» Family & Relationships » Perfect In his Eyes (finished), Danielle Palmer [best books to read in life .txt] 📗

Book online «Perfect In his Eyes (finished), Danielle Palmer [best books to read in life .txt] 📗». Author Danielle Palmer

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smile through the phone.
"Well im glad you do. So what are you doing beautiful?" Shane said. I didn't know if he would want to come to the party or not cause all the guys hate him.
"I was wondering if you will come to the party were having tonight. Josh said it's cool cause I don't have a bedroom door anymore. But what he really doesn't realize is we have a basement that has a door and a lock." We both laughed.
"Yes of course i'll come boo. Well I go to go. I'll be over there around 7:30. Bye babe."
I couldn't help but smile. I love Shane so much. I just hope im ready for tonight.
I hung up the phone and got ready. I quickly got dressed in my black booty shorts that I cut myself and a pink v-neck shirt. I matched it with my pink high top converse with black laces. Also adding my black heart necklace. I ran the straighter threw my hair. I pushed one side back holding it with bobby-pins. Looking into the mirror I realized I had no make-up on. I quickly threw some eyeliner and mascara on. Finally I wrapped my arm up with a new ace bandage. I looked in the mirror once again. God, i'm hot! I looked at my clock it's 4:00p.m. Yes record timing!
I grabbed my black purse and ran down the stairs and into the living room. "Im leaving. Bye." I tried running out the door before they really realized but I wasn't fast enough. "Ill go with you." I looked back to see Keegan getting up. I guess I really could care less if he came with me. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the house leaving the door open for him.
"We can take my car." He said walking to the passenger and open it for me to get in. "Thank you." I said looking into his eyes. There it was that sparkly I could pull away from. He put his hand on the back of my neck pulling me to him. Just when our lips were about to lock I realized this wasn't right. "Stop." I whispered pulling out of his grip. Oh how I wanted to kiss him but I just couldn't.
"Why Destiny? I thought you liked me to." He said letting go a little embarrassed. " I said I liked you to but I love Shane. Doesn't mean that I don't see you in my future but right now it's all about me and Shane and im not ready to give up on him yet." I got in his car wishing I was just aloud to go by myself. Of course Josh wouldn't allow it. He got in to the driver's seat but didn't start the car. I looked at him but I knew instantly he felt bad.
"Keegan, What's wrong? Look im sorry about going off on you but I need to stay committed to Shane. Please forgive me." I didn't know what else to say. Why can't anyone get that I LOVE Shane. "But he isn't committed to you Destiny." He didn't look up at me but just started the car and started driving to the mall. I was to hurt to say anything. Not hurt at what he said but hurt that I kinda felt like I believe him. Everything started adding up. Shane always texting and what he said at the hospital. His hesitating on the phone earlier.
"You have no proof though Keegan." I said tears forming in my eyes. I quickly whipped them away not letting them fall.
Before I knew it we were in the parking lot. "You can go. Just make sure the guys pick up the stuff for the party." I started walking. I heard my name being called but I couldn't look bupack. When I got in the mall I went to Rue21 first.
There was no dress with long sleeves there. I walked out without success. It was already 4:30 and the party starts at eight. Great. Next I went to wet seal. I grabbed 3 dresses. 2 were long sleeve and one had long sleeve on only one arm. The one I needed to cover up.
I tried them all on but my favorite was the one that only covered up one arm. It was black and fit tight with sparkles. One I could dance in and still look pretty. When I was done I decided to get a smoothy and text Shane asking him to pick me up. I texted him and asked him to be here in 20 minutes. That will give me time to find a diamond necklace. I ran to Claire's and picked out a small diamond necklace. My phone started vibrating. Shane texted me back. 'Sorry baby I can't.' Wow he blew me off again. I just kept staring at the text. The next thing i knew I was walking into a big group of guys. I ran right into the tallest one hitting his rock hard chest.
"Oh im sorry." I said backing up. I went to walk away but he grabbed my ass.
"It's alright sexy. Im not sorry." He hand a huge grin on his face and all his friends laughed.
"Whatever creep." I went to walk away again but he grabbed my hair and pulled me back.
"Your not leaving till I sa-" he started but got interrupted by someone. I looked up to see Keegan coming running up. Ive never been so happy to see him.
"Get off my girl." Keegan said pulling me to him. He shoved me behind him protectively.
"Oh yeah punk? What you gunnah do about it?" The big tall dude said walking right up to us so they were face to face.
"This." Keegan said and before I knew it the guy was on the floor gushing blood from his nose. Keegan wrapped his arm around my waist as we were walking out the doors. "Thanks Keegan." I said smiling up at him. "Of course." He said pulling me closer to him.
When we got home no one was there. I was about to go take a shower but decided to go check out the basement to see if my and Shane's plan will work. I walked down the stairs and turned on the light. There was a TV a bed and a pool table. Yes it's going to work. Now just to sneak out of the party so no one see's us. I ran over and grabbed caution tape. This will come in handy.



When I was done showering I had to hurry to get ready. I only had an hour and a half till the party started and a hour till Shane came. I blow dried my hair and curled it. I pulled my bangs back with a swoop and held them back with a purple sparkled bow. Next I did my make-up. I add purple eye shadow and added a thin line of eyeliner over the bottom of it. Adding mascara to make my eyelashes look long. I heard the front door open and someone talk. I think it was Keegan and Shane. That's not good. I ran to the hallway and looked at the front door. Yup Shane and Keegan arguing on why Shane was here.
"Why are you even here? Who invited you?" Keegan said in a deep scary voice.
"Im here for the party and Destiny invited me so get out of my way." Shane said practically pushing him. Wrong freaking move. Keegan pushed him back and they started full on fitting. I ran down the stairs, happy I didn't change into my dress yet, and got in between them. "GUYS STOP FIGHTING. I INVITED HIM KEEGAN. GET OVER IT." I said pushing him back. I grabbed Shane's hand and pulled him up to my room. “Just stay here i'll be right back." I heard the front door open and all the guys were here. I ran down the stairs before Keegan could get to Josh first.
"Josh," I said looking for him. I walked into the kitchen and saw him unloading beer. "Hey Josh um just so you know Shane is here for the party and please don't fight with him." I looked up at him with puppy eyes. "OK me and Shane are cool anyways, unless he breaks your heart which im not saying it's going to happen, I have no reason to judge him." I was shocked at the words he just said. All I could do was hug him. Thank god he finally understands.
I ran back up the stairs when I saw everybody was already arriving. I ran past Shane giving him a thumbs up and a kiss on the cheek. "Go down stairs people are already here. Oh and save a dance or two for me." I said winking at him. He got up and left kissing me on the way out. I grabbed my dress and ran to the bathroom. When I put it on all I could do was stair into the mirror. I always felt sexy but at this moment I felt.... beautiful.
They party already started ten minutes again so I guess I should go down. As I walked down the stairs I felt everyone staring at me. Shane stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting to catch my hand in his. He wrapped his arm around me protectively. We walked into the kitchen to get a drink.
"May I say boo, you look stunning.” He said pulling me to his body and kissing me. He put his hand on my thigh. Slowly he slide his hand up under my dress while kissing me. We both stopped and pulled away when Ryan walked in the room to get a drink.
"We'll finish later and by the way you look pretty stunning yourself." I said looking up and down his body. He was wearing a black button-up shirt that wasn't all the way buttoned up and black skinny jeans. "Thanks babe. Will you dance with me now?" He said whispering back at me. I flashed him a smile and pulled him to the middle of the dace floor aka my living room. The best song to dance to, 'Tonight Is The Night by OutASight', was on. I grinned up against his body and we dance through the whole song like that. I knew everyone was staring at me but tonight was for me and Shane and no one's going to ruin my special night.



I decided it was time. I couldn't wait any longer and I just wanted Shane in every way possible. "Shane baby want to go somewhere alone?" We were still dancing but I turned to face him. He looked confused but then figured it out right away. "Yeah um where at baby?" He smiled his big pearly whites at me. "Down in the basement. Just act like your leaving then go. No one will see you once you turn the corner." He kissed me acting like he was leaving. I decided I was going to play sick and ask to sleep in the basement since I didn't have a door and someone would probably come in the room and mess with me. I walked up to Josh who was talking to some girl. I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the side.
"Josh im not feeling well and Shane just left so I was wondering if I could sleep in the basement since I don't have a door I wouldn't want anyone in the room with me. I just need sleep." I said kind of wobbling to make the story look real.
"Um yeah Tiny that's fine. Lock the door but you

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