» Family & Relationships » The Rising, Miki Graham [read with me txt] 📗

Book online «The Rising, Miki Graham [read with me txt] 📗». Author Miki Graham

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I was in my room when my mom came in along with my dad. I looked at them wondering. “Hey. Whats up?”
“We have to tell you something.”
“Well we are gonna have another member of the family” My dad smiled.
“Im sorry, what!?” I looked at them.
“Honey please be happy. Your gonna have a little sister and brother.”
I stood up. This was going way too fast. I pulled back my hair and grabbed my bag started shoving my crap of clothes in. My laptop and book to. I grabbed my ipod and cell phone.
“Where are you going.” My mom asked.
“To Claire’s.”
“Not this late.”
“You wanna try me? Look I need to leave. I cant be here right now.” I shoved past them and me dad grabbed me hard by my arm and slammed me to the wall. “Don’t you dare disrespect me like that.”
I pushed him off. “Don’t you touch me ever again! When I tell you I need to go its for a good goddamn reason!” My adrenaline was running so fast. When he lifted his fist I closed my eyes and I felt his fist go past me and he hit the wall inches from my face. I looked at him.
“Get the hell out of here you ungrateful brat. I don’t wanna see your face again.” He shoved me off and I stumbled to the ground. I got up and whipped my eyes and looked at them.
“Go!” He roared and I scurried down the stairs and out the house. I ran away far enough that I couldn’t see my house anymore. I started to cry. I knew my dad was still a jerk. I hated him more now. And now he’s having another child just to push around. After twenty minutes of crying I texted Shawn.
Hey you there?

five minutes passed then I received a text
Ya u ok?

No. I had a fight with my dad and now I wanna go to a safe environment and my dad kicked me out.

I sniffed and was sitting on the curb of a side walk abandoned street.
Where u at? Im getting ready to get dinner for the group im telling them im pickin u up first.

Im a block or two away from my house, you know by the old abandon store that closed down years ago. Im sitting on the curb by it. Plz hurry its scary and I wanna see you so bad.

On my way sweetie. <3 u!!!

She looked around and saw some big dudes walking the street and they saw her and approached her.
“Well look at what we found.” a dude in a black beanie said. I got up and backed away as they got closer. You gotta be kidding me!? I thought.
“Damn she is hot!”
“A juicy ass with nice boobs.” another guy who was more built then the other two closed her off from leaving and then grouped my butt. I yelped and pushed him away.
“Get away from me!” she backed in to the window of the old shop.
“Not until we have a little fun the fattest one said. I gulped and did the only thing I could do. I grabbed my bag of books-also got my book bag- and slammed them into the window, breaking the glass. It was all over me too. I grabbed a shard of glass and held it up. “You fags come near me and consider yourself dead.”
“I love them fiesty.” The beanie head man said.
“Come on baby don’t be like that.” The muscular man said.
“Have some fun” the fat man said. I felt pain in my arm and saw it bleeding, I didn’t wanna kill them really but if it means saving my ass then so be it. Although she was thinking of slitting their throats she didn’t have time to since a car pulled up and her hot, badass boyfriend came out. He then shot a gun to the sky which made the three guys run off like little girls.
That’s right fear my boyfriend you fucking perverts.

she watched them run and grabbed her bags and ran to him. “Thank god you came!”
“What am I gonna do with you? Always taking years off my life when you put me through this.” He smirks. He then saw her arm bleeding.
“Holy hell theres glass in your arm.”
“Its okay.” I said. He shook his head and lead me to the the passenger seat. He put my bags in the back and then went to me after slamming the door. He knelt down to me and started picking the shards out one by one I couldn’t help but to whimper.
“Im proud of you ya know.”
“Because you call me. And you fend them off till I get here. I bet you were brave as always.”
“Well Im not a bragger but yeah.”
He chuckled. “Done.” he grabbed a aid kit in the consol and cleaned the blood with and alcohol swab and then wrapped my arm in an ace bandage. He got me in and got in himself then drove off. “So what will you want for dinner?”
I shrugged. I know those guys are sleazes but god no wonder im being raped all my life. I slid down in my seat. I look at my assets and I cant help but feel self conscious now. A juicy ass with nice boobs? Is that all I am?
“What am I to you?”
“Am I just a juicy ass with huge assets?”
“Huge what?”
“Boobs Shawn… I just a big juicy ass with huge boobs to every male…” my voice cracked on the last part. I saw he was pulling over. He stopped the car completely and turned to look at me.
“What brought this on so sudden?”
“It hasn’t been sudden….I been asking myself this question since I went out with bobby bloomsdale. Even he wanted me for sex.” I hugged my legs and hid my face in my lap.
“Did those guys say that too you?” I nodded.
“Every guy does….Bobby…..Dean maybe even you.” I looked at him and saw his face with guilt. “Oh god!” I started for the door but he pulled me back to him.
“Im a guy Sam I have needs too but Im not like Bobby, Dean or even those hobos. Sure I may think sexually about you but I think of it as a loving way….not the way of ‘ oh I just wanna fuck!’ I could never do that. Your beautiful, gorgeous even. And your assets and butt is great too but even if you had a flat chest and not butt I still love you….and even if you were the fattest women I would still love you. I love you in a way that ya I wanna have sex with you but not until you are ready and even after I get sex from you….im still gonna need you like I do now.”
I looked at him with great shock. “You would wait?”
That made her smile and hug his neck. “I love you so much!”
He chuckled and kissed her lips. His hand on my face and his other on my waist. I looked at him.
“And plus your never were fat. You have a great body so you should treat it right. Like eating more.”
I sat back down and buckled back in as he started to drive again.
“I want subway then.”
“You got it dude.” He said in a cute Michelle Tanner impersonation. It made her laugh hard. And smile so big.
“So you think of us sexually?”
“Well yeah. I mean hell I can see why guys like you. And the guys I mean are the guys that you hang with at school. Like James and Skyler. They sure do like you a lot. They always told me how you were so generous and very thoughtful…..James told me you saved him from failing history and Sky said you taught him how to play pool.”
“Wow…never thought those guys cared. I thought they were like the ‘yeah whatever guys.’ guess I was wrong.”
“They are but you bring out the best in people. Like me. You saved me and I bet you don’t even know it.”
“I did?”
“In eighth grade I was gonna fail cause I didn’t wanna study for the exams and I was in a given up mood. Then you came to my house and yelled at me telling me I was always gonna be worthless if I don’t start shaping up and once you said you hated worthless guys….that’s when….I asked you for your help. You stayed up all night with me and helped me study so much that I passed the exam and went on to high school.”
“Oh yeah then your mom treated us to sundaes”
“Yep. So your special and don’t let fags tell you wrong.”
That gave me the confidence I needed. I scooted to him and hugged his arm forgetting how the seat belt was in her side and the console was separating them.

They came into the apartment laughing and holding bags.
“Hey kids! What took you so long!” Claire said
“Sorry had to make like five different stops.” Shawn grinned and kissed my lips and took the food from me. I went out to get the bags from the car and saw Claire coming out. “So.” She said hoping on the hood of Shawns car.
“Im pregnant by Shane.”
That made her stop and look at her. “W-what?”
“Pregnant and your ex-boyfriend is getting way to friendly with me. I wont tell Shane unless he tries to rape or hit me then I shall. But don’t say anything about the baby….im not sure what im gonna do. I mean he has his sister who is still young and need her brother. I cant take that away.”
“Wait my ex is getting friendly? How!?”
“He keeps looking at me, and eyeing me. Then he keeps following me down the halls trying to talk to me. He does but I ignore him.”
“Wow…..and your pregnant?”
She nods. “I want the baby but I don’t want Shane to leave his sister. And I cant tell my parents or they will kick me out of the place they bought for me.” shes talking about her apartment
“Join the club.” technically she was getting kicked out of her home.
“Mine kicked me out cause I freaked on them because my mother is pregnant. My dad yelled at me and told me to leave so I did and here I am”
“Wow that sucks.”
“Major suckage.”
They laughed and came back in each holding a bag. They sat the bags in Shawn’s room and came back out. When Claire saw the fish her face turned pale. She made a disgusted face.
“Whats wrong sweetie? You like fish.”
“Yeah but not-----” She got up and ran to the bathroom and slammed the door and they all heard the puking.
“What the hell is up with her?”
“Sick?” Merissa suggested and ate some of her subway.
I kept eating as if I was starving to keep my mouth shut. Shane looked at me suspiciously. “You. You’re a girl she must of told you. Whats wrong.”
I swallowed a bite and bit my lip. “I cant say really.”
Shane left his own fish to go to the door and came in and closed the door. They all heard muffled voices then shouting and a bang then Shane

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