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Its a small story about robin.He was all alone which in turn made him a voilent kid.What happened to him,was it too late too realise his mistake.

i wrote this poem about the relationship between my mother &meh i wihs she understood meh but she doesnt & she never has....i love her even though she hates who i really am...

When Icyra's mom is sentenced to three years in jail. her only resort is her aunt Liz, She moves in with her but its risky when all Liz wants to do is party hardy all night long, and the last thing Icyra needs is a wannabe sixteen year old aunt.

This is about a 12 year old girl whohas just lost her mum. Her dad is now very lonly and she is trying to find someone else starting with a laddy she meets on a dating website.(not finished)

These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die, like fire and powder, which, as they kiss, consume. ~ Romeo and Juliet, Act II, Scene VI.

a girl named Emily is forced to live in an abusive relationship and meets a boy named Jacob who helps her through her hard times.