» Family & Relationships » WHEN INFERTILITY STRIKES, Emmanuel Okello [best novels of all time TXT] 📗

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Many people think that infertility is only a problem for females. This is totally
not the case since about 30% of couples who have problems conceiving are
due to the man's infertility. The other 30% is due to the woman's infertility and
the remaining 40% is unexplainable but attributed to the combination of many
factors regarding both the male and female.
Basically, the process of a man's fertility is regarding the production of mature
and healthy sperm and depositing the sperm where it can fertilise an egg.
There are numerous male infertility causes but these are the most common:
Low Sperm Count
This is the most common among male infertility causes. Sperm
count should normally be above 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen
according to the World Health Organisation in 2010; Having lower than this
means that the man is infertile and will have a difficult time impregnating a
Affected men won't know about this problem until a test is done because there
are no symptoms for this condition. Low sperm count can be an adverse effect
of smoking because of the toxins in cigarettes. Excessive alcohol consumption
can also cause this problem.
Failure to Ejaculate
A lot of men are infertile because they cannot ejaculate. Some
men cannot ejaculate during stressful or demanding situations but can
normally ejaculate during other circumstances.
However, there are other men who completely cannot ejaculate. The cause is
still unknown but most reproductive experts believe that it is only a
psychological problem. This problem is not as common as the other male
infertility causes.
Abnormal Sperm
Some men only produce improperly formed sperm. There are some
types of abnormal sperm that have very low mobility thus these sperm have a
difficult time in reaching the egg. Some sperm are abnormally shaped so that
penetrating and fertilising an egg is difficult and almost impossible.
The cause of abnormal sperm is usually genetic in nature and is passed from
one generation to another but alcohol and drug abuse can also cause this
problem. Abnormal sperm is one of the leading male infertility causes.
Prolonged High Scrotal Temperature
When a man is seated for a long period of time, scrotal temperatures
significantly rise and the sperm's mobility is adversely affected. This is the
reason why drivers have a harder time conceiving.
Tight underwear and pants also cause high scrotal temperature since the
testicles are closer to the body. A physiological condition wherein the veins in
the scrotum area are enlarged can also raise the scrotal temperature.
Blocked Sperm Ducts
Some men have sperm ducts that are damaged or totally blocked
therefore the sperm is unable to reach the partner's egg. This can be a
congenital problem but it can also be caused by infection or trauma in the
area. For infection, medication can take care of this but for damage or
Congenital blockage surgery is the only option to correct the problem. 

[8]-Herbal Treatment Of Male Infertility

 When there is a sexual activity between a man and a woman for a period of
about a year, especially during the period of ovulation and no pregnancy
occurs, it is termed infertility. Simply put, infertility is a failure to carry
pregnancy, and in most cases, the problem may be difficult to treat.
The journey from ovulation to fertilisation and finally into pregnancy is a very
intricate process and some things must be in place before pregnancy can
Infertility in men is often as a result of low sperm count or other anatomical
abnormalities. Exposures to toxins, testicular injuries, alcohol consumption,
hormonal disorders etc, are some of the things that can lead to infertility in
men. The most common cause of infertility in men is called varicocele, which
is a dilated vein of the spermatic cord.
For women, when there is a failure in the ovulatory cycle, like blocked
fallopian tube, or uterine fibroids, it leads to infertility. Stress or fears of
parenthood are some psychological issues that may contribute to infertility in
There has been, of late, the discovery of proven herbal and nutritional
approaches to the treatment of infertility and low sperm count. Men who are
diabetic are more susceptible to infertility, especially when it is not properly
Also, men with multiple sexual partners are prone to contact sexually
transmitted diseases like gonorrhea, syphilis or Chlamydia, and these
diseases can lead to low sperm count.
Malnutrition in men leads to either underweight or overweight; deficiency of
zinc vitamins and amino acids, and these are chemicals that are vital to the
building of sperm and the absence of these leads to low sperm count.
Excess alcohol intake, smoking of cigarettes or heroin, cocaine and the use of
bodybuilding steroids in men reduces sperm count. Working under severe
stressful conditions, especially when the work requires sitting down all day,
Working in an overheated environment or driving long distances with
overheated vehicles reduces sperm count in men. All this goes to show that
men are more susceptible to infertility than women.
Prevention of low sperm count
In order to prevent low sperm count, it is important to run away
from health damaging habits, like having multiple sexual partners, smoking of
cigarettes or cocaine and marijuana, alcohol intake etc. Also all habits that
lead to chronic stress should be avoided.
All junk food, like stimulants e.g. coffee, strong tea and other unwholesome
food should be avoided. Very hot baths, saunas, exposing the testis to a very
hot environment raises the temperature of the testicles and must be avoided
in order to run away from low sperm count.
As much as it is known that infertility in men can occur as a result of many
factors, it is gratifying to note that several herbal nutritional supplements have
been used over the years and the results are encouraging.
Where some "high tech medications'' have failed, herbal medicines have
restored life and joy to many men. Nutrients like zinc are required, selenium,
vitamin A,C,E and B complex, amino acids, essential fatty acids etc are
necessary ingredients needed to make sperm healthy and maintain a high
motility and energy .
This must be in place before conception can take place. And all the above
nutrients are best when they are sourced naturally. Nutrition plays a vital role
in the treatment of male infertility and low sperm count. E.g., carrots, potatoes,
onions and garlic are good sources of zinc. Fish, liver, vegetables like garden
egg, cucumber etc, provide vitamin and zinc. Substances like B-carotene and
lycopene improve sperm motility.
Lycopene is responsible for the red colours of tomatoes. B-carotene is
produced from carotene. Some nutritional supplements which contain a
reasonable amount of antioxidants are equally very helpful in restoring men's

[9]-Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility in Females

 It is often believed that ovulatory disorders are the most common reasons for
difficulty faced by women in conceiving. 30% of female infertility cases
happen on account of ovulatory disorders.
Common problems pertaining to ovulation are hormonal problems like
inability to produce normal follicles which, in turn, causes failure of producing
mature eggs, malfunctioning of the hypothalamus, and malfunctioning of the
pituitary glands.
Unruptured follicle syndrome, scarred ovaries, and premature menopause are
other causes of poor ovulation. Turning to natural fertility cure with ayurvedic
treatment for ovulation is a potential way of therapeutic healing from infertility
Ayurvedic View on Female Infertility
Amidst, the mad rush of the modern lifestyle conceiving has become a major
problem among majority couples. Besides seeking conventional treatment it is
very important to resort to alternative courses of treatment like ayurvedic
treatment for pregnancy.
Ayurveda regards the lack of nutrition in the reproductive tissue; Shukra Dhatu
as the prime reason for infertility in women. This mainly happens on account
of the presence of toxins in the body and poor digestion. Some other causes
of infertility are anxiety, depression, insomnia etc. Ayurvedic doctors often
prescribe the use of dried banyan tree bark powder mixed with sugar to treat
infertility issues; this is a trusted solution for ayurvedic medicine for blocked
fallopian tubes.
Improved Fertility with Ayurvedic Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes
20% of infertility cases in women occur on account of the blocked fallopian
tube problem. An obstruction in the fallopian tube hinders the egg from
travelling down to the tube. It also prevents the sperm from reaching out to the
egg which causes problems in fertilisation.
In order to reduce inflammation in the fallopian tube and promote blood
circulation, resort to herbs. The following herbs are ideal for facilitating
Ayurvedic treatment for blocked fallopian tubes- ginseng, goldenseal, dong
quai, red clover, chamomile, calendula etc.
These herbs can kill any form of bacteria, like yeast which prevents fertility.
Dong Quai capsule is a vital ayurvedic medicine for blocked fallopian tubes. It
effectively reduces tissue congestion, muscle cramps, and improves
circulation to the reproductive organs.
Consider taking a fertility massage. It helps in breaking up scar tissues and
improves blood circulation around the tubes. Massaging almond, lavender, or
olive oil over the pubic bone is an effective natural cure.
Conceive naturally with ayurvedic Treatment for Pregnancy
Pregnancy and childbirth is undeniably the most rejuvenating experience in
the life of a woman. Most ayurvedic medicine for blocked fallopian tubes
contains herb components.
Ayurveda aims at keeping the body healthy through the use of natural
remedies by regulating ayurvedic treatment for ovulation. Herbs like Stinging
nettle nourishes the uterus and strengthens the kidney and adrenal gland,
Black cohosh is an antispasmodic which reduces period cramps and
stimulates the ovaries.
The herb Vitex- Agnus Cactus increases the progesterone level and regulates
anovulation, amenorrhea, and premenstrual stress. Wild Yam is generally
considered to be one of the best fertility herbs for twins and it largely boosts
the progesterone count in women. Herbs effectively regulate the hormone and
nourish the body in order to conceive better.
Combat Pregnancy Issues with Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility In
Besides ovulation disorder, other factors causing infertility in women are as
follows- uterine fibroids, endocrine disorders, and anatomical defects in the
uterus. Some vital herbs facilitating ayurvedic treatment for pregnancy are as
● Shatavari- Asparagusracemosus or Shatavari is a spinous under-shrub
which bears numerous tuberous roots. This herb is often used to
nourish the ovum and increase fertility.
● Lodhra- This is an evergreen tree which increases the level of follicular
stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. It also has several
anti-inflammatory properties.
● Ashoka- This too is a small evergreen tree, the bark of this tree bears a
stimulating effect on the endometrium and ovarian tissue. Ashoka is a
power herb for ayurvedic treatment for ovulation.
● Kumari- Also known as Aloe barbadensis is a short-stem perennial
plant. The consumption of this herb leads to the in-vitro production of
oestradiol and progesterone.
Power of Ayurveda in Curing Infertility
Ayurveda as a form of alternative cure dates back to over several thousand
years even before modern medicine existed. Ayurveda specialists aim at
healing the whole body naturally without any medical interference. Some quick
tips are as follows-
● Enhance the presence of Shukra Dhatu in the body with foods like
pineapple which is healthy for ovum. Consuming quinoa also increases
estrogenic activity in the body.
● Make use of the medicated oil basti via the rectum. It eliminates the
doshas from the rectum and improves ovum quality.
● Shirodhara therapy is a special rhythmic movement of the medicated
oils on the forehead. It stimulates the hypothalamus and pituitary glands

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