» Family & Relationships » Crazy (finished), Danielle Palmer [top ten books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Crazy (finished), Danielle Palmer [top ten books to read TXT] 📗». Author Danielle Palmer

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Chapter 1
Loving life. Sike


“GET UP YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT. OPEN THE DOOR.” I heard my dad yell. He was outside my door banging. I hesitated but sat up and ran to the door. I unlocked it and backed up just in time for the door to bust open only inches from where I stood. Before I could reacted both his hands were around my wrist squeezing.
“WHY THE HELL WAS YOUR DOOR LOCKED.” He yelled in my face. Before I could respond he squeezed my wrist tighter. I looked down and saw the bruises already forming. “I'm sorry daddy. I got out the shower and forgot to unlock it.” I tried sounding sweet but my voice cracked from the pain in my wrists.
“Get ready for school and go tell all your little friends bye. Today is the last day you are going to that school. You'll find why when you come home. NOW GO!” He yelled the last part. He let go of my wrists and threw me to the floor. I looked up from the cold hard wood floor but he was already gone.

Before I get to carried away with the story I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Delilah. I'm 16 years old and am an only child since my twin brother's (Sage and Gage) left for college. I have brown hair and ocean blue eyes. I live in California. It's just me and my dad since my mom died and brother's left. I watched my dad shoot my mom (Lilian) right in front of me. He didn't get arrested because he is a lawyer. Were rich but no one can ever tell. He hits me to but that's as far as he goes. I have as much hate towards him as he does me. I have hated him since the day he killed my mom 3 years ago. I tried to tell on him but he told me he would kill me to. My brother's don't even know. They were at a friends and was told that she was shot by someone who was breaking in to our house. I feel like I need to tell someone and keeping the secret from my brother's is breaking my heart. The only people in my life that actually seem to care about me are my friends (besides my brother's) . Which I guess today is my last day of seeing them. Well Back to the story.

I sat in the shower and cried. I tried not to look at the bruises and scars that cover my body. After I was done in the shower I got dressed. I did little makeup knowing I was going to cry when I said goodbye. I made sure no bruises or scars showed before I left. I heard Patrick’s shower on. (I call him Patrick. Only do I call him dad to his face. Trust me calling him Patrick to his face was not my brightest idea.) I made sure to grab my backpack so I can turn in my homework. Where ever I was going I didn't want to start off at a new school with bad grades.
I heard the shower turn off so I ran out the door. I ran until I was around the corner. The school was only 15 minutes from my house so I made it in no time. I walked through the halls my head low. I don't see any of my friends till lunch. I went to my locker and cleaned it out. There wasn't much. Only books I would need to give back to teachers and pictures of me and my 4 best friends. When I was done I went straight to 1st period.
All my 3 first periods were fast. I gave the books back and they said since it was my last day I didn't have to do anything. I made sure to give them my homework and they put my grade in right away. All were A's by the time they were done going through it all.
As the bell rang for lunch my heart started beating really fast. This was the last time I would see them but I knew I find some way to come visit if were ever were going isn't to far. I walked down the halls and into the now full cafeteria. I knew they would already be outside by our tree so I made my way to the back of the cafeteria and out to the courtyard.
I saw them all already sitting and laughing under the tree in the way corner. I almost debated on not telling them and just leave but they knew what my dad does and would probably think he killed me to. They saw me and waved me over. As I walked up they were all laughing. I sat down crisscross between Drake and Camilla. My other two friends were Mitchell and Sarah.
“Hey. How are you today?” Drake said putting his hand on my knee. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore and they started flowing down my cheeks. I shook my head as I looked down at the grass. “Oh my god Lilah what's wrong?” Sarah said. I couldn't saw it. The tears just kept coming and they all looked worried.
Finally after a few breaths my voice came back. “I'm leaving... Today's my last day. Patrick's making me move somewhere else. He wouldn't tell me where though.” I said. As reality sunk in Sarah and Camilla started crying to. I hated leaving them but there was nothing I could do about it.
“You have to promise us you will stay strong and try to come visit us.” Camilla said as she whipped the final tears off her face. Mitchell leaned over and whipped mine off. I gave him a weak smile. He returned it but I could tell it was fake. “I promise guys. I love you all.” I said. They all said love you back and we did our group hug.
When the bell rang I gave them each a hug and made sure we had each others numbers. Saying good bye one last time as I walked away was the hardest. I didn't have any class with them so it was harder knowing I might not live to see them again. The rest of the day was hard. Making sure I gave my teachers my final homework and not crying in the process. I ended up having straight A's for the year. To bad I didn't have anyone to tell who would be proud of me.
As I walked out the school one last time I dread going home. I didn't want to pack or leave anywhere with him. My mind was running with questions that I couldn't seem to find the answer for. I turned the last corner and my house came into view. There two cars that I have never seen before outside in the driveway. My heart stopped when I saw the license’s plate said Colorado. I seriously hope we aren't going to Colorado. That's to far. I'll never see my friends.
I couldn't stall anymore so I made my way up the stairs and on to the porch. Taking a deep breath I opened the door and slowly closed it. I tried to my best to make it up the stairs before I saw Patrick but that didn't work. I was at the bottom of the stairs when he came out the kitchen. He walked over to me wearing a white button up shirt and a blue tie with black dress pants. For once he didn't smell like alcohol instead he smelled like cologne.
“Go upstairs and wash your face. You look like a puff fish. Then come back down looking presentable we have guests. Don't take long or i'll be up there to get you MYSELF.” He said. It was a low whisper but had as much power as his usual voice. Him and my friends are the only people who have seen me weak. Everyone else see me as a girl with a perfect life and a bitchy attitude. I'm ok with that though. I don't like to be weak. I can stick up for myself if I need to.
I nodded my head and walked up the stairs. As soon as I got up there I made a ran for my bathroom and quickly washed my face. I made sure to wash off all my makeup and quickly reapply eyeliner and mascara “DELILAH GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW.” I ran down the stairs but stopped to walk into the kitchen. I looked down at my gray hoodie my black skinny jeans with gray converse. Seriously hoping I was presentable to the guests or I would hear about it when we left. Wait why are we having visitors when were supposed to be moving.
“Delilah this is Mr. and Mrs. Reed and their son Seth.” My dad introduced them. I smiled and held out my hand. His parents smiled and shook my hand. I held it out to Seth. He hesitated but took it. I looked up and into his eyes. They were auburn but looked more red then brown. His hair color was midnight black.
I realized I was still shaking his hand and instantly pulled away. I couldn't figure out what the spark was but it definitely caught me off guard.
“It's nice to meet you. Dad when are we leaving I still have to pack.” I asked looking at my dad. “Im not leaving. You are leaving with Mr. and Mrs. Reed and Seth. Seth is your soon to be husband. You will be moving with them back to there place in Colorado.” He said. I looked at him and then at Seth and then back to him. “WHAT? Um no offense but what?” I looked at my dad. He would just send me away. That is just like him. I'm going to be away from his abuse but seriously I don't know these people. Plus I have to marry this kid. HELL NO!
“Delilah you are going to be moving in with my son at his place in Colorado. We are down the street from you guys. You have to get to know each so you can get married in June.” Mr. Reed said. “But I don't know you guys. No offense again but i'm not marrying someone I don't know. Also not living with people I don't know.” I turned around and walked out the kitchen. I looked back and my dad was walking out of the kitchen after me. He looked pissed so I made a dash up the stairs. I was almost to the top when his hand inclosed around my ankle and yanked me back down the stairs. I screamed but he instantly covered my mouth.
“How dare you embarrass me. You are going with them and you will marry there son that's final. Now go pack all your clothes.” He let go of my ankle and went back into the kitchen. I lifted up my shirt and looked at the newly formed bruise on my ribs. It hurt to breath but I got up anyways and walked up the stairs. I walked to my bed and pulled out my 2 suitcases. There was a knock at the door and I instantly backed up to the wall and closed my eyes.
“I'm supposed to come help you.” I opened my eyes and saw Seth standing there. I started to breath again and nodded. “You ok? I'm really sorry about this. It's

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