» Family & Relationships » The Rising, Miki Graham [read with me txt] 📗

Book online «The Rising, Miki Graham [read with me txt] 📗». Author Miki Graham

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some fun.”
I gritted my teeth and kicked him in his manhood and I was stunned that I did. I watched him as he was curled up in pain. I grabbed the gun and pointed it at him, I felt pain welling up for Shane and that just made me shake more.
He started to get up. “So what your gonna shoot? Go ahead….” He smirked. “I see you in hell.”
I cried and just collapsed to my knees and drowning in my own tears, I dropped the gun, watched it slide away from me. Whats the use? If I kill him then I would die to. I saw him pick up the gun and then pointed it to my head. I looked down waiting for the death that came for me cause of my own stupidity. He pulled me up by my messy bun and held me to a position that made me look at him. “I don’t want my time wasted so either you or me will die and if its not me…..well sluts don’t deserve to live.”
We both looked to our sides and saw Shawn standing there. “Get the fuck away from my girlfriend!” He had a bat in his hand. “I wont hesitate to beat the living fuck out of you!”
Dean smirked and then shoved me toward Shawn, Shawn dropped the bat and wrapped his arms around me. I watched Dean as he shoved the gun in his pocket. “I will be nice….but next time tame that bitch or she will get shot.” and with that he was walking off.
I looked at Shawn and saw he was angry. He looked down at me and then calmly said. “You okay?”
I nodded.
“Don’t run off like that again. I made you a promise and im keeping it. So stop making it difficult. I love you and damn it im having you alive!”
I looked up at him and then slid my arms in his jacket.
“I don’t want to see you die though.”
“I wont unless you run off on me again, Samantha…..I cant keep you safe if you don’t stay with me.”
I nodded. “Im sorry Shawn.” He kissed my head and held my hand all the way back to his car.

“Happy birthday!!!” My mom yelled with excitement.
“Weeks to late mom.” I finally gave in and answered when she called.
“Yeah I know. A lots been happening is all.” She said.
“Like what?”
“Since you left-------”
“I was thrown out” I interrupted in anger.
“--- your father’s been on edge lately. I just hope he gets better when the baby comes.”
“Your still bringing a child into the world knowing your husband is an abuser?”
“Samantha he hasn’t laid a finger on you since the incident!”
“He pushed me! He threw me out!!”
“He is sorry about that Sammy. He wants you to come home”
“Hell no! I’m not coming home to be his fucking punching bag and you cant make me!”
“Your seventeen we can get cops over!” My mom yelled.
“Don’t try that bullshit with me. I tell them everything dad has done even the shit you don’t know!” I hung up and clutched the phone to my chest. I held my face with my other hand and the tears escaped my eyes. How I wish I was eighteen and an orphan or my father was gone! He controls everything. Hell he has my mom so brain washed that she is defending the bastard…..
I laid back on the bed and looked at the ceiling. Nobody was home right now but I know Shawn would come in soon, see her crying like the baby I am. I sighed and whipped off the tears and dropped my phone. I went to take a shower and got in some shorts and a sweater that’s Shawn’s of course. I laid back on the bed. I laid on my stomach and my chin laid over my folded arms. My hair was soaked and all over the place, it seemed like it to me. After a bit of thinking I finally put my ear buds in and started to play music on my ipod. With that I fell asleep.

A hand skimmed my back and then stroked my hair. Then my cheek. Lips met mine and brought me awake to see Shawn looking at me. “Hey baby.”
“Hi.” I said still half asleep. I saw it was dark in the room, the only light that filled the room was the light coming from the living room.
“Dinners ready if you wanted it. I didn’t want to wake you, cause you look so cute when you sleep.”
I smiled and sat up slowly. I saw how close he was, close enough to make my way into his lap. I sat in his lap and snuggled my head in the crane of his neck. “Okay im ready to go.”
He chuckled and I felt myself being lifted. I was close to asleep when I heard voices of my other friends. “Awwe is she sleeping?” I heard Claire asked.
“I guess so.” Shawn spoke and I felt I was sitting on something now but I was still leaning against Shawn so I guess I am sitting on someone and that would be Shawn.
“She looks so cute.” Merissa said.
“Until she bitches at you for not cleaning the dishes.” Shane added amusement. Oh when I wake up he is gonna hear a lot of bitching.
“Shut up Shane. I think shes cute even when she yells or is upset.” Shawn laughed and kissed my head. “Honey.”
“Huh…..” I made a lazy huh noise. I curled in a ball and cuddeled more against his chest. I felt his hands rubbing my arm.
“Its dinner time.”
“So when its batman time then wake me.”
“Batman?” Shane asked.
“Her favorite cartoon.” Shawn explained. “Baby come on you need to eat. I made your favorite and after you eat you can go back to bed.”
My favorite? God I love this dude! I opened my eyes and rubbed them then I stretched with a yawn and looked up at him. “Well put it that way, I can totally go for tacos.” I got up and sat down. Shawn joined me at my side and started to dig in on his own.
“So my parents want me back home.” I finally said to end the agony silence.
“What? Your not going to are you.”
“No, I don’t want to but my mom threatened to call the cops, so I don’t have much choice but to go back.”
“That’s just fucked up.” Shane said.
“They cant do that! Can they?” Merissa asked.
“Well by law they can.”
“No im going to tell them what that mans done to me.” Even the things I left untold from my mother and friends….even Shawn.
“Has he done anything more? Like worse then hit or push you.” Claire asked. I looked at her then at everyone else and I looked back at her. “No…. I need a shower.” I got up and excused myself from the table and took my shower. My mind was spinning hard. I should go back but only to keep my friends out of danger. I got out and started packing after getting clothed. After I was done packing my crap Shawn came in.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Going to my parents.”
“Your going back?”
“Yes. For a while. See if they changed at all if not then im out.”
“What if they wont let you leave?” He glided to me but we just stood a foot apart. I looked at him then shrugged.
“I guess I endure it till im eighteen. Plus I need to look after my mom and sibling….”
“Don’t Shawn. Please.”
He looked heart broken but he didn’t argue. I looked away so I wouldn’t shed tears. “Can you give me a ride?”
I nodded. I heard a sad sigh from him. “Fine.”
He grabbed his keys and dropped me off. I looked back at him and saw his facial expression was angry and sad. I leaned in the car window and said. “I love you.”
“Love you to” He muttered back, not even looking my way. I looked at him then sighed. “Im sorry.” and with that I left to go into the house that I once loved to be in but now its hell to me.

Its been a week since I moved back. Dad’s been more violent and Shawn is being distant. It feels like im always doing something wrong. Im the one who always says sorry or oops. Why cant they say that to me. I was sitting in my bed looking at my phone. I sent him so many text messages its not funny. I think he is really upset about my decision.
“Sam!” My dad yelled. Great. I came to see what he wanted and he looked pissed off. “I told you to clean the dishes!”
“Im sorry. I do them now.”
“No don’t even bother! You useless shit!” When I tried to do them he pushed me away and I landed back on my butt. I sat up and looked down. My eyes filled with tears as I scrambled to my feet and ran off to my room I slammed my door and slid to the floor. I cried for a bit then decided to text Shawn. No reply. I called him then.
“Hello?” He didn’t sound so happy.
“Hey honey.”
“Oh. Hey.”
“Why haven’t you been answering my texts or my calls?”
“Been busy.” What happened to the boy that she fell in love with? This sounds like a guy that she doesn’t like at all.
“Doing what?”
“Nothing. Do you want something?” He asked in a tone that made her froze and shake.
“No forget it. Its nothing.”
“What is it Samantha?” No he sounds annoyed. Why is he being like this?
“What’s wrong? Your usually happy.”
“Well your not the only one with problems. I need my space okay.”
“Wait what’s the matter? Maybe I can help.”
“You’ve done enough okay, look if you don’t need anything then just leave me alone. And stop texting me so damn much. A guy needs his space.” He grumbled and hung up. I stood there looking at my phone, speechless. I cant take this anymore. I clutched my phone in my hand and then dialed him again. He picked up and before he could snap at me I got to it first. “Fine you want to be alone then your alone! To think you were different! Shows how blind I was by love. No love fucks me over every fucking time. Go to hell and take your stupid memories with you. You jackass liar!” I screamed and then throw my phone at the mirror. I watched it clash and pieces flew out and I heard his voice calling my name, his tone was now worried. I collapsed to the ground and curled in a ball. Crying and hyperventilating over this. I couldn’t stop the tears. The only person who never pushed me away, just did and it killed me inside. He’s just like my father and my ex. I don’t know what happened next, it was blurry and unclear. I heard someone open my door.
“Honey?” I saw women’s shoes come into my view and then it just all went black.

I woke up in a bed. A hospital bed. Not again! I sat up and saw Shane passed out on the couch holding sleeping Claire. Shawn right beside me and holding my hand, memories flooded and I snatched my hand away from the man who hurt me. I saw him wake up and see me up.
“Your okay!”
“I am but you wont be if you don’t
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