» Fantasy » Earth's Elements, Missy [mystery books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Earth's Elements, Missy [mystery books to read TXT] 📗». Author Missy

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Chapter One-
I starred at the clock waiting for the bell to ring any minute. Giles rapidity poked me in the back. I turned around, and she could barely stay in her seat.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” I muttered to her.
“ Oh Lilz! I’m going to see Ronnie after class,” Giles puckered her lips and then started to laugh.
“ Ladies please we only have five minutes left of class,” Mr. Greave stated.
I glared at Giles and turned back around. Mr. Greave stared at me for a while and then continued onto his teaching. Giles and Ronnie have been dating for two months know, and they are still going through honey moon faze. Their always texting, or hanging out. I love Giles in all, but her boyfriend can be a real pain in the ass.
“ sixty, fifty nine, fifty eight,” Giles whispered in my ear.
I shooed my hand at her, and stared back at the board. Mr. Greave started to right down the homework, and everyone around me was packing their bags, and all staring at the clock.
“ Class is not over everyone sit down!” Mr. Greave yelled out.
People started to laugh and they all stood at the door. I slumped in my seat. Giles leaned over her seat and her face was inches from me.
“ Trying to kiss me G? You know I’m not like that,” I smiled.
Giles puckered her lips and then started to laugh. I felt my desk creak and I looked up to see someone sitting on my desk.
“ Oh, hey Lillenette,” Darien flashed his whites at me.
I did a crooked smile and then grabbed my phone that was next to his ass.
“ Thank you Darien for practically sitting on my phone,” I slowly pulled my phone away from him.
“ Oh babe, you hurt me…” Darien sobbed.
I rolled my eyes and slumped in my seat and glared at Darien.
“ What do you want?” I spat.
“ Number, and don’t say you aint got a phone because I see one in your hands,” Darien smiled at me.
“ Darien I wasn’t going to lie. I am not going to give you my number, and even if I didn’t have my phone I would still say no. Creep,” I glared at him.
“ It’s only a number laphey dilley,” Darien started to laugh.
“ Don’t call me that…”
“ Grow up. We are fifteen learn how to joke.”
I tightened my fists, and clenched my jaw. The bell rang and Darien jumped up and stood there.
“ Darien leave her alone!” Giles laughed.
“ Oh Giles my dear, your dating my best friend… I should be dating yours? Right?” Darien asked.
Giles looked at me and I wrinkled my nose.
“ Never…” I crackled.
Giles and I started to walk out and Darien walked next to me. Ronnie came flying around us and scooped up Giles in his arms, and they started to tongue. Giles was a tall thin girl with blonde hair and mud brown eyes. She was very tan too. Ronnie was tall, tan, and bulk. He was part Asian and part Italian. He was the perfect guy in our school. I felt Darien wrap his arm around my waste and he pulled me close to him. Darien is about six foot three tall, tan, and bulky. He practically looks like Ronnie’s twin.
I pushed my hand against his chest trying to push him away. His arm tightened more around my waste and he brought me into him closer. I only weigh one hundred and two pounds, and at the height of five foot three and a half. I’m a pale girl with straight light brown golden hair that falls to my waste. I have hazel eyes, and my bangs hide half my face. Ronnie took his free hand and pulled me hair back to reveal my chest. I smacked his hand and tried to pull his arm off me.
“ Let go,” I spat.
“ Your such a tease,” Warm air hit my neck. Chills went down my spine.
“ D-A-R-I-E-N!” I looked at him. “ Let go fag, or I swear to god.”
Darien lowered his hand from my hip to my ass, and I hit his chest hard. He let out a little gasp and then looked down at me.
“ Ow that tickled,” he started to laugh.
I bent down and his arm released from me and I turned around and started to leave. Darien followed me to my locker. My hands shook when I tried to put in the combination. A hand reached over me and landed on the lockers. I turned around and Darien had one hand above me on the lockers, and then other hand by my side on the lockers, having me trapped.
Darien’s body was touching mine, and he was looking down at me. I looked up at him and he lowered his head towards me.
“D- D- Don’t,” I muttered.
“ it’s so cute when you’re nervous,” he said.
“ D- Darian D- D- don’t. I- I mean it!” I gasped as I felt his hot breath on my lips.
“ I’ll… G- G- G-,” Darian cut me off.
“ Give me what Laphey Dilley?” Darian whispered.
“ My number..”
A smiled formed around his face and he took out his phone, and handed it to me. I held it in my hands and it was shaking. I slowly typed in the numbers and handed it back to him. Darien looked at his phone and played with it and then looked at me and his face was an inch away from me. His lips lowered and he kissed me cheek. I gasped and my cheeks burned up. He backed away and started to leave.
“ text you later Laphey Dilley,” He smiled.

Chapter two-
I stood at my locker and clenched onto my book bag. I came out of it, and then looked around to see if anyone had seen that. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, and I left the locker making my way outside.
“ Damn,” I muttered underneath my breath.
I have missed the last bus and I live a good five and half miles away. I started to walk my way home, and the wind worked against me. I nearly stumbled backwards from the ruff winds hitting me face. Anger flew through me and a huge whip of wind made me stumble backwards, and my book bag fell of my shoulder and my books fell and papers flew everywhere.
“ God damn” I yelled. I fell back and put my hands in back of me to stop my fall. My hands met the concrete and skidded them. I bit my lip to hold back my yelp. Without looking at my hand I jumped up and grabbed for the papers stuffing them into my book bag. I pulled my book bag over my shoulder and analyzed my cuts on my hands. My palms and fingers where al cut up, and bleeding. I felt pain and I clenched my jay. Something was in the palm of my right hand. It was a nail. I lifted my head to the sky and grabbed a nail and ripped it out. I started jumping up and down in pain. The sky turned dark.
“ God no,” I cried. Lighting filled the sky and it started to rain. The water hit my hands and blood dripped onto the concrete. My jeans where covered in blood, and my long sleeve shirt had also blood stains. I looked back down at my hands and they were bleeding worse than I would of thought. A car slowly drove past me, and the window rolled down. I looked in the car and saw Ronnie. He got out of the car, and walked up to me.
“ What happened to you!” He grabbed my hands and I let out a cry.
“ Don’t! Don’t touch them idiot,” I muffled. He let go and put his hands up.
“ Sorry. Sorry. Let me drive you home,” he said.
I looked at Ronnie. Ronnie is a junior a grade higher than I and also Giles boyfriend.
“ no its fine.”
“ Lilz you live almost six miles away from here,” Ronnie gasped.
“ And Ronnie you live six miles the opposite of me! You’re going to be driving from one end of town the other.”
“ I don’t care. Know get in the car,” He growled.
“ No…”
“ Lillenette please…. I don’t want to make a scene.”
“ If you leave then their won’t be one,” I hissed.
“ Guess I’m going to have to make a scene,” He sighed.
My eyebrows pulled in and I looked at him confused.
“ Wha-”
Before I could say anything Ronnie picked me up by the hips and slung me over his shoulders.
“ R-O-N-N-I-E . P-U-T. M-E. D-O-W-N!” I screamed.
He ignored my protests and threw me in the passenger seat and slammed the door shut. He grabbed my book bag and threw it in the trunk. I sat their flabbergasted and then Ronnie got back in the car.
“ I can’t believe you just did that!” I cried.
“ I told you to get in the car, but you didn’t…” He muttered.
“ That don’t give you the right to haul me off into your car.”
“ shut up I have to concentrate on driving,” he said.
A huge crack of lightening and roars of thunder filled the skies. The sky was black and fog was everywhere. I felt myself shivering because my shirt was still wet, and it stuck to me. We stopped at a stop light and Ronnie put his sweater over me wearing just a tank top.
“ Take it back,” I stared to hand it to him but he refused. I bright my knees up to my chest and wrapped the sweater around me.
“ I don’t understand. All day it was great outside. Hot and sunny, and then all the sudden this wind came out when school ended and when I started to drive and saw your it was pouring,” He said.
I looked out the window.
“ yeah it sure it strange,” I said.
I felt my body cringe at the memory from when I was at the beach with my parents and baby sister and I fell and backed my knee in. Within the instant a lightning storm came, with thunder. Whenever I was in pain that seemed to happen. When I was angry wind came. Ronnie interrupted my thoughts.
“ So about Darien,” Ronnie said.
I gaged when I heard the name. Ronnie let out a little laugh.
“ C’mon Lilz be nice. When I started dating Giles, Darien met you he wanted you instantly,” He laughed.
“ He’s a pig Ron,” I said.
I was the only person that called him Ron.
“ You haven’t gotten to know him. I mean you have been around him for the past two months but haven’t gotten to know him,” Ron laughed.
“ yeah Ron that made total sense.”
“ Shut the hell up. You’ve never even gave him your digits.”
“ Oh yes I have,” I gaged remembering.
“ When?” Ronnie’s eyes widened.
“ Today….”
“ Is that so?”
“ Yes Ron that is so, and know I’m going to have my own little stalker…”
“ God you can be such a bitch Lilz,” Ronnie smiled.
“ My best quality,” I gave a devilish grin. “ You haven’t seen the worst of

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