» Fantasy » The Last Descendant, Alexis Heddens [children's books read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Last Descendant, Alexis Heddens [children's books read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author Alexis Heddens

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"What do you think your doing Sebastion?"
I looked at him through narrowed eyes. "What do you think I'm doing? Watching my girl."
Micheal regarded me through silver eyes. "Don't you mean 'assignment'?"
I kept my poker face on, knowing that if I showed any emotion, he would go and tattle on Gabriel who would tell God. Nothing good would come out of it. So I hid all expressions from my face as I have learned to do since the beginning of time.
"Leave me Micheal. She is but a child. Let me do my job." I said all but kindly.
He smiled. "Fine Sebastion. But do not forget that once she turns sixteen they will start coming after her."
I nodded, annoyed. "Yes I know. I have been made for a reason you know."
Michael spread his silver wings and got ready to leave. "She is the last of her kind. Do not fail or it will be your existence." With that said, he shot to the sky until he disappeared all together.
I looked down at my girl. I called her that since I have grown fond with her. Nothing Michael said ever affected me. He doesn't dish out my punishment. God does. He is

in charge for a reason. She is my assignment, my girl. She is my Vivian.

Chapter One: Vivian

I sat in the schoolyard drawing a blue bird. It was beautiful, pecking at the bird feed I gave it. Smiling, I gazed lovingly down at my work. Perfect.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up and saw my best friend Emily. Her blond curly hair was pulled back today, her makeup bringing out her brilliant blue eyes. Unlike mine.

I thought bitterly as I pushed the thought away. I have blood red hair and emerald eyes. Not including being a little pudgy around my stomach while my best friend was model skinny. Lucky for her she could eat so much or else she'd be fat.
"Viv, time to get to class. Lunch is over." Emily smiled as she helped me up.
I grabbed my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. Looking around, I found myself alone with just my friend. So I hurried into World History class. I didn't have it with Emily which was fine with me as long as no one bothered me. They never did, choosing to ignore me instead. Mr.Goodine greeted me at the door then totally forgot I was even in his classroom. Pulling out a notebook and pencil, I got to work on our warm-up; Why did Alexander the Great let his men go back and not attack elsewhere to expand his empire?
Because he cares for his soldiers. Their loyal and have fought every battle he wants them too. They don't want to journey further away from their home and family than they have to. Alexander understands that and respects it.

I wrote.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder. Curious, I turned around and looked at a kid standing beside me. A new kid. "Yes?" I asked calmly.
"I don't know the warm-up. Can you please help me?" She asked.
I looked at her. Freckles, strawberry blonde hair and misty blue eyes, she looked pale and thin and a total nobody. I smiled. Maybe she would fit in with me and Em. So I nodded and looked down at my paper before me. I just realized that this girl had no where to sit. You'd think Mr.Goodine would give her a desk to sit at instead of making her stand in embarrassment.

I had made my decision.
"Yes, I can help you. The soldiers didn't want to go so far from home and Alexander the great understood that and respected it. Instead of attacking other lands further out and expanding the empire that way, he stayed closer to home. I mean...Ever heard of "All roads lead to Rome"?" I asked.
She nodded, a smile of relief curling her thin lips. "Thank you so much! I had no idea, I haven't studied Greece yet."
I set my pencil down. "Your welcome. My name is Vivian but you can call me Viv." I introduced myself. Then, "No one sits in this desk beside me. Want it?"
She quickly sat, looking less out of place. "My name is Rebecca and if I had any friends, they would call me Becca."
I never made friends easily yet this was coming out nicely. Smiling, I nodded. "Nice to meet you. If your up for it, you can sit with me at lunch tomorrow."
Becca grinned at me before scribbling words into her notebook. Turning back around, I tried to pay attention to Mr.Goodine but it was really boring, I had to force myself to stay awake. Once class was done, I said goodbye to Becca and walked home by myself since Emily had cheer practice after school. Today was Tuesday and I hate Tuesdays. They are always a drag, seeming on how Fridays are more fun. My step-mother greeted me as I walked in. My real mom died when I was only a month old and my dad remarried when I was two. Her name is Anne and has a son, my older brother Joey, who became my step-brother. Since I never knew my real mom, Anne seemed like one to me. She never picked favorites and when she and my dad had Zac, Joey and I were never forgotten with the new baby. Well, Zac is now four and the most adorable, mischievous child I have ever known.
My dad sat at the kitchen table, reading the daily news while Joey filled out some college applications. They said hi and asked me how my day went. I told them I made a new friend and really just wanted to sleep. My dad usually has me go to bed early if I'm tired but I had a headache, steadily growing with each minute and just wanted to sleep it off. So my mom gave me an aspirin and I took to the stairs. At the top was Zac in all his glory: Underwear and a sheet as a cape. He loved Captain Underpants and tried to be like him.
"Zac? What are you doing?" I asked, stifling my laughter.
"I'm going to kill you, you evil sea blob!" Zac growled playfully.
I halted and cocked my head. "Zac, you aren't going to do what I think your going to-" He cut in.
"Attack!!!" And with a battle cry he jumped off the stairs and headed straight for me.
I let out a scream and tried to catch him. If I didn't he could break something and I didn't want that. His body hit me full force, sending us flying back. I fell onto my back, my head making contact with the wood floor. I groaned as pain erupted like fireworks into my skull. Zac climbed off me and put one foot on my stomach. My eyes fluttered open, my whole body suddenly very, very tired.
"Alas! The sea blob is dead!" He shouted triumphantly.
"Zac! Get off your sister!" My mom said sternly. "Viv? Are you alright?" She asked, helping me up.
"Awwww! Mommy you ruined my fun! I just wanted to play with her!" Zac complained.
My mom only glared at him. Shrugging, he scampered off happily to go and torture someone else. I headed up the stairs with my mom's help, dragging my backpack. She assured me Zac would be punished but I knew he was only playing and could take any punishment with a smile, always begging for more. I lied on my bed, backpack and shoes thrown in random places, too tired to even care. She left me so I could rest but my head only kept pounding and my whole body seemed to pulse. I rolled over and left all thoughts, surrendering to the darkness...

* * *

Mist surrounded me, encasing me within its depths. I gazed around, finding myself in a clearing, trees all around. I felt trapped and yet I didn't do anything. I felt numb and distant, as if I wasn't really in my own body and somehow I still was. I could move but I felt groggy and my body weighed like lead. I hoped it did if it meant I could just sink to the ground and sleep. I didn't know where I was nor was I afraid. Every now and then I heard a howl, then a piercing scream, radiating into the cold night.

I should be cold, shivering and hugging my body for warmth. I thought. But I didn't shiver and had no goosebumps along my arms. I wore a simple black lacy dress that appeared to be from the sixteenth century. It wasn't ugly but not something I could wear. I have little curves and couldn't pull off many clothing. A sound close by startled me out of my thoughts. I gasped and looked through the trees but didn't see a thing.

Something is wrong here. I don't like this. There was a sound, like a sword being unsheathed. I froze, my heart beating like a fluttering bird.

"Hello?" I called out.

No answer.

I grew worried, knowing something was out there and the sensation that something or some

one was watching me. Then there was laughter. Evil, unnatural laughter that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I shivered from the feeling and peered out into the darkness. Still there was nothing there. The laughter continued, never ending. I decided to speak, hoping to know what was going on and who was there.

"Hello? Who are you?" I yelled, my voice cracking.

Only the laughter greeted me. When I could no longer stand it, I started to scream for it to stop. But it only laughed.
I woke hearing

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