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Remember that guy or girl is not the only fish in the sea :) People in this world are not as nice as they seem to be, if you ever need a friend or anyone to talk to then feel free to message me :)

I'm a geeky guy that likes one of the most poshest, prettiest & most famous girl in school, she's taken by a HENCH guy from school but will I snatch her?...I Hope I Do

this book is about a girl you goes through alot because her mother in a relationship with a women abuser and she gets teased at school so when she stabbs a girl for messing with her she goes to jail and meet someone important

Family story of abusive husband/father whose wife solves their family problem

I've been some what bullied through my life and this book is for any body who has gone through the same emotional experience. Lyra is just an ordinary girl. She has gotten striaght A's through out her teenage life. but some how, people are critizing her about it. Rumors go around about her and some anonymous guy. Names are slinged around, slut, whore etc. The only thing that keeps her happy in her life is her bestfriend Jason, "Jay" Who she relies on and soon developes feeling for,

when the cullens left alice didnt see bella jump off the cliff and when the cullens go back to forks they found out that bella had died just months after they had left.meanwhile bella is alive and with the volturi along with her children.but when she sees the cullens is faced with a desision.go back to them and leave her children with aro.stay with her children in the volturi or fight.either way she will lose so.

A Girl Named Paris Zilch Is Very Wealthy And She Got Pregnant And Gave Birth

[w]The long version of Gift or Curse of being a Family: I suffered because I cared too much for him. I got hurt because I protected him. I ignored my feelings because I wanted him to be happy. In the end I got blamed for being egoistic because it became too much. But still I love him even if he hates me. How everything began... [f]= finished [w]= working [p]= pausing