» Family & Relationships » WHEN INFERTILITY STRIKES, Emmanuel Okello [best novels of all time TXT] 📗

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You have a variety of infertility remedies to choose from, from herbs and
hormone treatments to artificial methods like IVF and newer medical methods
to vitamins and minerals. Yes, you heard that right. Vitamins and minerals are
also regarded as infertility remedies for they play a certain role in conception.
In this article I will concentrate on infertility remedies like minerals and
Male infertility is often caused by a lack of selenium as found out through
medical research conducted by the Italian university of Padua. Sperm cell
oxidation is prevented through the intake of selenium and when you consume
a diet rich in selenium, you can easily maintain the integrity of the sperm cell.
You can consume seafood, fish, liver and red meat which are all good sources
of selenium. Just make sure the fish is low mercury and the liver organic.
To improve low levels you may take multivitamin and mineral tablets which
contain both selenium and zinc. Look for one that contains 100 micrograms of
selenium and 25 milligrams of zinc. A rich and varied diet consisting of fresh
fruits, veggies, lean meat, lean protein and dairy products, should give you
good amounts of zinc, selenium, vitamins C and E.
Another essential for male and female infertility is zinc that is involved with
200 plus enzymes and proteins. Zinc can activate key sperm enzymes and
can move inside the prostate if the testosterone helps it. Testosterone levels
are lowered, testicle size is reduced and the sperm that is produced is
unhealthy and misshapen when there is a lack of zinc in your diet.
In women zinc is necessary for your body to efficiently use the reproductive
hormones oestrogen and progesterone. Lack of zinc in women can cause
miscarriage. These are only some of the negatives. Hair mineral analysis
through a reputable lab is a good way of finding out if you have low zinc or
selenium levels.
Vitamin E
This one is usually taken as a beauty enhancing tablet, but lack of vitamin E
can cause loss of fertility in males through lack of sperm production and
motility. Some studies suggest its antioxidant activity may make the sperm
more fertile.
Vitamin E is thought to contribute to fertility in females although there is not a
lot of direct evidence to back it up.
Therefore to eliminate all these problems and also to eliminate menstrual
cramps and pain, you should take 400 IU of vitamin E every day. Among
infertility remedies is also Vitamin C, another antioxidant, found in citrus fruits
and veggies. 

[14]-Acupuncture As A Infertility Treatment

 Some women have thought that acupuncture can help with infertility by
restoring ovarian function. By inserting needles into the skin at certain points,
it can stimulate body functions. Although this has not been proven effective
by modern medical standards, it has been used throughout Asia for several
thousand years. Studies have suggested that acupuncture improves
ovulation, therefore increasing the odds of becoming pregnant.
Acupuncture has been used in China for the treatment of infertility for
centuries. The Chinese break it down to five basic organs- the liver, spleen,
heart, lung, and kidney. They use acupuncture to release blockage to allow
energy to flow more freely. This enables the body to be restored to overall
good health. Therefore it is sufficient to say that it can increase your chances
to obtain fertility.
Applying acupuncture to the kidney points releases psychological blocks that
can interfere with reproduction. Being that there are many reasons why
someone can be infertile, the Chinese feel that treating all organs for different
reasons can be quite effective. For example, if a person has deep rooted
fears, possibly connected to low self-esteem or sexual abuse, they would treat
the heart and kidneys.
Perhaps a patient is questioning whether or not a psychological issue is
involved in the infertility, and not sure what the issue is, they would target the
same, just in a different area. They can also address the conception vessel,
which is located between the breasts. This is a very important place for
women because it opens their energy.
The Chinese believe women's menstrual problems would definitely be
considered to be connected to their infertility. In order for conception to take
place, the womb needs sufficient blood and energy.
Acupuncture can help with both the physical body and the emotions. If you're
having chills, this could be from poor circulation in general. Regulating your
monthly cycle and the activation of blood flow by acupuncture in combination
with nourishing herbs could give you the results you're looking for.
In regard to your organs, infertility frequently stems from the liver, spleen and
kidney. The liver stores blood, the spleen manufactures blood, and the kidney
oversees the whole process of reproduction.
There are two non-organ elements that play a part with menstruation and
infertility. One being the conception vessel, which manages conception, as it's
named. This requires blood and energy. The other is the penetrating vessel.
This takes blood from the liver to form a reservoir that supplies the conception
Acupuncture can help with male sexual problems as well. Impotence comes
from a lack of energy associated with the kidney. The anxiety in your mind can
take a toll and can harm the kidney. Following the weakening of the heart,
liver, and spleen.
These organs are of importance for sexual functions, since they influence
blood circulation. Having trouble with them is shown by symptoms of
depression, dizziness, worry, nausea and insomnia. There are natural ways to
increase your chances of fertility with acupuncture.
Having normal kidney function, acupuncture has proven effective in correcting
impotence. The lower abdomen is stimulated, which brings forth the energy to
assist performance. Sometimes treatment to motivate the liver and other
deficiencies is helpful to improve the flow of blood.

[15]-Acupuncture : A Different Type Of Treatment

 Starting a family is an exciting adventure for a couple who wishes to become
parents. When you have reached the point where having a baby is what you
want, it can be devastating when becoming pregnant does not happen easily.
After months of trying with no luck, you may find yourself feeling hopeless
and defeated. It is extremely devastating when you have been diagnosed as
being infertile.
After the decision to have a baby many joys are dreamed of and learning that
you will face difficulties getting pregnant is a hard concept to adjust to for both
you and your partner. There is hope for couples experiencing infertility, and we
are lucky enough to live in an age with many options and treatments including
acupuncture for infertility.
Acupuncture for Infertility Without Medical Intervention
Before meeting with medical doctors, some couples prefer to try a more
holistic approach working with different alternative therapies such as
acupuncture for infertility.
Acupuncture comes from what we consider to be ancient China and is the
treatment of disease by using needles strategically placed to open certain
energy channels in the body.
Acupuncture is used to address many ailments of the human body such as
anxiety, weight loss, chronic pain and other issues.
When you receive acupuncture for infertility, it is not exactly a targeted
treatment. Along with treatment for the reproductive issues, the acupuncturist
treats the whole body for balance.
There are studies that show a success rate of becoming pregnant after
acupuncture for infertility without ever using medical assistance. An example
of an infertility drug that contains many side effects, such as multiple births, is
When a woman receives acupuncture for infertility, the alternative treatment
has shown to stimulate egg production with the same levels of success for
pregnancy as Clomid. The statistics that are shown for acupuncture for
infertility should be enough to persuade you to try it even if you fully plan on
trying other medical routes.
Acupuncture for Infertility With The Aid Of Medical Resources
After you receive a diagnosis that declares you have an infertility problem you
will most likely be sent to see a reproductive endocrinologist. It is beneficial for
a woman with infertility issues to attend acupuncture for infertility sessions
alongside scheduling and attending regular medical exams.
At worst, the holistic approach cannot hurt; studies show it can help both the
mental and physical health of a woman. There are published studies and
various writings on combining a modern medicine approach with various
holistic treatments.
Women treated with both IVF and acupuncture for infertility have a higher rate
of becoming pregnant than women treated only with IVF. Many well known
and highly touted infertility centres now have office space devoted to an
acupuncturist so they can combine techniques and their expertise.
Approaches for Infertile Couples
However you choose to approach dealing with an infertility problem, whether
you try acupuncture for infertility or something else, it is important to keep in
mind that it will be emotionally stressful and will affect your relationship.
As a couple, you need to work together to see the light at the end of the
tunnel. Therapy as a couple or on an individual basis is a common way to stay
emotionally healthy during this period of significant stress.
Gestational surrogate, donor eggs, donor sperm and adoption are a few other
options even the most infertile couples can take to successfully become
parents. To choose the best next step for you and your partner, be sure to
speak with an endocrinologist.
Being diagnosed with infertility can be heartbreaking. Before rushing into
using any medication or having surgery you might want to consider
acupuncture for infertility

[16]-Treatment For Your Fertility Problems

 Infertility diagnosis is a difficult issue to digest. Most couples find it rather
difficult to accept the findings in the first few weeks after the diagnosis. It is a
condition that affects both men and women and is defined as the inability to
conceive after six months to one year of unprotected and regular intercourse.
It may also be the woman's inability to carry a baby to a full term and
resulting in miscarriage.
A series of causes have been identified as to largely contribute to fertility
issues for both partners. These factors include a woman's age, menstrual
cycle, ovulation disruption; a man's sperm count and quality, erectile
dysfunction, sexually transmitted diseases and tubal blockages; and
environmental and lifestyle factors like excessive alcohol and drug intake and
Acupuncture is an age-old process that is proven to alleviate pain and
suffering and promote well-being through the use of small, thin needles.
These needles are inserted onto pressure points called "acupoints." This
age-old Chinese traditional medicine started thousands of years ago and was

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