» Fantasy » Twisting Fate., Katie Edge. [books for 7th graders .txt] 📗

Book online «Twisting Fate., Katie Edge. [books for 7th graders .txt] 📗». Author Katie Edge.

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I thought living in the forest would be better for her, safer for her. But I was wrong, oh so very wrong. Staring down at her big green eyes a small smile crept onto my face, bending down, I kissed her forehead. "You'll be safe baby, I promise, we'll be together again soon," Letting out a loud whistle I walked slowly out of the room, stopping at the door as a tear rolled down my cheek. Fiercely wiping it away, I dragged the door open, surprised to see who was standing outside. His soft grey fur draped over his golden eyes as he stared up at me, a hint of sadness washing over them. "You got here quicker than expected," He let out a small whimper before making his way to my daughter, his paws leaving soft echoes on the wooden ground. "Take care of her, please, she's only two years old. She can never find out who she truly is," Bowing his head he let out a quiet howl, before laying down next to her. I made my way out the house, grabbing my suitcases, I took one last look at the crumpled house before a wash of regret swept over me.

Chapter 1.

The wind rushed through my hair as I ran through the forest, my laugh getting more uncontrollable as the sound of paws crashing against the floor got closer each second, a low growl rippled through the air, stopping to take a breath, I glanced around. Where was he? I'm sure he was following me just a minute ago. A big blur of grey jumped out from the bush pinning me too the ground. Vibrations shot through his body as he growled, waiting for my laughter to calm down I pushed him off me and lay on the crisp Autumn leaves. I've never been to school, but that doesn't mean I don't know the seasons. I've always felt a sense a peace wash over me when I was outside, with nature. I guess that's what happens when you've lived in a forest your whole life right? Musty, nudged me with his nose causing me too glance at him. I know, Musty, what an original name, but it fits him and it seems to be the only name he's ever responded too. Our heads shot up as a loud scream echoed through the forest, causing the leaves to fall from the trees. Musty glanced over at me and waited for me to get up. We both started running to where the scream came from, keeping a close distance to each other at all times.

Looking around the tree I saw a limp body laying in dirt, blood gushing from his right leg, my heart literally dropped at this sight. Who could do this kind of evil to someone? Rushing up to him, I checked to see if he had a pulse before letting out a loud whistle. The faint rush of paws on the crunchy leaves got nearer. It's decided. I will take care of this boy, until he is healed. Then release him.

"Take him home please," nodding at the boy "I'll meet you there, I need to fetch some water first," Glancing around the pack, my eyes rested on the soft grey coat of fur. "Musty you can come with me please, if you don't mind," Letting out a small whimper, he padded along to my side.

"We'll be back soon," Turning around facing back the way we came, we both flew through the forest in search of the gorgeous lake that lay under the blanket of fog. The only lake known to heal someone with a serious wound in a few weeks. The lake no one has ever found. Before me of course. I know the forest like the back of my hand. It is my home. There is a map of the forest engraved in my heart, there always has been. Before stepping through the broken down tree, I glanced behind making sure no one followed.

The fog lifted as I got nearer, the sun glistening gently over the lake, caressing it's smooth skin. A smile slipped onto my lips as I stared in awe at the beautiful scene in front of me, I have only ever been here once before, and that was when I was very young. I could have never noticed it's true beauty then. The way the crisp Autumn leaves float delicately on the surface, fish, of all colours diving in and out of obstacles created by rocks, even the rocks sparkled from the rays sent by the sun. If there was a definition for perfect, this sure would be it.

A hard thing jabbed me in the leg dragging me back to reality, making my way over to the water I slipped my water bottle out of my shorts. My mum left me a lot of clothes for all ages before she left, she also left me a lot of money. Though I never got round to using it, I don't see why I should, I have everything I want and need. Money can't buy happiness right? Kneeling down on the waters edge, I plunged my bottle under, dragging it back out when I was satisfied that I had enough water.

"Come on Musty, lets go home,"

~Blake's P.O.V~
A sharp pain bolted through my leg as I shuffled on the soft bedding, wait. Bedding? My eyes flew open as shots of panic rushed through my body, I glanced around the room trying to figure out where the hell I was. The walls were a soft cream with pictures of trees and sunsets all around the room, oak flooring and an old broken down bookcase. In the corner there was the bed, the bed that I was on, probably the softest bed I have ever lay on... at the end of the bed there was a chocolate brown coated wolf. My eyes widened as I realised there was a wolf at the bottom. Oh this is it, I may as well say my last words, I never got to fall in love, have children, get married or even jump out of a plane. I can't believe this, I'm too young to die. Keeping my eyes firmly on the wolf I crawled into the corner of the bed holding a pillow against my chest. It's ok Blake breathe. He's not going to hurt you. I reassured myself. Of course he's going too hurt you, he's a damn wolf! My mind argued back. Just as I had given up hope I heard a bang, then footsteps. Then the door opened.

~Amelia's P.O.V~
"Oh your awake," My eyes drifted over the body curled into the corner. "I thought you would have been out longer, you lost a lot of blood," Smiling, I dragged my eyes down to the wolf. "Thank you, for watching him whilst we were away, you can go now, or you can stay, it's up to you," The wolf bowed towards me before making his way out of the door. Glancing up at the boy again I noticed his face covered in shock. "What?" I questioned as I raised an eyebrow.
"You just spoke, to a wolf! Are you crazy? He could have killed you!"
"Haha, don't be silly, he wouldn't hurt a fly," I muttered as I sat on the bed. "Here drink this, it'll help you, then we can clean up that wound," Nodding at his leg.
He took the bottle slowly, out of my hand "Who are you?"
"I'm the person who saved you. Now get some rest, I'll come back up later with some food and something to clean you up," I replied soothingly as I stood up to walk out of the room, catching eye contact for a second with him.

Chapter 2.

~Blake's P.O.V~
Everything was dark and cold, why was I running? Who was I running from? Glancing behind, I saw golden eyes staring back at me from the darkness surrounding it. Turning around I began running again, faster this time, but they were there. Right in front of me. Spinning around, I noticed they were everywhere. That's when she appeared, laughing.
"Get him!"
I woke up to something cold being pressed against my head, looking up I noticed two soft green concerned eyes staring down at me.
"Are you okay?" She whispered. "You looked like you were having a bad dream,"
"I'm fine, it was nothing," sitting up I noticed two plates on the bedside table. "What are those?"
"I thought you might be hungry, but I wasn't sure what you would like," She replied frowning. "So I made you cheese pizza and chicken pasta, which one would you want? You could have them both if you want though..."
"I think I'll just have the pizza please, I never really was a pasta type," I chuckled.
She stood up off of the bed and went to pass me the plate before hesitating. "Wait lets get your leg cleaned up first, then you can eat,"
Groaning slightly, I fell back down onto to pillow. "Is it going too hurt?"
"Aw would you like a teddy to cuddle whilst I clean you up?" Raising an eyebrow at me teasingly.
"No!" I mumbled, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. "Just hurry up and get it over with,"
she let out a little chuckle before walking over to the first aid kit placed on the other side of the room.

~Amelia's P.O.V~
"Stop squirming you big baby!"
"Oh shut up!" Sticking the last bit of the bandage down I stared up at the pained expression on his face, not being able to hold back my laughter.
"Don't laugh at me!!!"
"Haha, you would have laughed if you had saw your face," Packing away the rest of the stuff and throwing the rubbish in the bin, I walked over to his bed and passed him the pizza. "If you want a shower the bathroom is that door over there," nodding too the door on the left side of the room.

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