» Family & Relationships » Crazy (finished), Danielle Palmer [top ten books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Crazy (finished), Danielle Palmer [top ten books to read TXT] 📗». Author Danielle Palmer

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was good. They guys seem to warm up to Seth wish was good. They told me about all there college parties and they both have girlfriends. Who happen to be twins also. Weird right? I know. Everything was good until they asked me how everything was until they left. I had nothing to say so I stayed quiet.
"Delilah. Hello? Why you ignoring me?" Gage said. He never calls me Delilah unless he is aggravated. "Oh um. School was good." I said as we pulled up into the driveway. I jumped out the car and walked into the house before they could say anything else. All the other guys were in the living room playing video games. I walked in and sat on the couch next to Zion. He's one of the nicest ones here. I feel like he understands me.
"Where are your brothers?" He asked when I let out a sigh. Before I could reply they were walking into the house. All the guys introduced themselves and Felix showed them there rooms. They put all there bags in the rooms and came back downstairs. They guys all played video games and talked. They seemed to really all get along so it was good. I could still feel the tension in the room though. Till Sage decided to bring it up again.
"So you going to talk to us Lily? All we asked was how you've been?" He said not even taking his eye off the TV. I sighed and pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them. "What would you like to know so badly Sage?" I asked getting irritated. "Calm down. I just wanted to know what you have been up to since we have been away for 3 years?" This time he looked at me. Scratch that. EVERYONE looked at me. Memories flashed right in front of my eyes. I hide my face as they came to life.

The cold of the gun resting against your head. He is right behind you holding it. Screaming something but it's like the wind. Looking down at the lifeless body that use to be your mom. Trying to think of a reason you want to live but can't think of one. Sad knowing you have no one or no reason to live now. Everyone you ever loved left you but you know they had no say. Hearing the sirens coming closer just as the gun goes off again but you don't fall to your knees. Your dad does instead. Trying to take his own life instead but doesn't succeed. You want so bad to pick up the gun and do it for him but it's to late. The cops are there carrying your dad in a stretcher. While everything around you goes black.

"Lily what's wrong?" Sage said. I looked up and could barley see out of my blurry eyes. Sage was on one side and Gage was on the other while Seth was in front of me. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was going to explode. All the secrets I have tried to forget about and put in my past were coming back to mind. Flashes of different memories faded in and out. I felt like I couldn't breath. I was all the sudden hot. I took off my jacket before I realized it and put my head back.
I heard gasps around the room but I didn't care. I need to started with the most important secret. I didn't matter. I felt exhausted all the sudden and right before I welcomed the darkness I said, "Patrick killed mom."

Chapter 6
I can breath...

"Why didn't you call the police?" Gage asked. Everyone was crowded around me now. This is were the questions begin. All I could do was answer them all the best I could. "You don't think I tried. He would have killed you guys and then me." I sighed and put my head in my hands. I didn't want them to ask questions but they deserved to know.
"Did he make you watch?" I shook my head and sighed, "I was in the room with mom when he came home drunk. They got in a fight and he pulled out the gun. He was going to shoot me because I stepped in and tried to help mom cause he was hitting her. Mom pushed me out the way right when the fired and hit her right in the heart. He pointed it at me and was telling me he hated me and that if I ever tell someone he would kill you guys and make me watch and then kill me."
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry Lily." They both had tears in there eyes and I whipped them away. "It's ok. You guys couldn't have done anything. I'm just lucky now that he finally didn't want me anymore. Seth's family saved me." I looked up and smiled throw the tears. I was truly lucky. If only I could have put him in jail.
"Where you get the bruises and scars?" Sage asked as he looked at my arms. I grabbed my jacket and put it on. I didn't answer which made him sigh. "Your dad?" I looked up and saw Seth leaning against the wall in front of me. He was the one that asked. He looked about ready to kill someone. I looked at my lap and replied a low "Yeah." As second later I heard a loud bang. I looked up and Seth had punched a hole in the wall and was breathing heavily.
"Delilah take your brothers upstairs really quick." Jonathan said. I looked at Seth who was now being held against the wall by Felix and Zion. "Come on." I grabbed Sage and Gage by their arms and dragged them upstairs. When we got to mine and Seth's room and heard banging around and shouting. I knew he was on the verge of changing.
"Lily whats going on?" They asked at the same time. I was about to reply when Deangelo came running in the room. "Delilah he needs to see you or he'll change." I nodded and looked at my brother's "Stay here. I'll be right back." The wanted to protest but I quickly ran down the stairs and into the living room. The were still holding him back which I could tell made him even more mad. I walked over to him and put my hand on his arm. He looked down at me and his eyes instantly went back to his warm auburn color.
The guys let go off him as soon as he stopped shaking. "What was wrong?" I looked at him as he pulled me in for a hug. "He hurt you. I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear. "I'm fine now and it's not your fault. you" He nodded his head and pulled me closer. I fit perfectly against him. I pulled away and smiled he smiled back. "I think we should tell your brother's." I smiled even bigger and nodded my head.
"Tell us what?" I looked over and they were standing in the doorway of the living room. "We should go outside." I grabbed Seth's hand and led him out the front door with everyone following behind us. I pushed Seth so he was a little farther from us. "Why are we outside?" I pointed at Seth just as he changed into a midnight black wolf. I looked at Sage and Gage and both there faces were hysterical. I didn't laugh cause that's how I probably looked.
I felt something wet on my cheek and looked over just to come face to face with Seth. He was smiling in his wolf form which was really cute. I pet his head and he barked at me. "Lily get away from him he can hurt you." I rolled my eyes and kept petting his head. He laid his head on my leg and started rubbing all over me. I looked up at Zion raising my eyebrows.
"He wants his scent on you." He answered my unspoken question. "Why?" I replied. "So people know your his." I rolled my eyes at him and stood up. Seth walked around the back of the house so he can changed and go get clothes. The guys went and played video games while I went up to the room.
I walked into the room and laid on the bed. I smiled to myself as I breath in and out. My heart didn't feel a million pounds anymore. I could actually start my life over and not have anything to hide. I sighed and said "I can breath..." before I rolled over and fell asleep.

Chapter 7
Please tell me i'm dreaming.

RING! RING! RING! I rolled over and tried to find the source of the annoying sound. I looked and looked but couldn't find it. It finally stop only to start again a second later. I sighed and got up. I checked the alarm but it wasn't that. "Baby it's your phone." I looked up to see Seth was pointing to it on the other side of the room on the dress. "Wow I'm stupid." He laughed as I ran over to it just before it stopped ringing.
"Hello?" I waited for a reply but all I heard was someone sobbing. I moved the phone away from my ear and instantly recognized the number. "Camilla what's wrong?" I was starting to get worried when she didn't reply but finally she said threw her sobs. "I...It's Drake. Delilah he's gone...I'm so sorry." I instantly dropped the phone after the line went dead. I dropped to my knees and started sobbing. I could hear someone trying to talk to me but I had no interest in hearing . I pulled my knees up to my chest and hide my face.
Why is everyone I love leaving me? How could he be gone? He was my best friend since kindergarten. We promised each that we would never leave no matter what. He was there for me when my mom died. He held me in his arms till I stopped crying even if it took hours. Some times when my dad would beat me really bad I would go to his house and he would clean all my wounds. I would live with his for days at a time when my dad would kick me out. His family was like my second family. His brother (Ricky who was my brother's fried) and him were best friends. His mom and dad were the perfect couple. They were probably devastated.
My heart ached and my head pounded but the tears kept coming. I was waiting till someone woke me up. I kept telling myself it was all a dream but something else kept saying he was gone. People's voice were calling my name. I looked up and Sage and Gage were looking at me worried. I had to tell them to. Drake was like a brother to them.
"Please tell me I'm dreaming. WAKE ME UP. PLEASE." I sobbed even more but the dream never faded. It was life but why did life have to take my best friend. "Lily you are awake. Please tell us what's ." I shook my head and berried it in my hands. I didn't want to say it. I couldn't say it. Someone picked me up and moved me to the bed. I curled up in a ball and laid there crying.
After awhile the tears finally stopped and dried on my face. My head felt like a balloon was going to explode. I could feel how puffy and swollen my eyes were. "Are you ok?" I looked behind me and Seth was sitting on the end of the bed. I shook my head 'No'

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