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thieves! Before you throw away anymore of your hard-earned cash, I highly recommend that you carefully read and study the following file copy of "Hollywood goes to Church (Mega Preachers)" from my soon to-be-published book, "Sir Leonard Speaks...!":

"Hollywood goes to Church (Mega Preachers)"

God’s Word is not for sale! The Word of God has been commercialized by these Hollywood preachers…”You can get the video for a donation of $25.00 or audio tape for $5.00 of this sermon in its entirety by calling the number on the screen.” This is a typical occurrence on your TV screen, “Sundayly!” I looked up the definition of the word “donation” in the dictionary; it means go give, contribute. Then I looked up the word “sell.” It means to exchange money for goods or services. This tells me that when you donate, you give freely without receiving anything; when you sell, you exchange money for goods or services. It’s very clear to me that when a preacher says, “I will send you the tape or video if you will send a donation of $25.00,” that this is exchanging money for a product, making this a business transaction which is a sale. This man is selling God’s Word for his own profit. In asking for donations for their ministries, I suggest that they ask in a more humble way, like, “We will send you this tape or video free for the asking; and if God lays it on your heart to send a donation to help our ministry, we would greatly appreciate it.” This way, the person would get the tape or video whether he donates or not. This would be on God’s level!

However, I doubt if these mega –preachers would ever give up this lucrative means of fleecing Christians out of multimillions of dollars via this surreptitious scheme. I can imagine just how late these Hollywood preachers stay up late at night putting together those one-verse sermons and tricky titles to fit their agenda. Their entire mission is to appeal to and maneuver the female into a money- giving mode; for they know that the female is the most excitable creature on earth! These preachers philosophy about females is that., “They think with their emotions instead of with their heads.” Instead of preaching the old fashion, way of salvation sermons, all these mega-preachers are preaching how- to- get- wealth sermons. It’s a common “spiritual” thing for these high-profile preachers to teach seed-sowing and tithe-paying messages. On TV one Sunday, I heard one of these preachers say, “If you’re not paying your tithes you’re going to hell!” He went on to use the Bible to rationalize his statement by saying, “God says you’re a robber and all robbers will be cast into the lake of fire!” (Scare Tactic!) On another occasion, in an arrogant tone, I heard one of these preachers say to his congregation, “After preaching my heart out, if I didn’t ask you all to give money, you wouldn’t give a dime; If I were
God I’d take my lightning and strike you dead!” This even insulted me and I was only a viewer! His congregation should have demanded that he apologize to it, on public TV, or the congregation should’ve left the church. Another Hollywood preacher was telling his audience how to become debt free by following a certain biblical principle. He said that his mother called him one day and said to him, “I don’t owe anybody anything-- but love!” I couldn’t from responding out loud to myself, “I’m sure she doesn’t owe any one because you’ve paid off all her debts with other people’s hard-earned money!” This same preacher is teaching his followers that God says not only he wants them to prosperous in spirit but also in health and wealth. Yes, this is in the Bible, but God didn’t say that; an Elder of the church said it! This is the verse this preacher constantly uses when teaching this prosperity game.

Meanwhile, this story I’m about to tell you is so far out that I’m almost too embarrassed to share it with you; but I guess I will! A well -known, high-profile mega-preacher appearing on a well-known, popular begging Christian Net Work, trying to convince viewers to pick up their phone and call in and make a pledge of $2000.00 to this Christian Network, said after preaching a sermon on, “How to Receive God’s Blessing,” one of his fellow- preacher friend, standing by his side, said to him, “I want this blessing! I have a 100-dollar bill right here and I have a speeding ticket to pay tomorrow which is 100 dollars. Should I pay the ticket or give the 100 dollars for the blessing?” I told him to pay the ticket. He said, “I want the blessing!” I said, “Give the 100 dollars for the blessing!” We went back and forth. He finally gave the 100 dollars. Three nights later he said that he asked the man had he received the blessing. The man said no. He said that he told his friend preacher that he had to wait on God. He said the next night the man came running into the church with a big brown envelope in his hand, screaming, “I got the blessing!” He said he asked him what happened. He said, “I got a phone call yesterday; and a man asked me to meet him over to his house. I went over there and met the man. The man said that he was a big business man and he said that he owned lots of houses and property. He said that God had awaken him and told him to give me his best house and deeds to it. I told him but I don’t know you. Then he said that God said to him but I know you both. The man said that God gave him my phone number.” What a cock ’n’ bull story right out of the pit of hell!

There’s more, the “principle of reciprocity” scam—God won’t bless and he can’t bless you unless you make a personal sacrifice—give money! You give, you receive, you don’t give, and you can’t receive. They go on to tell you that you’re still in debt, living in poverty and your finances are still skimpy because you haven’t been following this principle and the sooner you start the sooner these negatives conditions will go away; and that the principle of reciprocity is the only guaranteed route to prosperity.

Now hear this and hear it good, there’s no other magic formula for getting out of debt and getting wealth except by making wise choices, doing hard work and having a relentless determination. It is not meant for everyone to be wealthy. Jesus said, “The poor will always be with you.”

Furthermore, shortly after this wave of mega-preachers caught on, did you noticed how these preachers began staging concert-like conferences all across America? This is where they make their personal appearances and take your money! So, all you ladies out there keep your money in your purses! Let those clowns go and find themselves another job!

Mean while, there’s no doubt in my mind that there’s a network of millionaires set up, surreptitiously, to scheme and plot how to fleece naïve, vulnerable people--especially women--out of their hard -earned money. I won’t name the well-known, popular network that I suspect as the culprit; but I’m very sure you already know the one I’m talking about! I’ve never seen a preacher, appearing on this network, preach a straight sermon without stopping every five minutes asking you to pick up the phone and call in a pledge of a great sum of money. It’s unbelievable, how people can be so naive and foolish to donate their hard-earned money to these crooked devils. Within the last two years, this popular Network seemed to have become the sponsor for all the mega churches in America, because they all do their TV shows on this one channel. Haven’t noticed how the lady host of the Network dresses? Just like some cheap saloon girl! All that make up and funny looking wigs--she’s a gas!

In closing, what about when God anoints and truly sends an individual out there to preach the gospel? Do you ask for money? That's a fair question. First of all, God equips his servant with the Holy Spirit which will guide him unto the truth. Secondly, He says first seek Him and His righteousness and He shall supply all your needs. Notice, He didn’t say that He would supply what you don’t need; such as, 2000 dollar suits, 200, 000 dollar homes and super salaries, expense accounts, multi-million dollar church-dome buildings and Lear jet airplanes. These preachers say that these planes are necessary, to fly them around the world to preach the gospel; the TV medium is set up to do that! God said that He sent His Word and it healed the land. This is evidence that these preachers have these things only out of pride and covetousness. My belief is that these are the people God is talking about when He says, “They already have their rewards!”

Remember, the ones that God sent out into the highways and byways, He specifically instructed them to take no money and only one coat for clothing and one pair of shoes; and on their way they were to stop by people houses, and those who accepted them, they were to spend the night, and those who rejected them, they were to shake the dust out from under their feet and keep on trekking. You see, God could’ve given them chariots for transportation, and silver and gold to pay their expenses; but He didn’t. First, these things would’ve interfered with the innocence of the true message they were to impart. Second, God wanted them to trust and depend entirely up on Him for their needs.

I want all you high-profile, Hollywood preachers out there to carefully listen to what I’m about to say! Instead of just reading those Bible verses that fit your agenda, you should try reading the whole Bible! You’ll find that there are many, many places in there where God says that He’ll take the wealth from the wicked and give it to His children. Please, observe that God didn’t say that He’ll make the wicked, you’re to ask the wicked or you are to beg the wicked—no, no, no, no, no! God says He’ll TAKE the wealth from the wicked and give it to His children! This means that when God truly sends you out there, you don’t have to worry about finances, He’ll take care of that for you. All you’ll have to do is preach His gospel. Amen? All God wants is for you to do His will and He’ll do the rest. Amen.

The Doctor's Word is not the Bible

Not knowing any better, many people accept their doctor's word as the Bible. When something's bothering them and they don't know what it is, they go to the doctor to find out what it is; believe me you, he's in the dark

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