» Family & Relationships » Crazy (finished), Danielle Palmer [top ten books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Crazy (finished), Danielle Palmer [top ten books to read TXT] 📗». Author Danielle Palmer

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of lunch so I thankfully got up and started walking to fourth.
The rest of the day was boring and I couldn't wait to go home and sleep. But I still can't after this last period because of detention. In Gym we sat in the bleachers the whole period. The teachers explained what we would be doing the whole school year but no one really payed attention. We payed for our uniforms and finally after 20 more minutes of being bored the final bell rang. I started walking back to room 108 where I had to sit for another 30 minutes.
The teacher made sure to put me and Cody on the opposite side of the room. Even if we glanced at each other she was mad. Finally after the longest most boring 30 minutes ever she let us leave. I found Zion in the empty parking lot sleeping in his car. As soon as we pulled out of the school I was out like a light.

Chapter 14
Sister from another Mister (a.k.a asshole)

It's finally the first weekend of the school year and I have never been happier. Karen is coming over to spend the night and Zion decided he was going to tell her about the whole werewolf and mate thing. I was hoping she wasn't going to freak out but probably the normal reaction. On Monday Zion helped me cover up Cody's scent. Seth still smelled him but thought it was just another student who sat by me. Everyone is also happy for Zion but he is freaking out. He was scared Karen wasn't going to accept him.
Today, Friday, was boring and tiring. Thankfully no homework this whole week but it starts Monday. When me and Zion got home everyone was hanging out. I sat on the couch and laid against Felix. I heard a growl and looked around till my eyes landed on Seth. I shook my head and sat up. The door bell rang so I ran and got it. I opened the door and Karen stood there with her bag. She had no shoes on and her hair looked a mess. “Karen.” I whispered which caused her to look up at me.
She had a black eye and a busted lip. My eyes widened and I quickly walked out the house and closed the door. “What happened?” I pulled her in for a hug and she hugged me back. “I can't talk about it.” She whispered against my shoulder. I was about to reply when the door opened and Seth looked at me. “Go inside. Don't let Zion out here.” He hesitated but nodded and went inside, shutting the door. “Karen listen. You can tell me anything. I wont tell a soul.” I said pulling her down to sit on the steps.
“He hit me.” Was all she could get out before she busted into tears. I calmed her down for a few minutes before pulling back and looking at her. “Who?” I asked slowly. She looked out into the woods before looking back down. “My dad. I thought he loved.” She cried into my shoulder and I couldn't help but cry some to. It was bringing back my memories. “It's going to be ok.” I whispered. She looked at me and shook her head. “I can't go back Delilah. What if he does it again?”
“You can live here. I'll help you.” She shook her head before saying, “Why are you being so nice to me?” This time it was my turn to look away. “It's happened to me. My dad used to hit me. That's practically how I ended up here.” I said looking back up at her before continuing, “Stay here. Don't go back. I made the mistake of going back.” I had the urge to cry but held it back. “What do you mean?” She asked as she pulled me in for a hug. “I ran away when I was 13 but went back because I had no money for food or a place to live. The night I got back my dad killed my mom in front of me.” I couldn't hold back anymore and the tears freely fell.
“Oh my god. I'm so sorry.” She said. “Don't be. I'm happy now.” I said looking back at the door. I didn't ever tell Seth about running away but I never wanted to talk about it. “Come on.” I stood up and grabbed her bag for her. She slowly stood up and followed me into the house. I quickly pulled her upstairs before Zion saw how she looked. He would probably freak and change right in front of her. “Can I use your shower?” She asked as we walked into mine and Seth's room.
“Go ahead. You can use anything in there. When your done i'll be down stairs in the living room.” She nodded her head and walked in the bathroom and closed the door. I ran down stairs where Zion was pacing and all the guys were around him just in case. “Shit.” I whispered. They all turned to me at the same time. It was kinda creepy. “You didn't hear did you?” I asked no one in particular. “I was the only one that did. I told him I can't tell but he keeps freaking out.” Seth said raising his hand.
“CAUSE SHE'S MY MATE!” Roared Zion. I have never been so afraid of him. “Calm-” Seth started but Zion instantly cute him off. “Don't tell me to calm down. I told you everything that involved your mate.” He said dangerously low. “Zion. She will tell you when the time in right. It took me awhile before I told Seth what exactly happened to me.” I said slowly. He huffed and sat on the couch.
10 minutes later Karen came walking down stairs in sweats and a tank top. She sat on the couch next to me and Zion. I looked over and she looked like she had been crying. She laid her head on Zion's shoulder who instantly put his arm around her. “Are you going to live here?” I asked. She looked over at Zion who smiled and nodded his head. “Yeah. How will I get my stuff?” She said looking back at me. Then the thought hit me and I smiled. “What apartment number?” She looked at me for a second thinking if she should give it to me. She knew I already knew what apartments because we drove her home yesterday. “148. Why?”
“I'll be back.” I got up and ran up the stairs. I was putting my shoes on when Seth and Jonathon came in the room. “Where you going?” Seth asked. “Going to get her stuff.” I tried to walk around them but they were both blocking the door. “Ugh fine. You guys can sit in the car.” They shook their heads and stood there ground. “Fine one of you come inside with me.” Finally Jonathon moved so I could walk around him. I walked down the stairs and out the door.
“Were taking my truck.” Jonathon said coming down the stairs. I nodded and ran to his truck. I scooted into the middle so Seth can have the window. A few minutes later Seth and Jonathon walked out with Felix and Deangelo following. “Seriously why are all of you coming? I could have gone by myself.” I asked once they all got in. Deangelo and Felix sat in the back seat. Jonathon started the 20 minute drive to her apartments. “Why are we even going to get her stuff?” Felix asked. I looked over at Seth who shrugged his shoulders and looked out the window. “Um her dads hitting her.” I said in a low voice. I knew they heard me because they went tense. “You shouldn't go in.” Deangelo said.
“I can handle it.”
“We know you can. It's just we don't know who is at her house that could hurt you.” Seth said.
“I can handle that to.”
“Well we will be there so that's not going to happen.” Jonathon said as we pulled up to there apartment complex. I leaned across him and typed in the gate code. The gates opened and we finally found her apartment after 5 minutes of looking. It was towards the back on the bottom floor. I walked towards the apartment after Jonathon parked the car. I knocked on the door but got pushed back behind Seth. “Seriously-”
“Can I help yous?” Someone slurred. I looked at the door and Karen's dad was standing there holding a beer. I looked past him and there was about 3 other guys my age in the living room. “We came to get Karen's stuff.” I said as I stepped around Seth. Karen's dad just walked away from the door. I heard yelling and then the 2 of the guys came to the door. “You can't have her stuff. She has to come home.” One of them said. The other one was texting on his phone.
He handed me the phone and I hesitantly took it. It said: `Go around to the window and we will hand her stuff out.'
“Ok were leaving.” I said loud enough for her dad to her. Seth was about to ask why and I just shushed him. I walked around to window which was already slid open. A backpack and a duffel bag were thrown out one right after the other. “Keep Karen safe.” Someone whispered before the window shut and the blinds were pulled down. We grabbed her bags and ran back to the car. Once everyone was in we started driving back home.
20 minutes later we pulled up to the house. I grabbed the backpack and Seth grabbed her duffel bag. I ran to the door so I could be the first one in. Every light in the house was off but the living room one. I walked into the living room and instantly dropped the backpack. “Zion what are you doing?” I asked as he continued to lick Karen's face. She laughed and pet through his fur. He was in full wolf form and laying piratically on top of her. “It's ok. I know about everything. It's so cool.” Karen smiled and laughed as he continued rubbing and licking her.
“Well that's good but Zion should change back.” He did a little whimper but got up and ran past me and up the stairs. Right when he ran out Seth, Jonathon, Felix, and Deangelo were walking in the living room. “So he told you?” Deangelo and Jonathon asked as they sat on both sides of her. She smiled and nodded her head. Her cheeks held the slightest of pink hint to them. They just laughed and nodded there head. A couple seconds later Zion came back into the living room and growled. I laughed and snuggled up closer to Seth. Both Deangelo and Jonathon jumped off the couch and sat on the floor.
A movie later we were all getting up to go to bed. It was only 10 but we all agreed we were tired. The bell rang right when I was about to lock the door. I slowly opened it and saw Cody standing there. I ran outside and slammed the door. I grabbed his arm and pulled him away from the house and back to his car. When I knew we were where Seth couldn't hear us I finally talked. “Why are you here? You could get in a lot of trouble being in Seth's Territory.” I hissed at him. I looked back at the door to see if anyone was looking but they weren't.
I felt a hand on my cheek and turned back to Cody. Before I could ask him what he was doing his lips touched mine. I tried pulling away but

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