» Family & Relationships » The way things come together, Amber [best ereader for manga txt] 📗

Book online «The way things come together, Amber [best ereader for manga txt] 📗». Author Amber

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of your business." Zane said as he walked in and kissed Victoria on the head. "Fine..." I let out a breath I was holding. I walked out of the kitchen into the living room and sat down on the couch. I wish I hadn't because Alex and Vanessa was getting it on on the chair. I mean they still had clothes on. I fake gagged and said,"Don't you guys got anything better to do besides try to eat each other." I scrunched my nose as Vanessa took off Alex's shirt. "Okay....That's disturbing." I said as I stood up and walked back into the kitchen. "Whatever you do don't go in the living room." I said. "Why?" Zane asked. "Alex. Vanessa. Trying to swallow each other." I said trying not to laugh but we all was laughing. "Thanks for telling us." Victoria said. "Your welcome." I said as I laughed my way upstairs. I walked into my room and jumped into my bed.
Chapter Seven

My eyes shot open to the cold water hitting my body. I looked up to find Alex hovering over me.

"Alex!" I shouted as I jumped out of bed. He began running away from me. I chased after him and within a minute I grabbed his shirt and yanked it toward me. I fell to the ground and he fell on top of me. Good position, I thought. Note the Sarcasm.
We sat there for awhile until a door open and shut. We stood up quickly and walked off into the kitchen.
"So...*fake cough* When Vanessa coming over?" I asked Alex as Victoria and Zane walked into the kitchen.
"Why do you ask?"
"No reason. Just don't wanna put up with her today. That's all."
"That's all?"
"Well too bad she's coming over." He said as he got his orange juice and walked out of the kitchen into the living room. I made a slight groan and picked up a knife. I walked over to Victoria and put it in her hand.
"Kill me. Kill me right now!"
"Avery!" She screeched.
"Come on. Zane, will you do it?"
"No. Of course I won't." He said. I groaned and zombie walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. I walked over to Zane and smirked because I just remembered that I was still wet. I sat down on Zane and gave a chuckle.
"Hey. Come on, Avery. Your still wearing those wet clothes." He whined.
"Aw...too bad. I will get off of you if you cancel with Vanessa." I said in a cute voice.
"Come on."
"Then I will not. Shall not. Could not. Never will not. Move off of your lap until you say the words I want to hear."
"Fine. Now get off of me." I jumped off of him and lightly punch his arm.
"Thanks!" I shouted as I ran back upstairs. I walked to my room and sat down on my bed. I laid back and my phone buzzed. I unlocked it and looked at the text.

Tyler: hey. Can I come over today?
Tyler:K. Be over in a bit

Ok then....Tyler wants to hang out, I thought to myself.

Chapter Eight

I looked up to find a pair of Hazel eyes. I finally realized it was Kendall.

"What are you doing my house?!" I yelled-asked him.
"Shhh..."He said as he covered my mouth with his hand. After a few seconds he pulled his hand off of my mouth and then he shut my door.
"I'll ask you one more time. What or why are you in my house?" I asked him.
"I need your help."
"With what?"
"My sister."
"What about her? Wait...your sister?"
"Yes....I have a sister and she's coming home today for her 16th birthday."
"And your point?"
"I need you to help me pick out a birthday gift."
"Really? because you want the person that hates you pick out a gift for your sister."
"You have a point but please. I'll get on my knees and beg."
"Okay...." He got on his knees and started begging. I smirked and said,"Fine. I'll help you."
He got back up and smiled.
"Now leave before someone catches you in my room." I went to turn around but tripped on my bed and landed on top of Kendall on my bed. just then my door opened and I heard a throat clearing.
I stood up quickly and smiled at no other than Nick.
"It's not what it looks like-" he cut me off by saying sure whatever. breakfast is ready. Then he walked off. I sighed and turned to Kendall.
"You might as well use the front door instead." I said as we walked downstairs. As we reached the door a throat cleared and I turned to see my mother.

"Hi. Mom. When did you get back from where ever you have gone." I said.
"Huh? I leave you here for at least a couple weeks to get along with the guys and i find a new guy in the house." She sounded mad.
"Mom, this isn't-" I said but she cut me off.
"Don't." She said as she walked off.
"Okay..." I said. I turned to Kendall.
"There's the door. You know how to use it." I said and then walked off.
I heard a conversation in the kitchen so I stopped at the corner.

"So your saying when you guys were driving a car just came out of now where and hit the car?" A familiar voice said. That must of been nick who said that.

"Yeah...We got put in a hospital for a couple days and the doctors say that I only got a couple bruises here and there. Nothing serious." Jack said.

"What about Avery's mom?" Alex asked.

"The doctor says she got broken wrist, a few scratches on her arm, some bruises..." He continued to say.

"What else?" Nick asked.

"Well there is one more thing that is worse than all of that." Jack said.

Please tell me my mom is okay, I thought.

"Like what?" Alex asked.

"The doctor said when her head hit the dash board it caused her memory lost and also could caused brain damage but that's not the worse thing. The doctor said soon or later maybe she could die from it. If she's not careful." Jack said. When he said that my heart broke. I felt tears coming on and I knew I had to go now. I needed to go and be alone for awhile. Just somewhere. So with my feet I started running and then I just ran out the door not giving a care if anyone saw me. I just needed to be alone right now.

Chapter Nine


I can't believe Avery's mom could die," I thought. I exited the kitchen and found drips of water leading to the front door, which was opened.
"Oh no. Please...don't tell me...Avery heard....." i whispered as I began to run out the door. Where would Avery go if I was her? Victoria's here......Hmmmm....wait what about Tyler? Maybe he seen her. With that I began to run toward his house.

I finally go to Tyler's house and slowed down. I put my hands on my knees and bent over breathing heavy. I caught my breath and walked up the drive way to the door. I knocked on the door at least twice and a woman about in her mid 30's answered the door. She had black hair with brown eyes. Tyler kinda looked kind alike his mother.
"Hi. How can I help you?" She asked with a big smile on her face. When I was about to say something a voice yelled,"God damn that hurts!" The woman rolled her eyes as she turned to where the voice yelled form.
"Be careful! She's no rug doll!" Tyler's mom yelled.
"Oh...I'm Tracy. Tyler's mom." She said as she held her hand out. I shook it and said,"I'm Alex Parker."
"So what brings you here?" She asked me.
"Oh...Is Avery here?" I asked.
"Yeah. She's in the living room.Why don't you come in?" She asked. I nod and she leads me to the living room. Avery was sitting on the floor while Tyler put gauze around Avery's wrist. I sighed and leaned on the door frame.
"You suck at this. Lemme do it." Avery spat at Tyler as she jerked away from him.
"I suck at it? I'm not the one that punched the wall." He spat right back at her. I chuckled at them and they turned to me.
"What!" They both shouted at me.
"You guys act like brother and sister." I said. Just like My sister and I.
"No we don't!" They both yelled. I laughed at them and sat down next to Avery. She stared at me hardcore. I turned to her and stared at her right back.
"i will never blink!" She yelled.
"And I will never Bli-" I yelled but she flicked me on the head and I blinked.
"HA! GOTCHA!" She yelled. I sighed and rolled my eyes.
"Next time I will win." I muttered.
"ya right? Anyway what are you doing here?" She asked me.
"You heard it. didn't you?" I asked her. She nodded.
"Do you guys want anything to drink?" Tyler's mom asked as she popped her head in from the kitchen.
"Sure. I want some Juice." Tyler said.
"You and your juice, Tyler." His mom said while rolling her eyes. Avery giggled

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