» Family & Relationships » WHEN INFERTILITY STRIKES, Emmanuel Okello [best novels of all time TXT] 📗

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integrated into the western medical practises.
Acupuncture is said to be based on the principles of "vital energy" and
balance and harmony of both mind and body. It aims to restore the body's
natural balance. It brings renewed energy and revitalised hormones to
encourage an overall health makeover. The practice of acupuncture is to aid
our bodies heal naturally through new-found energy.
Couples who are undergoing IVFs and other artificial reproductive techniques
are encouraged to practice acupuncture. Recent studies have found that
acupuncture has aided the treatments and has increased the couples'
chances to conceive, by helping the body recover its energy balance. It also
helps the body regulate hormones and systems and encourages proper blood
flow to different organs.
It is recommended that women who undergo IVF treatments should practice
acupuncture at least half an hour before the scheduled IVF procedure, and
half an hour after the embryo transfer. This is explained by the body's natural
reaction to the acupuncture session, as the body achieves a higher state of
relaxation, in turn relaxing the uterus and making it susceptible to embryo
growth and conception.
Discuss with your partner the possibility of venturing into the acupuncture
process and bring the interest to your fertility expert as well. Your physician
would want to know this information so as he/she could adjust treatments for
you to better complement your alternative therapy.
Acupuncture is known to be a safe procedure with no published side effects
and contra-indications. It will definitely help you relax before and after
alternative reproductive techniques and maximise your chances of conception.
When you decide to try out acupuncture, make sure you find a licensed
acupuncturist to perform the procedure.
This will assure you the safety of the procedure, as only a licensed
acupuncturist knows the exact locations of median points. They also use
sterile needles that would ensure that no complications and infections arise.
Read more about the benefits of acupuncture and discover them for yourself
when you finally decide to try it out. Who knows, the conception you've always
been waiting for may just be around the corner, after a few sessions or so. [17]-Why Many Doctors Endorse Acupuncture

 The good news for all who have been diagnosed with infertility problems is
that there are few methods available that can assist in treating the problem.
In spite of the fact that we live in a technologically advanced world, and the
IVF success rates are growing, science does not complete the fertility
treatment picture.
That is not to say that IVF is not effective, as it certainly is, and has helped
many couples have a child.
You would be surprised to know that many couples are turning their backs on
technology for infertility problems. Many are turning to acupuncture for
infertility - an ancient Chinese art that has helped many women become
mothers. So what exactly is acupuncture? It is a therapy during which very
thin needles are inserted under the skin at specific points on the body.
The needles have to be inserted exactly at those points and only a skilled
acupuncturist can locate those points in your body and stimulate them
effectively. The needles regulate specific body functions and can control
various physical problems. Like the saying goes, "old is gold" and similarly,
this treatment seems to carry its reputation on and on in the medical field.
Acupuncture is gaining popularity when compared to other fertility treatments
as it has proven to be more beneficial. Research has shown that acupuncture
has increased the rate of pregnancy in women who undergo in vitro
fertilisation (IVF).
These findings are well-supported by a study done in 2002 on 150 women
undergoing IVF. Thirty-six women out of 75 who received acupuncture got
pregnant. This is a success rate of 48.0%! Similarly, a study of 75 women who
received IVF treatment without acupuncture, had a success rate of only 25%.
Only 19 women became pregnant. As you can see from the above
information, acupuncture can be effective in treating infertility.
Let's go on to the main area of discussion and find out how exactly
acupuncture treats infertility. It has been used for many infertility problems
successfully. It is used in conjunction with herbs to reduce follicle stimulating
hormone (FSH) and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
In conjunction with IVF, acupuncture is done simultaneously with intrauterine
insemination or embryo transfer and this can increase the chances of
success. Normally, a series of acupuncture treatments would be done a few
months before the first procedure. It will also be continued for three months
after the pregnancy begins to protect the fetus during that time when the risk
of miscarriage is greatest.
If you are considering acupuncture treatments along with IVF, then it is
reasonable to consider whether the additional costs are warranted. IVF costs
add up to almost $10,000 per cycle. If you are above 35, then you may need
three to five cycles of IVF treatment. Compared to acupuncture for infertility
treatment, it is quite expensive. Acupuncture treatment costs around $1,000
per cycle and it could be an investment that can save you a lot of money.
I can't recommend a better treatment which has both a high success rate and
low cost. So if you want to have acupuncture as your first treatment, it is
important to find a good practitioner who is known to your doctor. It is also
worth making sure that you are fully covered for acupuncture by your
insurance policy.
Although insurance for infertility is another part of the story we will not be
covering here but if you want to know more on how acupuncture helps in
infertility treatment. A lot of people have benefited from it and you certainly
don't want to miss out. Go ahead and start your own family with it.

[18]-Benefits and Risks of Using Acupuncture for Infertility

Acupuncture originated in the East and has existed for a very long time. It is
the technique of applying and adjusting fine needles into specific points on
the body to relieve pain and also to treat several medical conditions.
Acupuncture usually adjusts blood pressure by stimulating the real central
nervous system. It releases endorphins which in turn inhibits pain and offers
the body the feeling of wellbeing and also secretes neurotransmitters and
neurohormones, which helps the body to recover itself.
Acupuncture can be used in conjunction with infertility treatments to cure
problems similar to hormonal imbalances. Since it adjusts the body's system,
blood flow is enhanced to the vital organs in addition the hormonal levels
happen to be effectively regulated. It also boosts follicular and ovarian
function. It can increase the blood flow towards the endometrium, assisting to
help a rich lining.
Acupuncture and IVF
Additionally, acupuncture could enhance the effectiveness of IVF or In Vitro
Fertilisation. A lot more fertility professionals along with centres offer it as part
of their IVF treatment plans. By using acupuncture, the embryo transfer
process in IVF was shown to have many improvements leading in many cases
to pregnancy.
Acupuncture could also be used to cure fertility problems like spasmed tubes.
Even though blocked tubes will not likely be affected by acupuncture,
sometimes spasmed tubes tend to be de-spasmed by using acupuncture.
It is often combined with herbal treatments to cure more FSH or
Stimulating Hormone recurrent pregnancy loss, unexplained (idiopathic)
infertility, hyperprolactinemia, and also luteal phase defect, (when not the
result of a prolactinoma), PCOSor PolycysticOvarian Syndrome along with
irregular menstrual cycles, and also men's factor like men affected with
Like physical therapy, acupuncture is a procedure that assists the body to cure
itself over time. It is actually preferable to use more than less.
When Acupuncture treatment is recommended
[1]. Women can usually be treated for 3 to 4 months just before an
insemination, donor-egg transfer and IVF or in vitro fertilisation.
[2].. Women are also recommended to use acupuncture, before and after an
embryo transfer.
[3]. To apply acupuncture for 3 to 4 months before a fertility treatment seems
to also have a healing result.
[4]. Going via fertility treatments can be very stressful for the
couple and for the woman especially. Acupuncture is a great method to
decrease stress, anxiousness as well as depression.
With so many ways in which acupuncture has a beneficial influence on
infertility treatments, it feels right for any couple who is struggling with infertility
to test each and every alternative out there.
What are the risks of applying the acupuncture for infertility
There are almost no dangers when applying acupuncture along with
infertility treatments. The most significant risk is the fact that a miscarriage
may occur if wrong acupuncture points are utilised if a woman is
currently pregnant.
That is why employing an acupuncturist who seems to be specialised in the
treatment of fertility problems is very important for many who wish to include
acupuncture as part of their therapy regimen.
Also electro-acupuncture is an excellent replacement for traditional medical
pain relievers while in labour. It may also result in quicker hospitalisation times
which in turn lead to lower expenses.
Plus, research suggests that the most reliable fertility treatment options
require combining acupuncture, herbal medicine, as well as traditional
medical treatments. Although, acupuncture and herbal medicines won't
help conceiving on their own if traditional medical interventions are not used. 

[19]-Where To Obtain Acupuncture For Infertility

 A recent study found that when in vitro fertilisation as a treatment for infertility,
acupuncture and infertility combined improves the success rate by as much
as 50%. So what does acupuncture and fertility have to do with each other?
If you have read about or studied acupuncture, you know that acupuncture is
intended to remove any blockages in the body and restore the flow of Qi, the
vital energy of the body. Traditional Chinese acupuncturists treat the whole
body, and so the concept is that when the body is in balance through
acupuncture, the I.V.F process is more readily accepted.
But you don't necessarily have to believe in alternative or Eastern medicine in
order to reap the benefits of acupuncture and infertility. There have been
many studies done that have shown the therapeutic effects of acupuncture on
the human body.
Relaxation techniques frequently use acupuncture as a treatment. And many
people believe you will not get pregnant if you are not relaxed.
If you want to take advantage of this three thousand year old traditional
Chinese medicinal technique to help in your infertility problems, or learn how
acupuncture and infertility are related, you have a number of options.
There are now many fertility clinics that now offer acupuncture treatments as
part of their overall infertility treatments. In addition, there are designated
acupuncture infertility centres.
And finally, you may simply contact

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