» Family & Relationships » Crazy (finished), Danielle Palmer [top ten books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Crazy (finished), Danielle Palmer [top ten books to read TXT] 📗». Author Danielle Palmer

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sigh heavily. “You scared the shit out of me.” I said between breaths. “I'm sorry baby.” He replied as he walked towards me and enveloped me in his arms.
He pulled away from me and looked at me in the eyes. His eyes held something I really couldn't make out. He sighed and turned away from me, bringing his hands up and covering his face. “What's wrong love?” I put my hand on his back and pulled his shirt a little. “Can I ask you something?” He asks as he turned around slowly. “Anything.” I smiled which cause him to smile to. He slowly got down on one knee and almost instantly tears flooded my eyes.
“Ok. Um... I had this whole speech planned out and now I don't know.” He said, talking to himself. I giggled a little witched caused him to look up from the ground and meet my eyes. “Well I guess this is just coming from the heart. From the moment I met you I knew I couldn't leave you. When you told me that I saved you I couldn't help but think of what happened if I never came to the rescue but I'm happy I never had to find out. You are my life now and I will never ever leave you. You had my heart from the very beginning and I was wondering if you will do me the honor of marring me?” He pulled out a small black velvet box and slowly opened it. Inside there was a large diamond shaped crystal with small ones around it making a heart.
Not being able to say anything I eagerly nodded my head. He smiled and put it on my ring finger. He stood up and kissed me. I kissed him back for a minute and then pulled back. “so meeting?” I asked raising my eyebrows. He chuckled and shook his head. “I was picking out your ring.” I pulled away from him and faked being hurt. “So you lied to me?” I asked. His instantly went into panic mode. “I'm sorry I...I wanted-” I started laughing which caused him to stop and glare at me. “Oh your so gunna get it.” He said trying not to laugh.
I laughed as I ran up the stairs with him following closely behind. When I got at the top he grabbed my hips and threw me over his shoulder. He ran to our room and threw me on the bed. He climbed on top of me and started tickling me. I screamed and laughed. “Please stop. I'm sorry.” I yelled after I couldn't take it anymore. He chuckled and then fell beside me. I finally caught my breath after a minute and felt tired. I yawned and snuggled into Seth who instantly pulled me closer. I sighed and was finally able to fall asleep with him next to me.

The annoying alarm woke me up the next morning at freaking 6:00. I don't like school but I really need friends outside of the pack. I actually need a normal life. Well as much as my life could be normal. I climbed out the shower and threw on my clothes after drying off. I had washed and curled my hair last night so today it had a wild look to it. I put on a little bit of black eyeliner and mascara and put on my red vans that match my red off the shoulder shirt and shorts. I grabbed my black Jansport backpack before running downstairs and into the kitchen where all the guys were. All of them in pajamas except Zion who was ready also.
“Nope. Not happening go change.” Seth said before I could even fully walk into the kitchen. He didn't even look up from his food. “What's wrong with the clothes I have on?” I asked looking down at my outfit. Ok maybe my shorts were short but who cares? Obviously him. “You can't go to school with horny guys looking like that.” He said looking up this time. “Oh so because there horny means I'm going to go fuck them in a closet right?” I said crossing my arms. How dare he. He went to apologize but I held up my hand before he could.
I walked to the fridge and grabbed a water before turning around and walking out of the kitchen, then the house. Zion followed after me and unlocked his car for us to get in. After a few minutes of driving silently, he handed me my phone. “You forgot it on the counter.” I took it and said a quick 'Thanks' and put it in my pocket. He nodded and turned back to the road. After 20 more minutes of driving we parked in an already full parking lot.
“We have to go to the office to get our schedules.” Zion said as we walked up the school steps. I followed him through the crowded halfway and into the almost empty office. There was only one lady at the front desk who was on the computer. We walked up to her and waited a second until she noticed us. “What can I do for you?” She asked. “Were new students. We need our schedules.” She got up from her seat and walked over to a file cabinet. “Delilah and Zion?” She asked looking back over at us. We nodded our heads and grabbed our schedules when she came back.
Zion took my schedule and compared them. “We have 3rd period math, 5th period English, and 6th period gym together.” He showed me how to get to my first and then left for his own. I slowly walked into my first period which was full now with only one seat open in the back. The teacher introduced me before ushering me to the back. When I sat down I realized I was surrounded by all boys and only one girl next to me. Most of the girls sat in the front and I suppose the guys sat in the back. I smiled at her and she smiled back. “Hi. I'm Karen.” She said as she shook my hand. “Delilah.” She nodded her head before turning back to the lesson. I looked down at my schedule to see what classes I had.
1- Biology 101
2- Art 108
3- Math 145
4- History 133
5- English 118
6- Gym 300 ( girls locker room)
I learned that all my classes were on the first level except for gym which wasn't to far away. That made it a lot easier. I wouldn't have to go to the second level and get lost. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and carefully pulled it out. I hid it under the desk and read the text.
Seth: Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean it.
Me: It's ok love.
Seth: No it's not. I trust you. Not the boys.
Me: You hold my heart Seth so don't worry. I'll be home at 3:30.
Seth: Ok. Love you.<3
Me: Love you to.<3
The bell went off signaling that first was over. I didn't even realize an hour was already up. Each class is an hour and lunch is thirty minutes. Plus 6 minutes to get to each of my classes. I felt someones eyes on me so I looked up. The guy sitting in front of me was completely turned around. “Hey. Delilah right?” His voice was deep but soft. He was actually really cute. His dark brown swopping hair, caramel colored eyes and his bright white teeth perfectly shaped teeth. It took me a minute to stop staring and looked back at my desk. My cheeks burned from embarrassment. I shouldn't look at him like that. I have a fiance but that doesn't mean we can be friends.
“Right.” I said and nodded my head. He laughed which cause me to look up at him. He had his hand stretched for me to shake. “I'm Cody. Nice to meet you.” I took his hand and shook it. I tried to pull away but he pulled me closer. “Your a werewolf mate huh? Alpha Seth's right?” He whispered. My eyes widened. He's from the neighboring pack I bet. “Don't worry. I wont hurt you. My pack helped rescue you.” He finally let go of my hand and turned back around to face the board.
The bell finally rang signaling first was over. I was the last one out the door and started heading to second period. Someone fell into step right beside me. I looked up to find Cody staring back down at me. “Can I see your schedule?” I nodded and handed him it. “Looks like we have 1, 2, Lunch, 4, and 5 together.” He smirked and handed me back the paper. I laughed a little and shook my head.
It turned out Cody was really nice and funny. We couldn't stop laughing in second period which caused us both to get detention on the first freaking day. It was still funny. Karen ended up also having that class with us but me and Cody were the only ones who got detention. She's really sweet and had strawberry blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. She gave me her number and told me to text her whenever. She was probably going to be a really good friend.
Third was boring and I didn't even get to sit next to Zion. The teacher was rude and it took me everything not to walk out of class. I would have if I hadn't already gotten detention. The bell finally rang and everyone ran out of the class. Zion waited for me outside the door and we both walked to lunch. We got our food and sat at table by ourselves. I saw Karen looking around so I waved her to come sit by us. When she saw me she smiled big and ran over to us.
“Karen, Zion. Zion, Karen.” I said. Zion looked at her in the eyes and froze. His mouth kept opening and closing. “I think he's trying to say it's nice to meet you.” I giggled a little which pull him out of his thoughts. “Um... Yeah. What she said.” He looked down at his food and started playing with it. “It's nice to meet you to. I'll be right back.” She smiled at us before jumping up and speed walking to the bathroom. I looked over at Zion who was watching her leave and once she turned the corner her sighed heavily.
Before I could ask him what was wrong he blurted it out, “She's my mate.” His face turned pink and he looked back at his food. “AWW! That's so cute. When are you going to tell her? Today? Cause I could ask her to-” I started but he cut me off, “I don't know. I need to speak to Seth.” I sighed and huffed out a weak “Fine” before turning back to my food. A minute later she came back and her and Zion started talking. Even if they weren't mates I think they would still have had an instant connection.
“This spot taken?” Someone asked beside me. I looked over at Cody who was now sitting down. “Now it is.” I smiled before remembering something. I turned back to Zion and poked him until he finally looked at me. “I have detention after school.” He laughed and shook his head. “Of course you do. I'll just wait in the parking lot.” I was about to say 'ok' but Cody started talking. “I can take her home so you don't have to wait.” Zion immediately shook his head, “Seth would kill me. Your in a different pack. You'll be lucky if you guys can even be friends.” His voice was cold as he shot daggers at Cody. The bell rang signaling the rest
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