» Family & Relationships » The way things come together, Amber [best ereader for manga txt] 📗

Book online «The way things come together, Amber [best ereader for manga txt] 📗». Author Amber

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He asked. "I dunno. Well I will be back down after I grab some thing" I said. He nodded and I walked to my door. I opened it to Sarah kissing Tyler. "Opps Hope I didn't irrupt you guys." I said as I tried not to kick both their asses because Sarah is dating Chris and Tyler I just hate him. I walked over to my closet and grabbed my skateboard. I look at Sarah. "Enjoy this while you can soon a later I will tell Chris." I said. "No." She said jumping up out of Tyler's lap. "I mean No I'll tell him to his face and your going to watch." She said as she dragged Tyler downstairs. I followed behind. I walked over to Chris and stood beside him. Sarah walked up to him and said,"Chris. We have nothing here." "Where is this going, Sarah?" He asked. "Um....Don't you see Me and Tyler. We are a couple. We've been together since he first came here." She smiled and kissed Tyler's cheek. Chris walked over to Tyler and punched him. "Tyler!" Sarah yelled. "Can I slap her now?" I asked. "No. She's not worth slapping." He said as he walked off. "You deserve it Tyler." I said with a big grin on my face. I walked back upstairs to my room and shut my door behind. I locked it and laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling. "Haha they are going to have the worst hangover ever." I thought to myself and then Victoria slipped to mine. CRAP! I got up and unlocked my door. I bumped into Alex, Who was drunk and in a bad mood. "Watch it!" He yelled and almost fell over. I grabbed his arm and put it around me. I packed him to his room and laid him down on the bed. He passed out just like that. I closed the door behind me and saw Nick. "Are you Sober?" I asked him. "Yeah. I'm not in the party mood I guess." He said. "And your the on that put this party together." I said. "Yeah. Seems weird." He said. "Have you seen Victoria by any chance?" I asked him. "Umm...She's downstairs dancing on the counter." He said. "Wait...Did you say dancing on a counter?" I asked him. "Yeah." I nod and run downstairs to see Victoria on the counter dancing. I laughed and got her down. "Aw....YOu ruined it A." She said. "Aww...Too bad." I said. I dragged her to my room. "Stay! Just stay Victoria. STAY!." I said/yelled. I walked out of my room and back downstairs to find Jaycee. I found her! She was being carried by Eli. "Hi Eli. Can you put her in my room?" I asked. "Yeah sure." He said as he walked upstairs to my room. He put her down on my bed. I saw Victoria passed out on my bed so I had no where to sleep. I moaned and Eli dragged me to Alex's room. "Sorry Avery but this is the only free room. Zane's room is taken by him, Nick is in his, Chris is more likely punching the wall, Zachary doesn't allow girls in his, Samuel is drunk, which means he will do something to you when he is sleeping like punch you or worse, and Shayla's room it would just be awkward having to sleep with a girl you don't know nothing about." He said. "What about you?" I asked. "Ummm....I can't." He said. "Why?" "NO reason." "Lemme guess you never sleep with a girl or you like someone." He nodded and walked off. I groaned and walked into Alex's room. I walked over to him and moves his body over. I slid under the covers and feel asleep.
Chapter five

&&Avery's DREAM&&
I woke up in a meadow of damp grass. I rose and looked around. The sun was shining more brighter than ever, the birds chirped along making a beautiful melody, the air breeze hit my face ever so lightly, and the smell of flowers in my nose. I felt like I was in heaven until that all changed. The meadow died and turned into dirt with a road, the sun was gone, crows started to Caw, the wind became strong making me sway, and dirt felled the air. I heard shouting behind me. "AVERY!" Someone yelled as soon as the air of dirt disappeared I saw Tyler and his gang coming at me. I felt weakness in my knees. I stood there for awhile until I snapped out of it and began to run. I kept running and running. I stood in front of a cliff. Tyler and his crew was standing right behind me. "TYLER! Stay the hell away from me." I kinda yelled. He shot a smirk at me and said,"Get her." His crew surrounded me and tried to drag me away but I fought back. They got mad so they pushed me and I fell off the cliff. I was about to hit the bottom but I woke up. "TYLER!" I yelled. I was breathing hard and sweating. I looked over to my side and Alex wasn't there. I walked to my room and opened the door. No Jay nor Victoria. I shut my door and locked it. I took a bid breathe and walked over to my closet. I grabbed ripped black skinny jeans, a blood red long sleeve shirt, a black and red laced triangle scarf, and my converse. I walked to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I put the clothes on my bed and took off my clothes. I threw them in the hamper and got into the shower. I thought about what happened back in New York. I started crying and sat down in the shower.
[20 minutes later]
I walk downstairs fully dressed feeling fresh. I walked into a kitchen filled with everyone drinking coffee. I laugh and they groan. "Stop. Just don't laugh Avery." Zachary said. I opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. I slammed the door shut and they groaned louder. I opened a cabinet with glasses in them. I grabbed a glass, shut the cabinet hard, and laughed. "AVERY! STOP doing that." I heard Victoria finally yell something. I clapped, which made them groan even louder. "Teach you guys by drinking." I chuckled. I poured the milk into my glass and put the milk back in the fridge. I shut the door slowly but they still groaned. I rolled my eyes. "Drama queens." I said as I sipped my glass of milk. "Hey don't even go there. I have something over you." Alex said. "Like what, Man whore." I said. "I'm not a man whore and I know you have something your hiding but not telling us." "Psh Nah....." I said as I took another sip of my milk. I shrugged and heard the doorbell. I heard them groan as I opened the door. A mail man handed me a letter. I closed the door and the letter was for me. I shrugged and sat down on the couch. I read the front of the envelope. "My Ex best friend?" I wondered why she sent me a letter. I opened the letter.
The letter
Dear Avery,
You must hate my guts but I'm very sorry for what I did. It wasn't right of me to go and do that. I was trying to protect you from him because I cared Avery. I cared about you. I was your best friend until I left my mind behind and broke your heart in half. I was the girl who made you leave. The girl that ruined your life. I hope your happy but i know you can't be with Tyler up there trying to tell you what happened. I set Tyler up. I got this costume boy and he dressed up as Tyler. I set it all up Avery. Tyler loved you and I guess I was Jealous. I'm now popular here in New York. I have boys all over me and sluts wish they were me. I'm glad your heart was broken because I wouldn't be like this now. With you here I would always be a dork, nerd, geek, or the low level loser. I hope your life there in Florida is horrible because mine is better than ever.
Love not so much, your old friend Penny.

When I finished reading the letter I started to feel tears run down my face. Victoria sat down beside me. "What's wrong Avery?" She asked me as she wiped the tears away. "Nothing just old memories." I lied and tears run down my face even more. I got up and ran upstairs to my room. I shut the door behind and laid down on my bed.

&&Alex's pov&&
I heard running going upstairs. I groaned and walked into the living room. Damn never will I ever get that drunk again. I can't even remember last night. Victoria looked worried. "What's worrying you Victoria?" I asked. "Avery...." She said. "What's the matter with Avery?" I asked her. "She needs someone to talk to." Victoria said. "I will go talk to her." I said as I held my head as I walked up to her room. I walked into her room. "Sorry for not knocking but my head hurts." I said as I saw her crying into her pillow. I closed the door behind me and sat down beside her. "Are you okay?" I asked Avery. She didn't reply. I laid down beside her and hugged her. "It's okay Avery. Anything that's bothering my dear Avery I will take care of." She laughed at what I said. "What?" I asked. "Dear?" She laughed and her warm breathe hit my neck. It gave me chills down my back and my heart raced. "So what Happened?" She handed me a letter. I read it and looked at Avery. "She's Pathetic Avery. Your more better than she will ever be. Don't listen to a letter from a girl who broke your heart or made you think that. She just hurt herself more than she hurt you." I said. Hey I actually told someone something useful. She smiled and sat up. I wiped her tears away. "At least I say something useful." I said. "Yeah." "Hey What is that suppose to me?" "Nothing." We caught each others eyes and we was about to kiss when a knock at the door irrupted us.

&&Avery's pov&&
We was about to kiss and a knock at the door irrupted us. Thank god. I don't like Alex that way yet gain we almost kissed twice. "Who is it?" I asked. "Vanessa." I sighed in relief but Alex took it wrong. "I'm coming." He said as he looked at me once more than opening the door and kissing Vanessa in front of me. I rolled my eyes. "Get a room you two." I said as I pushed through them to go downstairs. I got

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