» Family & Relationships » The Rising, Miki Graham [read with me txt] 📗

Book online «The Rising, Miki Graham [read with me txt] 📗». Author Miki Graham

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leave.” I snapped and saw Shane and Claire waking up and seeing me up. Claire jumped up and came at my side.
“Honey! Its good to see your awake!”
“So you wanna tell us why I had to pick you up from your floor last night and there were cuts all over you, your phone was in the mess of glass too.”
“Ask the guy who did that to me. Im sure he would love to tell you.” I glared at Shawn and then got up.
“Look I didn’t mean what I said Sam.”
“Sure like my dad doesn’t mean to hurt me. Or Dean didn’t mean to abuse me. You know you haven’t hit me but you abused me to. Emotionally. You’re the one person I could talk to but your just a disappointment to me like all the people who hurt me. Save yourself the begging. You screwed up and im done saying sorry!” I choked on the last part, I looked down to hid my pain.
“Guys a moment.” I guess Claire and Shane agreed silently cause after a minute or two the door shut.
“Just go away Shawn. You done enough okay. You had your part of me so just go like all the others.” I got on the bed and held my head.
“Sammy….” I felt his hands on my shoulders. I shook my head.
“I know this……I will forgive you and then you will do it all over. that’s how Dean started and my dad.” I sobbed and held my hands over my face. He removed my hands and whipped my tears.
“Don’t forgive me right away. I was a jackass liar.”
I sniffed. “You heard that? I was hoping you were to pissed off or I don’t know something that didn’t make you hear me.”
“Heard every word and the crash too. Heard your sobbing and hyperventilating that’s why I sent Claire and Shane to check on you. Well I came to but I was in the car. When I saw you passed out in Shane’s arms…..god it killed me…..I hate myself for making you hurt. Of all people I did that. You don’t deserve that. Not again and not ever. Im not expecting forgiveness or you wanting me back……im just so sorry that I did that to you.”
I looked at him and whipped my eyes. “If I forgive you…..will you stay this way? The Shawn that holds me when im upset and comforts me…..that got me this far in my life.” He held my hands and kissed them. He looked at me and said. “I made a promise and this is a promise I shall keep. No matter how mad I get or upset……I shall never take it out on you. I will be that Shawn that I know I am. The Shawn that loves you too much to let you go….”
I sobbed and hugged his neck. “Sorry I said what I did. I don’t want you to go to hell. Its too hot.”
He kissed my hair and said. “I burn in flames over and over just for you. I will walk all the million miles just to get to you. Sam I mean it when I say these things and last night was hell for me. Watching you cry. And squirm in my arms. It was scary for me.”
“I just don’t get why you didn’t answer me….or talk to me for the past week.”
“It was too hard….with you gone I realized I needed you more then ever and to let you go…..hurt me and seeing you wanting to leave killed me too.”
“I only left cause my mom was gonna call the cops. I don’t want you to go to jail.”
“Why would I go to jail?”
“Your eighteen. Im seventeen. We had sex. Which is against the law right?”
“No. if I was older then 21 then yeah I’d be in jail, you shouldn’t worry about me though.”
“I cant help it. I love you and I just I don’t know. I wanna be there for you like you’ve been there for me.”
“And you are.”
“If I was we wouldn’t be here since you would of talked to me and we wouldn’t have had that fight.”
He nods. “Your right. Im truly sorry baby”
“Your forgiven but do this again and its really over.”
“I wont I swear.”
“Promise baby.”
I smiled and kissed his lips. His lips felt so amazing since the last I kissed them.

“You know you forgot my birthday.” I looked up at him as I was walking around the complex apartments with him. He looked down at me and then smirked. “Lots been going on sweetie. But I do got a present.”
“Y-you do” I asked and turned to him slightly, walking sideways
“Shawn I was just kidding. You didn’t need to give me anything.”
“Too bad. I did. You’re my girlfriend and I love spoiling my baby when I can.”
He turned to me and stopped walking, that made me stop and stand beside him and turn to him. I saw he dug in his big pants pocket and pulled out a black velvet box.
“No Shawn really-----” I gasped when he opened it and saw it was a golden ring with a diamond heart in the middle.
“Im not proposing, I mean if your thinking that. Its my mothers ring. She gave it to me just the other day since I wouldn’t shut up about what to give you so she gave me that. She said that my father gave it to her on her birthday. I tried that but we were too busy and…..well I know its not our anniversary or your birthday but----”
“This doesn’t have to be my birthday or an anniversary to be special. Just being with you anytime makes every time special. I love it.” I said and put it on my third finger on my left hand. “im going to still think of it as an engagement ring ya know.”
He thought about it then took the ring off my finger. Before I even had the chance to protest he silenced my lips with his then got down on one knee and held my hand. He looked in my eyes and said. “Samantha James Harris….I know we are young and people may say we are young foold but im not a fool when I say…I want you as mine and not anyone else. Will you be my wife in a near future. Will you be the women who wakes up every morning with me and goes to sleep every night….will you be the women who will have my children?”
I stood there so shocked that I was tongue tied. I stood there for so long that Shawn was awkward. “S-Sam?”
Chapter 7


I looked down at the man I love who just proposed to me shocked but happy although scared too.
“Yes!” I sputtered out finally.
“You will?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes. A million times yes!” I pulled him up, jumped on him. My arms around his neck and my legs wrapped around his waist. I kissed his lips and put the ring back on my left hand third finger. “Your serious too?”
“Of course baby. I meant every word.”
I hugged him more and squealed in excitement then slid down. “I need to go tell Claire! The whole world!” I was literally jumping up and down. I skipped off towards Shawn’s apartment, almost busted the door trying to get in. luckily my fiancée helped me get it opened, laughing as well. I came in and yelled. “Everyone! Everyone!” I looked at my friends. Shane and Claire cuddled on the couch and Merissa on her laptop. They were looking at me.
“What is it miss bouncy?” Shane asked he found my excitement amusing too.
“Girl jump any higher and you will go through the old granny’s floor.” Claire joked as she smirked and laughing too.
“Why are you happy? Your usually depressed.” Merissa added and sipped her drink that laid by her laptop.
“He…He proposed to me! Shawn proposed! Im engaged!!!”
Claire looked stunned her mouth dropped, Shane looked more surprised then Claire. Merissa almost choked on her drink and she started hacking.
“That’s right. We are to be married.” Shawn said as he put his arms around my waist from behind.
“Our Shawn? The Shawn that cant commit to anything unless you beat him up?” Shane asked, looking at me.
“I know. I was shocked too.”
“For god sake I am pregnant and Shane still hasn’t asked that question.” She glared at Shane her arms folded across her chest.
“Whoa baby we talked about it. I don’t want to get married just cause your pregnant.” That wasn’t helping Shane at all. Claire sighed and got up. She came to squeeze me and hugged Shawn. “Congrats you two. Now all you need to do is get Shane to propose to me.”
“Baby!” Shane warned
Claire sighed and looked back made a face at Shane then walked out.
“Shane I say this with love…..Shawn has more game then you. You just suck at this game.” Merissa came to us and hugged me then squeezed Shawn. She made him bend down to her level, she was a short little sixteen year old. She kissed his cheek then smiled. “Im happy for you two. Always knew you guys would make awesomeness together!” She laughed and then said. “I should check on Claire since her boy made her left again. Bye.” She added and walked out ignoring Shane’s protests.
Shane sighed and held his head.
“Shane are you going to ask her to marry?” I asked.
“Not now. I mean later when we get our act together I mean we just made a kid. Now she wants marriage too?”
“Well believe it or not she would want to settle down….I mean she wanted to be married or at least engaged before having kids.”
Shane looked at us then put on his poker face then asked. “Can you guys help me? Its December 1st tomorrow and I think I wanna propose to her on Christmas eve.”
“Are you serious?”
“My Claire deserves the best. So I shall be the best. If she wants to marry then I say lets do it.”
“Christmas eve is not that far away!”
“Yeah its like 23 days away?”
“So we have 23 days to find a gorgeous ring!” I squealed.
“23 days to make sure she has the perfect Christmas.”
“Then its settled.” Shawn nodded and with that it was agreed.

Time passed on and when I was at home it never felt like Christmas was around the corner. My parents have been arguing nonstop, and they still wanna bring an innocent child into then fucked house. I was coming downstairs for some food when I saw my dad yelling at my mom. She looked so fragile standing with her arms blocking from a future attack. And that’s what he just did. He lunged for her and pushed her into the

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