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[f] I suffered because I cared too much for him. I got hurt because I protected him. I ignored my feelings because I wanted him to be happy. In the end I got blamed for being egoistic because it became too much. But still I love him even if he hates me. Isn't that the curse of being family? Not telling them how much you suffered for his happiness and not tell him what you did even if he blames you? Isn't that what makes you family? Is it a gift or a curse? It depends on yourself and your

These are the characters for my upcoming book. PS If there are any mistakes please comment. I can't tell you how excited I am for this. List will be updated and info will be added as soon as poss.

You was my sister, you helped me with boy problems when no one else could, you helped me threw school as mum and dad couldn't you helpd me live my life to the max. I love you Samantha forever and always.

its about a girl who gets abused and she is tired of it. and when she finds away to get rid of the people has hurt her all her life she runs away and finds this boy and they fall in love but she doesnt tell him the trial of tears she has left behind.

Ria's dream to have a family of her own takes her takes her through tough times. Her relatives make matters worse.She is involved in a family conspiracy to deceive her grandfather.