» Fantasy » Boy with the green eye's, Heather Lawson [100 books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Boy with the green eye's, Heather Lawson [100 books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Heather Lawson

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A boy sits in the complete darkness on his porch of his small two bedroom house, that sits far back form the road. He is a lanky, dark red headed boy, who at 12 is extremely short for his age and has the greenest eyes. He sits waiting for his father William Walt to go to his job at the plastic factory were he works the night shift. William unlike his son is quit tall standing at 6”4, and a mass of 250 pounds. William Walt appears to be a very intimidating man, Sam can tell you its not just show, William Walt is indeed a extremely frightening man.
He is extremely hungry to night because he has yet to eat diner. He can smell the wonderful aroma of Fried chicken and the pleasant smell of apple pie, which is truly a treat in his house. He is hoping his father will leaves soon when all of a sudden the door slams shut behind him.
“Sam what in gods name are you doing ?” William says in his most annoyed voice as he steps around Sam and walks down the porch steps.
He looked up at his father and tells him “sitting.” He knows that his father will not like any answer he gives so he gives him a short one.
Williams face turns bright red and you can see the vines popping out off his neck. “Are you being smart with me boy?”
Sam contemplates his answer and decides on this one “No sire.” He amuses him self by think what if I would have said “yes sir” but he knows that would have been a very bad idea on his part. It is never a good idea to infuriate his father.
“ Sam get in the house and make your self useful, I’m going to work.” William says as he get in his 15 year old ford black pick-up truck.
He watches as his father pulls out of there narrow driveway. He wonders to him self no “bye Sam,” no “see you later son” and defiantly no “ Love you Sam.” He remains sitting for a moment thinking has my father every said those things to him and Sam fines his answer “no.” He cant remember not even one time when his father had said any of those things to him. His mother molly was the only one who expressed her love for him. He here’s the old bet up door slowly close behind him.
“ Sam my love aren’t you ready to come in and eat you have to be hungry ?” molly says in her most comforting voice. Molly unlike her husband is very docile and looks it with her light red curly hair, small face and features and petite build.
“I’m coming mom” he says as he gets up and stretches, and looks up at the dark night sky takes a deep breath breathing in the nice crisps night air. He sees a shadow moving extremely fast in the night sky, he can’t make it out, it almost looks human shaped, he knows that just cant be it must be his eyes playing tricks on him. He looks at his mother going to ask her if she sees anything in the sky, but decides he’s being silly and goes into the house with is mother.
While Sam’s eating his chicken and mash potatoes, he keep thinking about that shape in the sky he had seen while on the porch. What was that? What could it possibly be? He kept telling his self it was nothing but there was some thing deep down that wouldn’t let him cast it aside . Sam thinks to him self I really must be losing it if I think I really had saw something that looked human shaped flying in the sky. What do I think I saw a alien, monster, or simply a fly person I’m to old to be thinking like this. He looks up from his food and see’s his mother staring at him “what” he says to his mother.
“ Sam dear you look like your lost in your thoughts,” Molly says to her son as she looks in to her sons remarkably green eyes. She had fallen for those eyes the first time she had seen them.
“ No, just tired” he tells his mother as he gets ups and put his dish in the sink.
He decides that he should go back out tonight. He will have to Wait to his mother goes to bed, other wise she will think he’s up to something, which in this instance she would be right on the money.
Latter that night when Sam’s mother should be fast a sleep, Sam climbs out of his bed and get his jeans and shirt from earlier and puts them back on. what did I do with my telescope, maybe its in the closet he wonders. He starts looking in his closet but all he finds is some dirty cloths, toys he’s to old for, a bunch off old books and paper. Sam decides to give up on his search for the telescope. He knows he needs to get out side now before it gets much later he has school in the morning. Sam knows that he’s being weird that if there was something out there earlier it would be gone by now. Sam just cant explain it to him self but something has been beckoning him out side since he went into the house earlier. He quietly steps down the hall so not to wake his mother and from there walks across the kitchen and very gently opens the back door.
He steps down the creaky old porch steps and out into his dark back yard, there is just a enough moon light to see. He looks up, and of course he doesn’t see anything. Sam continues to look because deep down there is a feeling that something is out there and is watching him. I am much to old to believe in the boogie man he tells him self. He starts to go back in the house and the whole time telling him self what a loser he is. When he stops very suddenly because he can feel there is something out there, and its feels like what ever is out there has a connection to him. He couldn’t describe it to a another person if he tried but deep down he just knew.
“Who’s out here?” Sam says feeling quite childish.
There was no reply but Sam couldn’t shake this feeling he just knew that something was watching him and it felt like they had a connection.
He sees movement in the trees, Sam is very scared of what may come out behind the trees. With a blink of the eye all of a sudden there is a man standing in front of him. The only feature Sam can make out is the mans incredible green eyes that sparkle like rubies in the moon light. Standing in front off this man Sam can not believe the strong connection he feels with this complete stranger. He knows its crazy but he has a strong feeling this is the thing or man he saw earlier in the sky. I am losing my mind there is know why this man was what was in the sky earlier to night, he’s just man.
“What are you doing here and who are you.” He says to the man in a very quite voice. He couldn’t make out much of the mans features in the dark but he could tell he was very short for a man.
“Phoenix” the man replies in a very quite low pitched voice.
I shouldn’t ask this strange man this but I need to know if he is what I saw earlier. There is just something about this mans presence that screams magical.
“Phoenix, are you the thing that was in the sky earlier. Please don’t get offend but have you been watching me.” He says to the man while he is literally shaking in his boot. He all ready knew the answer but he had to ask.
“Yes two both your questions Sam.”
Sam’s heart is beating so fast how does this man named Phoenix who claims to be the thing he had seen earlier know his name. Sam has a strong feeling that him and this man are connected but how? How could they possible be connected when he has never seen him previous to tonight. “ Why have you been watching me and for how long?”
“To answer your first question I have been watching you because me and you share a great bond to one another. To answer your second question I have been watching you for thirteen years. Phoenix walks into the moon light were you can now make out his deep red hair and see those green eyes more closely. Phoenix is only 5’3 but he doesn’t look delicate in contrast he looks very solid.
Sam is very confused what kind of bond could he possible share with this man, who claims to be the thing he saw earlier in the sky. Why would this man watch him for thirteen years? Why didn’t me or my family detect his presence sooner? Sam’s so full of questions he doesn’t know where to start he is absolutely speechless.
“Sam I can see that you are very confused. Would you like me to answer the questions I know you must have, but let me caution you that some of what I have to tell you will be very hard to understand or even to believe. Do you Sam what to know everything I have to tell you?”
The only thing Sam can do is stare at those eyes that look so much like his and nod. Sam can’t imagine what this stranger that seems so close to him can reveal to him.
“Sam I know that you can feel a connection with me well there’s two reasons for that. The first reason is that I am your father. The second reason you feel such a connection to me a complete stranger to you is because we are both elves, and all elves share a bond. Are bond is much greater because we are father and son. You are probably wondering why you didn’t since me before tonight?”
Sam is completely overwalmed he doesn’t know how to respond or what to say to this man or elf that just appeared out of know where claiming to be his father. If this man is really his father why did he know nothing about him and why did he stayed away only watching his son in the dark. How can this man not only be his father but an elf, elves only live in story books not in real life.
“How can you possible be a elf or even my father, I don’t understand.” Sam says in a very loud voice which is totally not like him. With tiers threatening to come out he asks his father “If it is true that you are my father why did you stay hidden and how in the world can you be an elf.” At that moment he knew that it was true all of it, it explains why William the man that he had know as his father treated him with such disgust and never in Sam’s thirteen years had once showed him any love. Now that Phoenix is standing in the

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