» Fantasy » The New Superhero, Anoushka P [chromebook ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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Ch. 1: My Horrible Life

My Horrible Life



Sophia Rose was having a horrible day. She was holding back tears and her clothes were soaked with orange juice. Her parents didn't care about her at all. At least that's what she thought. The truth is her parents did care about her, it's just that they're very busy at work.


Sophia loved school but, the sluts and jocks like to bully her by playing pranks on her and saying horrible things like, "You're parents don't care about you." or "Move out of my way nerd." Then they shoved her. But today was the worst. The cheerleader or slut Marissa Jones, her ex-best friend had "accidentally" dumped the orange juice on her and said, "Sorry, I didn't see you there Soap." "Sophia," I said. "What did you say!?" Marissa said. I repeated myself and then she punched me. After that her "friends" beat and kicked me. My whole body hurt but the worst was my leg. "There is going to be a huge bruise there," I think. But of course, they don't care. "Don't try to speak out again," said Marissa. "Got it?" She asked. I nodded. She kicked me one last time and left with her group. I quickly got up and went to my last class, math with Mrs. Conner, one of my favorite teachers. But, I had this class with another one of my bullies and crush, Adam Homes.


Adam Homes and I used to be friends in kindergarten. And after that I don't know what happened. He started to bully me in first grade for some reason. It's a lot worser now. He absolutely abhors me. Adam is a jock and plays as the quarterback in football. He has beautiful golden hair, eyes blue as the night sky, and is very muscled. Me, I have weird and ugly violet eyes, limp brown hair, with a tomboy body. But, I have a brain, unlike most people in this school. I was supposed to be a freshman this year but, when I took a test last year, it showed that I should be a sophomore. So, I skipped a grade.


Once I entered class, I tripped on a foot, Adam's to be precise. I fell on the floor and hit my elbow. Adam snickers and says, "Watch where you're going freak." I just get up and quickly walk to my seat. Once the bell rings 30 minutes later, Adam corners me and says, "Don't ignore me." I kick his stomach and quickly run away. He holds his stomach and yells, "You will pay for this!"


I get scared. After all, Adam Homes always keeps his promise.

Ch. 2: Going Home

Going Home



After school, I walked for ten minutes to get home. I don't get why people hate walking if their house wasn't far from school, it was peaceful. Once I got home, I took the key that was under the doormat. I opened the door and went upstairs. As usual, my parents were at work. Sometimes I don't see them for a day or two. They are always at work and usually come back at around 10 o'clock at night or later when I'm asleep.


After I finish my homework at 8 o'clock, I go and eat dinner while watching TV. Once I finish, I brush my teeth, change into my pajamas and open the window because it was suffocating in my room. I read for a little while. Suddenly, I remember Adam's threat and shuddered. After awhile, I fall asleep thinking, "I hope nothing happens to me tomorrow."


At around 1 o'clock in the morning, I hear something in my room and sleepily woke up. Once I saw there was nothing, I brushed it off as the wind and went back to sleep.


Adam's POV


Once class was over, I quickly went outside to corner Sophia Rose so that she stops ignoring me in class. Once she is cornered, I say, "Don't ignore me." She kicks my stomach and runs away. I hold my stomach from the pain. For a girl she kicks hard. I yell, "You will pay for this!" Once my stomach stops hurting, I get in my car after I kiss my girlfriend Marissa and say, "Bye babe," and go home. I heard Marissa shout, "Bye Adam!" in her squeaky voice. Once I get home I hear my mother say, "Hi Adam, how was your day at school?" I said, "My day was good." I went upstairs to change my clothes and noticed that Sophia's house was right next to mine. I remembered what happened at school and thought of a plan to embarrass her tomorrow. I finish all my homework and ate dinner with my parents (I care about my grades ok). I asked my parents, "Mom, dad who lives next to us?" I wanted to be sure that it was Sophia's house. They said, " Sophia Rose lives there with her parents. Why?" "No reason," I replied.


I went to bed early so that I could wake up at 1 o'clock to find something embarrassing of Sophia's to show at school. I got up and saw that Sophia's window was open. "You shouldn't have done that," I thought. I climbed through her window and saw that Sophia was sleeping. I quietly searched her room for something I could use. I found a video of Sophia dancing to a song in just her robe singing, "I love you Adam!" I yelled, "Yes!" Sophia woke up from the noise and I quickly shut up and hid in her closet hoping she wouldn't find me. I sighed when she went back to sleep and climbed back into my room with the video. I put it into my backpack and went to sleep thinking, "I will finally get payback for Rose kicking me." I fell asleep with an evil smile on my face.

Ch. 3: The Video

 The Video




Sophia's POV


My alarm went off signaling me that it was 6 o'clock. I sighed and turned it off. I closed the window because it was freezing. I brushed my teeth and took a quick five minute shower. Once I dried off, I put on my baggy jeans and t-shirt. For once, I could hear my mom and dad, Lily and John Rose, downstairs talking. "Good morning sweetheart," said Dad. "Good morning," I replied. "How could I have thought that they don't love me," I think. "Sophia, your lunchbox and breakfast are on the table," my mom called out. I ate my breakfast of toast and butter. Then, I took my lunchbox and book bag. "Bye Mom, bye Dad!" I yelled. "Bye dear," they both replied. I liked walking to muy school. After all, it was only ten minutes away. But, what I didn't know was how horrible this day would turn out.


At School


Once I arrived at school, everyone looked at me and started snickering. "What are they laughing about?" I thought. I just ignored all the snickering I heard when people saw me until lunchtime. When I went into the cafeteria, there was silence. A guy came up to me and said, "Nice dancing nerd," then walked away snickering. "What is he talking about?" I thought. "You still don't get it Soap?" asked Marissa. Her friends were laughing behind her. "What are you all talking about!?" I yelled. I was starting to get frustrated with all the snickering. Adam who was behind her said, "Hey babe, what are you doing talking to this geek?" "Adam show it to her," said Marissa. "Show what?" I thought. Adam pulled out his phone and showed everyone in the cafeteria the video of me dancing and singing, "I love you Adam," in a robe with wet hair one year back. "Remember that sound in the morning?" he asked. I nodded while holding back tears that were threatening to show. "That was me and how could you think that I would even love a nerd like you?" he replied. "I told you I would get pay back. Remember?" That was when some of my tears escaped. "A-all th-that for j-just kicking your stomach?" I asked while stuttering. "I always keep my promise," was all Adam replied. He then kissed Marissa and then she said," You thought you could get him? I noticed all those glances you gave him. You are just an ugly, naive, stupid little girl." Then everyone in the cafeteria started to kick and punch me. My body ached from the horrible pain. After five minutes, everyone stopped and left the cafeteria laughing and smirking. I broke down into tears and ran back home with a broken heart and aching body. I had never missed a day of school before, even if I was sick. But I just didn't care anymore. The only reason I went to school and acted like a good girl was so that mom and dad would stay home and actually pay more attention to me. It didn't matter anymore. "I hate school," I thought. After I came home, I just went upstairs to my room and shut the door. I cried my heart out into my pillow thinking, "I will never fall in love with boys like Adam Homes."


Adam's POV 


I felt a little guilty when I saw Sophia crying remembering that she loved me but, I quickly brushed it away.



Lily's POV (Sophia's mother)


Like usual, my husband and I came back home around 10 o'clock at night. John and I were glad that we saw Sophia this morning. We almost never see her because of our work. So, John and I decided to take off a few days so that we could spend some time with our daughter. We quickly ate dinner and went to bed so that we could be awake when Sophia wakes up for school.



The Next Morning

John's POV (Sophia's father)


Me and my wife woke up at 7 o'clock so that we can help our daughter and talk about a vacation this summer. "I wonder why Sophia isn't awake yet? She is always awake before anyone else in the house," I thought. I went and opened Sophia's door. She was sobbing into her pillow. "Sophia dear, why are you crying?" I asked. "Sophia is crying?!" said Lily. I nodded my head. "Sophia, answer our question." I said. Sophia

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