgent business, my Lord Maximaniac.” The Protector supplied, looking to his mate.
“We were wondering what you knew about the Dark Area’s Lord Bane.” Young Guardian said.
“Why would you have need of such a thing?” Lord Max asked. “He is no concern of yours.”
“We have reason to believe he’s in league with Orthos.” The Protector announced.
“Impossible.” Lord Max breathed. “Orthos is in the Unknown, Exiled by powerful Ancient spells. Spells, I might add, not even he could break.”
Young Guardian shook her head. “Not anymore.” She said. “I don’t know how he returned, but Orthos is back. He met up with Lord Bane, and now, they’re out to rule the Dream Realm together.”
“I happen to know for a fact your patrols never take you anywhere near the Dark Area.” Lord Max pointed out. “How do you know this?”
“Why not ask you niece, Lord Byron’s daughter Isabella?” Young Guardian continued. “After all, she was the one to overhear the conversation between them.”
Lord Max’s silver eyes darkened in thought. Neither said a word until he looked over their shoulders. Young Guardian and the Protector turned to see Queen Jezebel’s grim face. They shared a look when they saw Sabrina with her, arms wrapped around an archaic book.
Queen Jezebel’s hands were on her daughter’s shoulders. “My Lord husband. I found her hiding with your Spell-Book.”
Sabrina’s eyes never met Lord Max’s when he glared at her. If Young Guardian didn’t know any better, she would say her old nemesis looked sincerely apologetic!
“Before you speak, perhaps you should listen.” Jezebel continued, pushing Sabrina toward Lord Max. “Go ahead, daughter.”
Sabrina knelt in front of him, thrusting his own Spell-Book at him. “My deepest apologies, Lord Maximaniac.” Sabrina’s voice wavered, tears streaming from her eyes. “I was under Father’s orders. I did not want to do it!”
“How do I know it is not just a ruse, niece?” Maximaniac countered, taking the book from her hands and making it disappear. “How do I know you are telling me truth, when you have lived a life based on lies and deception?”
“You have to believe me, Lord Maximaniac!” Sabrina cried, shaking her head. “If I never tell you the truth again, let this be the one time I do!”
“Tell me why I should believe you.” Lord Max demanded.
“I can sense it, Lord Max.” Young Guardian spoke up, surprising them all. “Sabrina’s sincere this time. She’s seen what damage she’s caused others, and wishes for redemption.”
Lord Max was curious. “You, of all people, speaking up for her? Why now?”
Young Guardian shrugged, looking to the still-knelt Sabrina. “I have a feeling something frightened her into changing.”
Sabrina nodded. “Aye, my Lord. Young Guardian is right.” She said. “Father wanted me to get that book back from you so he could return here and destroy the Dream Realm.”
“Turns out, he didn’t need it.” The Protector quipped.
“What do you mean, he did not need it?” Jezebel asked, shocked and afraid. “Has he returned somehow?”
Young Guardian and the Protector told them what Isabella overheard.
Lord Maximaniac looked forlorn. He looked to Sabrina, still knelt at his feet. “Rise, Sabrina, and return to Cyrix in the tower. Consider yourself forgiven.”
“Thank you, Lord Maximaniac.” Sabrina stood, nodding as she disappeared.
Jezebel sighed, disappearing as well.
This left Lord Maximaniac with Young Guardian and the Protector.
“Now will you tell us what you know about Lord Bane?” Young Guardian dared to grin.
Lord Max looked sheepish. “Are you sure you want to know?”
“We have to.” The Protector announced, nodding. “Once step ahead of your enemies and all that, right?”
Lord Max sighed. “Let me begin with what I do know.” He supplied. “Lord Bane is ruler of the Dark Area. His consort and Queen’s name is MagDaliah. Bane calls himself the Nightmare King, behaving as Orthos used to before his Exile. As far as anyone in this Realm knows, his followers used to be Orthos’ own Dominionites.”
“I thought all Dominionites either went with Orthos or came to you for rehabilitation?” The Protector was confused.
“The Dominionites in the Dark Area are lost souls; their minds too fuddled from Damian’s tricks to return on their own once the Dominion Wall fell.” Max explained. “They depended so much on Orthos to lead them that they were lost in the shuffle. Now, they listen to Lord Bane’s commands.”
“No hope for their return to our side, huh?” The Protector asked.
Lord Max shook his head.
“Is that all you know about him?” Young Guardian wondered. “Do you even know where they came from? Why we’ve never heard of them until long after the Crusades? Why he would want to join forces with Orthos?”
“Ah, the last query I do know the answer to.” Lord Max replied with a nod. “Also like Orthos, he wishes to rule more than just a fraction of the Dream Realm. No one knows where he and MagDaliah came from, nor what kind of destructive forces he uses on his enemies. All we know is what I told you.”
The Protector sighed. “Thank you, Lord Max. I’m sure what you told us will be useful.” He turned to Young Guardian. “Come on, Love. Let’s go home and tell
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