» Fantasy » Ambrosia, Redhead16MLM MLM [open ebook .TXT] 📗

Book online «Ambrosia, Redhead16MLM MLM [open ebook .TXT] 📗». Author Redhead16MLM MLM

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Slymore's Death

Slymore clutched at his abdomen. He was dying of a wound that had been riddled with demon saliva.

"Kassnite, take my heart." he muttered.

"NO!" Kassnite wrapped her arms around her husband.

"Yes. Leave without me." Slymore said.

"Never!" Kassnite said, weeping.

"GO!" Slymore said again, pushing his wife out of the way. Kristen grabbed her best friend's hand.

"Kass, he's dying. Leave him there." Kristen struggled to get Kassnite away from Slymore. Slymore smiled gently at his beautiful wife. They studied and pined for each other one last time before Kristen yanked Kassnite away from her dying husband.



Kassnite laid in her bed, lined with one hundred percent Egyption cotton. Faeries and elves tended to go for only the best. Her tears were now blackened with ash and makeup. Kristen chewed on a nail, wondering how to get her friend out of this one. Kass had helped Kristen out hundreds of times. But how was Kristen supposed to help Kass out now. Sly had been her first love and her only grace. Kass was torn apart now and riveled in her bedspread.

"It's only Slymore," Kristen said, unsuccessfully trying to make her feel better. Kassnite only sobbed more.

Why did he have to die like that? she thought. Why did he have to get involved with those people?! Why did he have to go? Why wasn't it me instead??


These thoughts spun around her head as she wept.

"That's it." she said out loud. "No more men."



Two Uncanny Years Later

 Kristen carefully painted Kassnite's full lips red. "I promise he's gorgeous," she said of her new co-worker. Since she couldn't date him, she figured why not somebody else that's gorgeous, single, and might possibly have experienced major heartbreak? Kassnite deserved a new life and a new man.


Slymore had been her FATH, First And True Husband. Kassnite wasn't quite sure she was ready. Kristen's mom, who was a heartbreak counselor and therapist, had assured her that her heart would always have a special spot for Slymore. She'd told Kassnite that the best way to get over Slymore was to meet someone new. "Make sure he's gorgeous, smart, talented, has money, and treats you like a queen." Lani had said in her New Jersey accent.


Kassnite had told her that she'd had all that before The Incident. Lani said she'd find somebody just as good, if not better, for Kassnite. Secretly, Lani and Kristen were a little jealous of Kassnite.


She had long black hair, full lips, a delicate nose, full eyelashes, and her eyes were the color of the sky. Her body was hourglass shaped, and she was tall like a supermodel. She'd make a perfect one if she wasn't so heartbroken. Kassnite thought the man at the door appeared vain. He had red curly hair which he'd gelled to perfection. His green eyes were the color of celery stalks. His lips were pink and full. Kassnite hated herself for thinking it, but he was hot. Kristen had been right. His name was Jon, he appeared to have a boatload of money, and he said Kassnite was 'beautiful'.


"You look beautiful," were his exact words. Kassnite didn't know what to say. She thought of Slymore and how he'd treated her. He'd said those exact words the night they had met. She felt like she was cheating on him. But...he was dead. And he'd want her to be happy and to at least try to go on at least one date with this man.


She gasped when she saw his car. A nineteen fifty five convertible, painted a light blue, stood in her dricveway. Jon grinned when he saw her reaction. "Nice, isn't it?" he said. Kassnite decided his voice sounded like poisoned honey, although to every other lucky girl his voice had sounded like the main bell of Notre Dame. The date was pretty traditional. He took her out to a fancy restaurant she'd never been to but had wanted to, although she didn't say so out loud. His manners were exquisite, and he didn't care when she sent her steak back because it was undercooked and cold. The waitress, who flirted with Jon and ignored Kassnite, didn't seem too pleased when he did that. Finally, Jon told her off.


"Stop flirting with me. There is another person at this table, you know. My wife." he said. The waitress looked uncomfortable and muttered an apology. Jon smiled at Kassnite.


"I told her you were my wife so she'd treat you with respect." he said. Kassnite smiled for the first time in months. "You have a lovely smile," Jon told her.


"Thanks." she said. After dinner he took her to see a movie they'd both been wanting to see. Kassnite grabbed Jon's arm and gasped when the main character cut her own throat. Jen, was the character's name. She was African American, and was very pleasant to look at. Her Latino boyfriend, Julio, held her up while he called for help. The movie ended with Jen and Julio buying a house, marrying, and having a baby they named Faith Grace. Faith Grace Martinez. It was a very good tear-jerker, with a sweet ending. Even Jon acted like he was composed, although Kassnite did see a tear roll out of his eye.





"Did you have fun?" Jon asked as they got out of his car when they pulled into Kassnite's driveway. "Yes. Did you?" she asked. He nodded, then paused, as if wondering that if he kissed her, would she slap him? She touched the side of his cheek, letting him know it was okay.


Slowly, surely, he leaned forward and kissed her, pulling her into the best kiss she'd ever had. He's certainly got experience, she thought, pulling him even closer. She opened the door and pulled him in, ignoring the five pairs of eyes curiously watching them.


"He's gorgeous," said a blond vampire, staring at Jon with hungry eyes. A male werewolf with wavy brown hair studied this buxom, tall, dark-haired elf-like figure. Kassnite and Jon ignored Kristen and Lani, the vampire and the werewolf, and the green woman with long red hair with flowers at the ends. Kass took Jon into her bedroom, and began stripping each other. She felt his muscular midsection, strong legs, amazing chest, incredible arms. Even his penis and balls were muscular. He felt her large breasts, amazing posterier, flat stomach.


"I love you," he whispered. Kassnite didn't know if she loved him. Liked him, definitely. She ignored that and grasped his legs. He pushed her over so he was on top.


"I freaking love you," he muttered. He felt every ounce of her being, her womanhood. He felt what made her female. His past came crashing back and he remembered everything. She'd been a vampire, and her name was Maia. She'd been his everything, up until she killed herself. She'd swallowed some garlic and stabbed herself in the heart with a knife. A butcher knife. He was ripped apart, up unti Kristen had set him up with this flower, this rose. He made a mental note to thank her later.


They both worked for a bike-making company. Of course she'd wanted him for herself, but since it wouldn't work out morally, or politically, why not her amazing best friend? The cute blond woman had done something so right....

Jon, do your duty, said a familiar voice in his mind.


What? No! Why do you still torture me? You are the reason my First And True Wife is dead! No, that was entirely your fault. You knew what you were supposed to do, and yet you failed. I was wrong. I would have let her turn me into an Immortal. I would rather choose love than something dreadfully immoral! These people do not deserve to die. This creature you screw is a monster! No, she is not. She is a better person than I, and she loves me! She is a creature of day!


Kassnite was worried. Jon had his eyes closed and he didn't seem to be focused. "Am I doing it wrong?" she asked. He opened his eyes.

"No, it's my fault. I'm just...tired. I'm sorry." Jon woke up the next morning with a stomachache with a side of the sex hangover from hell. He could smell coffee and bacon, which seemed to make it worse. He looked at the clock and realized he two hours late for work. He had three calls from Kristen and two calls from their boss, Smeeney, whom everyone hated thoroughly.


Kassnite was finishing up breakfast. She had made a typical breakfast: sausage and bacon, coffee and eggs, hashbrowns and toast. The elf looked especially lovely today in green eyeshadow with black eyeliner and mascara, her flush was rosy and her lips were painted a lovely pale pink. Her yellow dress stood up when she sat down. Jon quickly listened to the calls. Kristen begging him to come to work, warning him that Smeeney would fire him, Smeeney threatening to fire him and telling him about the meeting they were holding.


"YOU'RE FIRED, MITCHELL!!!" Smeeney finally said. Kassnite looked up from her breakfast.


"I'm sorry," she said.


"Ah, well. Everyone hates Smeeney, including Kristen. I was bound to get fired eventually. You can hear him literally firing somebody every day, even for a little mistake. Yesterday he fired somebody his boss hired."


"That's an excellent way to get fired yourself."


"That's what his secratary told him. He can't fire his secratary because she's his son's girlfriend."






They continued to eat in silence. All the while, they didn't see the presence outside. Slymore was alive. Slymore felt his heart break at the sight of his wife with another man. A thought turned in his mind. When you're a desperate husband who faked his own death to protect his wife, and you see her with another, you'll understand where Slymore was coming from. Kassnite saw a movement outside. "Hang on," she said as she grabbed the poker from the fireplace. If you've ever seen a fire poker, you know that it can be very sharp. It's probably just DJ, she assured herslf. DJ was an African American child who had looked up to Slymore. He was ripped apart when he had heard he'd died. DJ still came to visit Kassnite often. He was fourteen now, not much older than Kassnite, who had just turned twenty. She screamed as a figure with a blue shirt came tumbling ddown on her. "You should see the look on your face!" DJ told her, laughing. "Very funny," she said, wiping herself off. DJ noticed Jon behind her and gave her a questioning look. He stepped into the foyer and headed for the kitchen. He loved Kassnite's cooking, especially her omelets and apple pies. "Eggs, yum," he said as he opened the cabinet and helped himself to a plate. "Help yourself," Kassnite said. She would never say it out loud, but DJ's mother was an awful cooker. She was pretty and sweet, but not even dogs, the best vaccuum cleaners ever, would eat her omelets. "DJ, this is Jon, Jon, this is DJ. He used to be Sly- I mean, my dead husband's friend." she said. Jon looked up. "Oh. I'm so sorry, I

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