» Fantasy » Magics last hope, Nicholas Meredith, Harrison Meredith [parable of the sower read online txt] 📗

Book online «Magics last hope, Nicholas Meredith, Harrison Meredith [parable of the sower read online txt] 📗». Author Nicholas Meredith, Harrison Meredith

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Hello there, my name is Nick and I am the Author of this book. Well not really I only listened to the tape and wrote down what I heard. Basically I found an odd parcel at my doorstep from a friend from the outback, he told me that he had found a tape recorder with a message on it and that I might like to hear it. So there it was. There was a letter tied to the tape which I opened and read. As I read my eyes felt like they were flying out of there sockets. The letter stated that;


Hello my name is Zoe and as of this moment my story and the stories of my allies are yours to do what you want with. Feel free to listen and laugh, but at any point if you feel something awakening inside of you or weird things start happening then stop reading immediately. Trust me on this you don’t want our story to be yours, but if you know this story as your own then hide and pray that we find you first.


As I said earlier I wanted to help get this knowledge out so here I am, please read on with care for these warnings should not be taken lightly. There is many perspectives in this book so I will try and tell you who is speaking. 


Chapter 1: Zoe Riber




Friday the 18th of October was a day like anyway for me, the weather in London, unpredictable as always, had decided it was going to be a wet and foggy day. How was I to know that my world was about to be turned upside down. I was of cause was wearing my favorite cloths, a navy hoodie and jeans with some black sneakers in case I needed to run somewhere. I had just finished school as usual and had already said goodbye to my friends Lucy and April before heading off to my bus stop, contemplating what I was going to do for the rest of my weekend. As usual I walked off the main road and followed a path across some back alleyways to get to a park, about two blocks away from my bus stop. I always loved this park because of the silence and openness I felt when I walked around it. I always had a couple of minutes to kill before my bus arrived, so I would sit in the park and just think.

I was walking over to my normal waiting spot deep in thought about the weird thing that had happened to me earlier that day. It was just after my second break and I was running a bit late, so Lucy (who was also running late) and I were running full pelt to our next class hoping not to be late when I bumped in to a upperclassmen of ours, he was 18 dressed in a cool casual black T-shirt and some black jeans. It happened that when Lucy and I brushed past him in a narrow pathway. Seeing as I didn't want him to be hurt I looked over my shoulder to see if he was ok. The sight that greeted me was one I thought I would never see. His face was the most handsome face I had ever seen. Normally black hair and brown eyes is pretty ordinary but somehow he made it work, it was as if god himself had blessed him this beauty. Maybe because it was only a glance but even though he was handsome his eyes looked like those of a wolf that had just found his next pray. Needless to say I didn't stop charging after Lucy.

Throughout the rest of the day I didn't get much time to think about the mysterious person. So that`s why I was in deep thought about him now. I wasn’t even paying attention to the things around me, so it came as a surprise when the guy I was thinking about appeared standing in-front of me. Thankfully my reflexes save me from a very awkward moment. The boy stood still and smiled a beautiful smile at me, showing of his perfect white teeth before saying "Hello there my name is James Hallwood." It took me a moment to figure out that the beautiful silky voice had come from the handsome man in-front of my. Still recovering from the shock of his voice I muttered a weak "h.... hi. Seeing my slow and suspicious response he did the last thing I expected, he laughed. Again showing off his amazing white teeth before saying in a cheerful tone “Hey now no need to be scared, I`m not going to hurt you.” Looking into his big brown eyes almost void like and listening to his silk smooth voice finally broke me down, my mind clouded over and my reactions became slow. He smiled again, pulling me deeper into the void, my mind barely making thought processes. As if seeing his opportunity he asked me his next question "Now love I have been kind enough to tell you my name what might yours be? “With a startled thought I realized that my mouth was moving on its own, replying to his question. I tried to stop myself but I had no control over my mouth or body movements, so I began my sentence with a sense of dread "Well James my name is Zo..."Just as I was about to finish I heard a loud popping sound from behind my, causing my  to stop and look towards the direction of the sound.

What greeted me blew my mind away, standing there in the cold and wet afternoon was a boy in a singlet, board shorts and sandals. It must have been 8 degrees but there he was with his little toes sticking out. With this amazing scene playing out in-front of my, my mind finally caught up. My mind became clear breaking whatever spell James had put on my. I was going to knock his lights out but just then the boy spoke "Blimey! James! Why of all the places you could of hitchhiked to you pick this place!" the new comer said in his weird slightly Irish accent before continuing "and further more do you know how much trouble you have caused me!?"The boy started walking towards my, as I heard James behind my whimper; yes whimper like a dog being caught red handed try to steal some food. Sadly James quickly accessed his options and the whimper suddenly turned into a howl. It started off sounding like a human but as he continued it became much deeper, until his features started to change. His jet black hair changed gray and it started growing at an abnormal rate, he crouched down onto his hands and knees and right before my eyes grew two ears on top of his head. What was the most surprising were James eyes, normally void like where sharp and piercing. “Don’t play dumb James we don't have the time for this, the enforcers will be here any minute." James just snarled. “Fine, have it your way but you know how this is going to end" stated the boy (still in his summer weather gear!)


-Zoe's View-


The boy started running straight at James who immediately started running at the boy, their bodies collided with punches thrown, and sometimes even a bite from James! At the start of the battle it looked like James had the upper hand but somehow couldn’t damage the blond haired boy. He was just too fast even with James half-wolf form. After a while of dodging and punches it soon came apparent that James was tiring faster than the other boy. James threw in a last ditch effort and went for a massive bite at the boy, surprised the boy didn’t realized until James was right on top of him. The battle was at an end, there was no way that the boy could move fast enough to dodge this attack... But to my amazement just before James connected the attack the boy moved faster than I could comprehend, punching James in the chest and knocking him out with his follow up of a left hook. THUD, THUD. James wasn't getting up from that one.

"Finally that's over" the boy said aloud. As if just realizing I was there he walked over to me and said " Hello there darling, I`m awfully sorry to ask about this but did you perhaps see my buddy here (pointing at James in the grass) do his you know hair growing retinue? “At that point I probably should of run or said something like no, what did your buddy do? But being me I just stared. “I’m going to take that as a yes, well congratulations you are now a part of the small group of people in this word who know about the magical things that normal people aren't meant to see." At which point there was another deathly loud pop from across the park, and to my amazement I saw a group of adults running towards me and the boy. They were dressed in full black army uniforms with Kevlar vests. On their shoulders were an army logo should of been all I could see was a red Teutonic cross. I wasn’t scared of them at first because I knew my rights as a British citizen. Sadly that false sense of security didn’t last as I looked at their faces. They were all scared and had veteran looking eyes, cold as ice. They defiantly weren’t there before. Not to mention the focus of my eye bulging, they had guns...

I was still staring at their m4`s and A.U.Gs when boy breathed a curse under his breath something about drop bears dining on their brains. After his little rant he said staring at me "looks like there isn't time to explain, just give me your hand after I fetch James". Without asking if I was ok with this he picked up James and flung him over his shoulder. I didn't fully trust this boy but the adults running towards me looked a lot meaner and less friendly, so I took his hand just as he pulled out a small white gem. “To Paradise cave" he preached as he crushed the gem...





Chapter 2: Recovery and Explanations
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