» Family & Relationships » Perfect In his Eyes (finished), Danielle Palmer [best books to read in life .txt] 📗

Book online «Perfect In his Eyes (finished), Danielle Palmer [best books to read in life .txt] 📗». Author Danielle Palmer

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over." We smiled at each other then went out separate ways.
I watched him walk away and then turned on my phone. I had 12 missed calls. 2 from Josh then one from each of the guys. I decided to call Keegan cause I knew he wouldn't yell at me. The phone rang 2 times then he answered.
Him: "Where are you Dest?"
Me: "Im at the mall. Do you know if were still having the party?"
Him: "Yeah me and the guys are but we all agreed you cant come. You have to stay in your room."
I cant believe this. There gunnah force me to stay in my room while there having the party I planed. Fuck that now im really going to Shane's. They will never now i left till they go to bed.
Me: "Fine whatever." I hung up the phone. Now i really need a sexy dress. I walked into wetseal. Running around and grabbing all the dresses i could find. I managed to grab the perfect one. It was black and hugged my body. Showing all my curves. It went a little higher than most of my skirts did but whatever. It was for my sexy boyfriend. I matched my black dress with purple heels that had ribbion that wrapped around my legs. I also bought a purple purse to go with the whole outfit. When i was finished I walked home not knowing what to expect when I got there.
I walked in the door. Closeing the door only to turn around and find all of them surrounding me.
"Um hi?" I said pushing threw them to go up to my room but only to be caught and thrown back. I flinched as josh held on to my once broken wrist. He saw the pain in my eyes as it filled with tears. I fell to the ground and cryed the hardest I have ever cryed. Anthony picked me up bridal-style and carried me to my room. I held on to my wrist as he put me on the bed. He walked out shutting the door behind him. I got and locked the door. Falling to the ground catching my knees to my chest. I sat there what seemed like hours. Finally looking up I saw the snow globe my dad gave me on my 12th birthday. Why did I even keep it.
I got up and walked over to. Holding it in my hand bouncing it back and fourth palm to palm. With one swift move I threw it. Crashing into the mirror they both broke into millions of pieces. Before i could reacted someone or people were knocking on the door more like banging. I grabbed one of the mirror pieces and held it to my arm. One move and it sliced me open. I did it again and again over and over and over. Everything went blank.

I hate myself. I hate that i let her get like this. I should have protected her. Im her big brother not her enemy. I threatened her boyfriend. I technically threatened her.
I stood up passing around the hospital room. I felt all the guys watching me. I turned around and hit the wall full force. Nick, Bryce and Jessie all grabbed me before I could punch again. They sat me down on the seat right next to Destiny.
"You need to be strong for her Josh." I heard Ty say from across the room. I looked up at all of them but her Destiny mumble something we all got up and circled her bed.
" What is it Dest?" I held her hand hoping she would say something else.
"Where am I?" She managed to say looking all around the room looking at us. Her eyes locked on someone at the door. I followed her gaze but only to find Shane in the doorway. I cant believe he felt like he would be welcome here. I just stared at him wishing looks could kill. He would have been dead along time ago. Without hesitation I walked over to him pushing him out of everyone's sight.
"What are you doing Josh. Im here for her now let me go." Shane yelled trying to remove my hands from his shirt.
"Im sorry dude. She's just my baby sis. You have to understand im just looking out for her. I already told Destiny you guys cold date but you may not kiss her in front of me and you may not even if she says it's ok you may not...have sex with her. You might already know this but im just informing you." I said could barley say the last part but I had to tell him.
"I understand man and OK we wont. Thanks for letting us date. I re-really like her Josh. She means a lot to me."
I didn't know what to say so I just shook his hand and led him back to the room.



I looked around at all the guys. They were all smiling and laughing with each other. Even Shane. They all finally excepted him. I felt a sharp pain on my arm. It felt like it was wet underneath the Ace Bandage. I looked at it and blood started to seep through it. I started unwrapping it but Josh stopped me.
"What are you doing." He said holding my arm in his hand.
"Just unwrapping it Josh. Chill out." I pulled my arm away from him and unwrapped the rest of it. I just stared down at my arm. I didn't know I got it so bad. There was at least 10 open gashes on my forearm. Before I could reacted Shane was wiping them off with a cold paper towel. I flinched cause it stung really bad.
"Im sorry baby." I just smiled at him and he kissed my forehead. He started wrapping my arm up again but with a new Ace Bandage. He sat down next to me and held my hand. I looked around noticing Josh was gone.
"Where did Josh go?" I looked around and they all just looked at me. What? Why wouldn't they answer me.
Finally Ryan broke the silence "He went for a walk." I didn't what to say. Was he mad at me? I guess they saw the worried look in my eyes. "He isn't mad he just wanted to go do something." I looked at Shane. He didn't notice I was staring at him. He just held my hand watching the game. He looked so beautiful. I couldn't help but smile and blush when he looked at me. We just stared at each other. He winked at me and squeezed my hand but went back to watching the game. I started to feel tired again so I rolled over and shut my eyes just to wake up screaming. Josh and Shane both looked at me instantly and were at my side.
"What's wrong baby are you ok?" Shane asked.
I couldn't answer I just held him and cried hysterically.
"Im-Im OK." I managed to say between breaths. He let me go and said something to Josh then walked out the room. I knew he was leaving so I could talk to Josh alone. The only problem? I didn't want to tell him something I kept from everyone. Even my mom.



I stared crying. I knew he would be mad but I didn't want him to be mad at me. Then I thought if he would tell the other guys. If he did I just hope they didn't bring it back up to me.
"What is it Tiny? I know there is something your not telling me." I couldn't say it. I didn't want to. I just stared at him and cried.
"Please tell me. I'll leave you alone when you done telling me." He stared at me starting to get really confused and worried.
"He r-raped me Josh. Dad raped me." I started crying even more I couldn't control it now. I was hyperventilating and and couldn't breath. The machine that was keeping track of my heart beat started beeping. My nurse ran in.
"You need to calm down sweetie. Breath. You have to calm her down." She said pointing to Josh. He shook his head, OK, and crawled into bed with me letting me lean against his chest and cry all over his shirt. He didn't say anything to me just let me lay on him. I eventually drifted to sleep.
I woke up the next morning and saw Keegan was the only one in then room with me. I didn't understand why he would be the one here with me. He wasn't paying attention to me just sitting there texting and would look up at the TV ever so often. I cleared my throat and tried to talk but nothing came out. I tried clearing my throat again but still nothing came out. Picking up my pillow that was under my arm I threw it at him getting his attention.
"Hey Dest your up. You OK? Need some water?" He asked looking happy I was awake. That wasn't like him. He usually wasn't the one to volunteer to do anything with me. He looked down at me and I quickly realized I had been staring for awhile. I shook my head for some water so maybe I could talk.
He walked to the other side of the room and handed me a cup. I took a drink of it.I could feel it go down my throat. Still not able to talk I coughed and finally I was able to talk again.
"Thank you." I said looking at up his big beautiful icy blue eyes. I never really noticed how beautiful he was till now. His short brown hair was in messy spikes. His big pink scrumptious lips that hide his amazing white smile. I couldn't help but smile at him. He returned the smile but quickly moved when we heard someone clear there throat. There stood Shane. He smiled when he noticed I was awake.
He hid something behind he back as he walked up to me. "Hey baby." He said smiling at me. "Hey love." I said returning the smile. "I got you something." He said pulling out a bear. It was white and had a heart saying get well. I took it from him saying "thank you" and pulling him down to kiss me. I guess Keegan didn't like the fact that we were kissing cause he moved his chair and it made a loud squeaking sound. Shane pulled away from me and looked at him. "Hey sorry bout that man. Hows it going?" Shane said walking over to get a chair to sit on the other side of me. "Good. Was great," He finished the rest under his breath so I could only hear "till you came."
I smiled at him and laughed a little till I realized what he meant. I looked over at him confused. 'Tell you later' He mouthed to me. I shook my head OK and looked back at Shane. He was texting. Since when was he into texting? I didn't much thought to it. I had enough to think about.
My nurse came walking in a second later and started pulling out my i.v. I looked at her confused. "Am I going home today?" I asked excited. "Yes you are but I have to talk to you before you get dressed. Want them to stay or leave so we can talk?" She said. I didn't know what she wanted to talk about so I decided it was best for them to leave. When they walked out and shut the door I looked up at

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