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finally looked up and saw Cindy just doing the “Skate!” She said, “Girl, I’m in here doing your homework and you’re in here dancing!? Come here!” At that time, I laughed in Josephine’s face, “Ha! Ha! Ha!” I’ll never forget that! It was the funniest scene that I had ever seen! I’m laughing right now as I write this! Ha…………

Moreover, Mildred’s prediction came true about Cindy doing something and lying and putting it on Pamela. Sure enough, we were in Zayres in the West End where Cindy and Pamela got into it. After getting into the car, we asked them what that was all about. Pamela said that Cindy hit her and Cindy said that Pamela hit her first. This went back and forth until I put a stop to it. I reminded them that they were sisters and should love each other instead of fighting each other and that I was not going to punish neither one of them and that both of them should respect and love each other.

Our Relationship

Of all kinds of relationships, there’s only one that trust doesn’t have to be earned—relatives or kinship folks--because trust is automatically there from the get go. For example, Chris, my nephew, and all other kin folks never have to earn my trust; it’s already there!

However, as father and son relationship, trust is factored in at birth; but if lost, it’s the most difficult one to restore. In our relationship, something went wrong that cut me to pieces, not once but three times. Regaining innate trust is the hardest thing in the world to do! In a marriage, if one or the other loses trust, the relationship usually ends up in absolution (divorce); being my only son, you and I can never be divorced; but regaining the trust that we had from your birth is going to take a little bit of time. Please, don’t think it’s strange for me to lock my doors when I leave you’re in my house. It’s just that I fear of losing permanent trust in my only son. I hope that you can understand that! I want you to always remember this, that God has a way of restoring my trust in you. Please be patient! It will come. May be sooner than you think! You may be asking the question, “How am I going to know when the trust is back? You want! It’ll just be there! I leave this with you, “I love you more than life itself!”

My daughter was badly in need of counseling! She was of the impressions that disagreeing and arguing were evidence of brilliance and perspicacity. I had to find some way to let her know about this false way of thinking. I chose the prosaic word as the usual medium to communicate with her. I wrote her the following communiqué:

Pamela: Know Thyself!

The clock is ticking down and it's getting very close to the second coming of Jesus Christ. We all better get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready, get ready! Just how do we get ready? The Scripture says, "Pray and look upward (meaning--gazing into the sky looking for Jesus coming in the clouds). Is there infallible evidence and proof that Jesus' second coming is imminent--even at the door, as we speak? Yes! Jesus, Himself, tells us in the book of Mathew--especially in Chapter 24, where his disciples ask Him about His second coming and what would be the signs. As Jesus sat before them, He described the following prophetic events that must take place before the end comes:

1. Children against parents and parents against children, nations against nations. Before the era of court TV, it was unheard of children and parents suing each other; now it's a common practice.

2. Explosion of knowledge. Everyone would have to agree that, during the last decade, there has been a multiple invention of gadgets to serve our needs for everything. I won't bore you with such monumental galore of the enumerable products that have been invented; and the majority of them only sell for $19.95 on the market. Check out your TV!

3. Meteorological weather anomalies. Currently, earthquakes are becoming prevalent in unusual places on our planet. One would expect earthquakes in California, Chile and Indonesia; but never in northern Georgia! Following a two-year drought in the State of Georgia--in the month of September, heavy, rock-moving-torrential rains set in and haven't let up since; meteorologists and weather forecasters report that this year is the second wettest year on record.

4. World financial and economic crises. The failure of banking systems and automobile industries; the housing crisis and mortgage foreclosures, anomalously, all happened simultaneously.

5. Pestilences. The various influenza viruses, such as, the West Nile, the Bird flu and the current, worst of all, Swine Flu, we have been experiencing the last year. And other deadly pestilences, such as, the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, mad cow disease, salmonella and equine encephalitis, are all part of Biblical prophecy.

6. Homosexuality abounds; as God gives them up to a reprobate mind. Right here in America, Canada and Mexico, men and women are turning away from the opposite sex and turning to their same sex for strange sexual fulfillment. Men turning to men and women turning to women; as we continue to allow our Democratic law makers to sanction such unreasonable, illogical nonsense by continuously voting them into office!

7. The greatest Commandment of all, "Love one another," that Jesus Christ decreed to mankind, is being ignored. The virtue of men and women loving each other, and fellowshipping together, have waxed cold! While the love and kindness of the women population have been misdirected towards cats, dogs and other dumb animals! In referring to the welfare of human beings vs. animals, one lady said, "Animals come first--and then mankind!"

8. Testimony--how God can work through anybody--no matter whom! The other night, God directed my attention to TV Channel 11, TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) station. When I turned it on, there was comedian Steve Harvey, sharing his testimony about Jesus Christ. The host was asking him about the book, "Act like a Woman and Think like a Man," he has written and has become a number one seller. It was very interesting what Steve Harvey had to say about it. He said, "I don't know anything about writing books; and here I write this book and it's the top number one seller, in a few weeks! You know, God had to do that!" He started crying and couldn't control himself. He reminded me of myself; you know, the way I'm writing all the time and posting it on the internet? That's not me! I don't have that kind of writing ability! That's God; and I'm sure He's about to do something unusual in my life. How long? Not Long! This is the signs of the times!

There you have it! Believe it or not! Remember, I can give you information, but I can't give you belief. The Bible says that God has given every man the measure of faith; then all you have to do is work on your belief!

Oh by the way, Pamela, I can imagine how you're sitting on the edge of your seat trying to figure out why I digressed so far away from the subject of this memo; instead of getting right down to the nuts and bolts of it! The reason being that I thought that I'd started out, first, with what I consider the most important contents of this memo to you. Time being of essence, I'm hoping that you'll take the time and, carefully, read, study and peruse what I've said for your own sake. The following is some of the issues I'd like to address:


Trust must be earned in all relationships except parent and child; husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, employer and employee (when hired, that's why you're placed on a 90-day probationary period), etc.--trust must be earned. Conversely, when trust is lost between a child and parent it's very difficult to regain it! This parent-child trust is brought on via bonding; this bonding encompasses trust and love and without it there's no trust and love! I'm quite sure that you can recall me saying to you, many times that, "You don't give a damn about me!" You see, I don't blame you at all; I blame this system, the government! You and I were never given the chance to bond with each other like Lester and me. That's the problem! Had the government not interfered in our lives, you would've had a different set of values.

Attitudious Behavior

Unacceptable qualities and bad habits, you acquired during the earlier years of your life, should've been corrected at that time; instead allowing them to take root and become part of your adult life. I'm sure you remember the time I bought you a double deck tape recorder for school when you were in high school and gave it to you. The next day when I came by to see you, at steam house, you walked right by me and didn't even speak. Steam asked you "Aren't you going to speak to your daddy?" Finally, you said, "Hi daddy!" You never even thanked me for the tape recorder. This is selfishness at it best! Your way of thinking is exactly the same as the way the Los Angelina's think in Los Angeles, "What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine!"

Know-It-All Attitude

Somehow or another, you seem to give me the impression that you think that you're omniscient. Every time I seem to attempt to debate or discuss an issue with you, either you end up disagreeing, arguing the subject or being silent. Erroneously, you seem to think that to argue and disagree are signs of adroitness and efficacy. Not true! To argue and disagree about an issue, without offering an alternative to the issue that's being debated, is not being "cool" but being inept. You always seem to be wearing your selfishness and acrimonious, bellicose attitude on your sleeves as you go about living your life. Your failure to listen to sound advice and suggestions is unprofitable and detrimental to your well being and happiness. You just won't listen! Similarly, Lester will listen to anybody else except me! It's too bad you have such little faith in me. This lack of confidence became obvious when I used to e-mail you articles or other helpful info that you could've used in pursuing your degree and in your career; but you ignored or even didn't bother to read them; so, I stop sending them.

Meanwhile, I wish to God, you would've talked to me before you got yourself caught up in those Hollywood preachers' scheme! Eddie Long, TD Jakes, Creflo Dollar, LeRoy Thompson ("Money cometh"), Paul and Jan TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) and those other mega shysters, they're are all phonies! I'm hoping it's not too late for me to rescue you from these dens of money

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